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Is anyone able to translate what's going on here? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_24gCopAk2w
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The name of the run is "Door timer carry over NG+RTA" The first three text boxes are: "After peeking into the door timer save data... a new game start!" "Cut the OP after NEW GAME by looking at the OP in advance." "First, setup configuration. Open configure and set as follows Active, 6, 1, Cursor position remember During this operation, the remaining count of DOORTIMER will be 0f" I stopped after this, because I'm very bad at Japanese, and it was taking a long while to look up kanji.
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
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This sounds like a little cool translation project. Just finished Tonma so maybe I will do this today.
discord: CoolHandMike#0352
Editor, Judge, Experienced player (966)
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So this is a fairly technical video with some things I am not familiar with. Having some fun though. This translation is a second pass of the first 8 or so minutes. No idea what this Door Timer is and how to use it, but there is a separate 30 minute video in Japanese about it lol. I have "//Review" when there is something I want to go back and check. At this point it is about 4/10 complete. イべントマスとは? ドアタイマートハ? //note that Tina = Terra 1 Using the Door Timer with NG + RTA This time we will use Nintendo classic mini Super Famicon 17 //Check Look where you saved your data , start the timer, and then start A New game 21 After watching the opening in advance, the opening is cut for this new game 26 First set the config Open the config in the menu and set the settings below Battle mode active Speed 6 Message 1. Cursor - memory (kioku) During manipulation the remaining timer of the door timer count becomes 0f 33 //Review //Also eventmasu? is this "masu" some jap abbreviation? or something else? Have about 2.5 seconds pass in the menu and you have the door timer remaining time was set to (?) 0f, then from there 11 steps you can avoid the event 38 Check This time at the crossroads on the lower right open the menu, remove the Buckler, and put cursor on accessory On the 11th step the door timer is removed and you can avoid the pincer attack 48 //Review When you don't have any business in the menu your steps increase and the event masu(?) start(totsunyuu) timing changes From here walking 8 steps avoids the mega roderuck fight Next, before the mine entrance conversation walking 4 steps will avoid that 49 Now in the state of riding the magic knight armor, because it takes time to run away, in the starting mine area we make it so that no encounters occur. I set the The random seed that determines encounter patterns to 216(0xD8) Please look for more information about Seed management can be found in a link to a video in the video disc video description 1:23 計る 【はかる】 (v5r) to measure, to weigh, to survey, to time (sound, gauge, estimate), (P) 1:23 The Yumiir battle event is too close so here estimating using the the door timer sound and avoiding battle 1:20 Here we have a lot of downtime so I'll explain the rules of the RTA 1:35 The measuring begins when you start a new game and measuring ends at the end of the last battle 1:50 Also this is New Game Plus category, we are bringing in to the new game the timer and playing it. This time we brought in the door timer More about the door timer use and how to bring the door timer into the new game is explained in a video that is linked in this video's description Attacks using item equipment or the code execution type bug of the 52 Time game over bug are forbidden Not calling out the ending but completing through the normal methods is the goal 2:05 After selecting new game it is prohibited to use that save data and do anything wrong with it. The only thing allowed prior to using the save data is "to bring the door timer into the new game". 2:13 Regarding the Kohlingen Freeze, this time it is permitted. //https://i-njoy.net/ff6_kkr.html //http://www.fantasyanime.com/finalfantasy/ff6/ff6map_ruin.jpg CHECK I am of the opinion that freeze avoidance should be used as much as possible, but for that reason it takes a large amount of time and was very bothersome 2:23 That is the end of the rule explanation. You automatically acquire two sleeping bags that are left in Jan's house. 2:29 Using the door timer we are able to remove the invisible NPC that is that the entryway of John's house 2:38 Go towards the accessory store to buy the Dash Shoes (starting gil is 3000) I won't go to the storage room to retrieve the money 2:52 Repeatedly hitting A to buy the Dash shoes. You have 1500 Gill left. Open the menu and immediately equip 3:00 Following that go to the tool store. Leftover money 1100 Gill Sell the items. Buckler * 1 + 100 Gil Sleeping bag * 2 plus 500 Gill enter Buy the following items. Hi potion * 1 -3 gil enter Tent * 1 - 1200 Gill Smoke bomb? X 2 - 600 Gill Left over money 0 Gill 3:10 After buying items head towards the north of town, and advance the esper defense fight. If you follow the path in the middle the event above the bridge will occur so we avoid that. 3:27 Here we have our first encounter In this battle we will move the high potion that we bought into the bottom right item list. Thanks to the fact that we made the battle mode active, we are able to gain the time to flee while moving items. 3:42 For some reason when we enter this map Tina is once again riding in the magic armor. 4:00 Once you talk to Bannon the esper defense battle will start Divide your members like.. 4:05 Party one Yellow Tina right side (Gau) Party 2 Tina Yellow Tina Part III Yellow Tina Yellow Tina Leave out the yellow Tina from the party groups 2 From the right (Celes) and Four from the right (Edgar) 4:19 Now then, from now on things will get a bit busy so I'll explain this quickly //Review From now on " while managing the door timer we'll open the menu" will be done, however even if while in the menu the top character will be switched and the menu closed, a phenomenon occurs where the leading character will not change. After buying items head towards the north of town, and advance the esper defense fight. If you follow the path in the middle the event above the bridge will occur so we avoid that. 3:27 Here we have our first encounter In this battle we will move the high potion that we bought into the bottom right item list. Thanks to the fact thate we made the battle mode active, we are able to game the time to flee while moving items. 3:42 For some reason when we enter this map Tina is once again riding in the magic armor. 4:00 Once you talk to Bannon the esper defense battle will start Divide your members like.. 4:05 Party one Yellow Tina right side (Gau) Party 2 Tina Yellow Tina Part III Yellow Tina Yellow Tina Leave out the yellow Tina from the party groups 2 From the right (celis) and Four from the right (Edgar) 4:19 Now then, from now on things will get a bit busy so I'll explain this quickly CHECK From now on " while managing the door timer we'll open the menu" will be done, however even if while in the menu the top character will be switched and the menu closed, a phenomenon occurs where the leading character will not change. The point is the same phenomenon as the tent bug can be brought about. 4:38 The process is as followes Open the menu have 2.5 seconds pass. Party change enter walk 8 steps Open menu Change the leader Regarding Party III it is possible to do the same process (some verb not sure) Regarding Party 2 at the point of changing the leader the door timer is being managed (?) so in that case waiting 2.5 seconds is unnecessary. 5:02 The process is as followed Open the menu have 2.5 seconds pass. Party change walk 8 steps Open menu Change the leader Regarding Party III it is possible to follow the process Regarding Party 2 at the point of changing the leader the door timer is being managed (?) so in that case waiting 2.5 seconds is unnecessary. 5:02 Since this is the same phenomenon as the tent bug, using this situation changing the party will warp change each parties leading characters position. //Review In this case yellow Tina will warp to the starting position (0, 0). 5:16 Moving around outside the map we exit the esper defense fight. First from Party III (video displays map when you read "marker" or position almost always) Place the yellow Tina around the area denoted by the red mark and change leaders After leaving the map change with Party 2. As a side note during the esper defense battle dash shoes have no effect 5:42 Once party to leaves the map, the previous type of door type tent bug like warp will occur. 5:49 Open the menu 2.5 seconds wait enter party change Move 8 steps enter Open menu change leaders While waiting in the menu return Tina to the front position, and Tina will be forced to equip the high potion. Now Tina's defense will raise to 255, and after the collapse, she will be able to resist the tower's enemies' physical attacks. 6:00 Open the menu 2.5 seconds pass Party change Move 8 steps Open menu Change the leader (another map) By going around and party changing, we can warp to the previous position that party III was able to preserve, and we are able to quickly move down the mountain //that's so crazy 6:00 //Koala voiding (lol voice to text, leaving that one). While avoiding the event above the bridge we go towards the field 6:13 Tips Yellow Tina cannot join the battle The team that has the yellow Tina will become annihilated automatically upon an encounter so when walking in encounter areas let's be careful 6:26 Once you exit into the field save in slot 1 6:30 After saving go back into Narshe, exchange with party to and return to the esper defense battle Using Save manipulation, the door timer's remaining count will become 0f, so if you walk like this.... //Review //What the heck with the romanji being used here for MASU, does it mean something else? You can skip the map changing 6:27 Once you exit into the field save in slot 1 6:38 (map displayed) Change the leader and place Tina near that marker 6:43 //Review Move, and on the lower marker change to the yellow team party and preserve them there 6:49 once again leave with Part III out into the field and This time Save in Slot 2 After saving reset With the mini famicon, it is possible to do a software reset by pressing at the same time l + r + start + select within 1 second . // actual machine not sure jikai? Because this takes time, you can get a better time using the SFC actual machine 7:01 Load slot one Since Party III resumes from the field, Parties 1 and 2 have their leader character's positions warp to the positions before the reset. 7:11 Avoid the event above the bridge and go around and preserve the position within the town Preserve the position before the weapons shop back alley center position by changing the leader using Tina 7:23 Preserve the position behind the boiler that is beside the inn by changing the leader using Yellow Tina. 7:29 After preserving those positions change to Party 3 and Save in slot 3 while in the field. 7:35 Change to party 2, and head towards Figaro Castle. 7:48 Manage this so that no encounters occur in the field. However if you make a mistake walking you will have 1 encounter. 8:04 The event with the soldiers at the gate will cause the BGM to change
discord: CoolHandMike#0352
Post subject: 8:10 to 13:18
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Joined: 3/9/2019
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8:10 After traveling to the jail map switch the leader to Tina and then switch with Party III 8:15 Exit to the field and Save in slot 1 * will exit/come out before in Figaro Castle After that, open and while taking a look at the data in slot 3 then reset. 8:24 When you open the save data and look at it the memory information will temporarily change to the related data In this state when you reset, while the related data's character's positions are kept we can load the data 8:32 By resetting while taking a look at the slot 3 data right before loading slot one , tina will warp to the position from slot 3 8:41 We Advance forward after entering South Figaro cave (before collapse). Here we have our second encounter 8:45 //NOT a mistranslation. the hi potion is equipped at the moment and it raises Tina's defense to 255 for physical defense. Doodoofedoo appeared. It uses the magic attack fire that our hi potion cannot defend against. However we only have two smoke bombs so we absolutely cannot use it at this period Of time. So we pray that he does not use fire and normally run away. 8:53 The previous " resetting while looking at the data" technique was something I thought of after getting my 21-minute record. The total reset times were reduced from 8 to 4 9:05 Once you reach the turtle floor change the leader to the yellow Tina and switch with Party 3. 9:10 Go out to the field and save and Slot one After look at slot threes date and reset while looking at it. 9:22 Load from slot 1 Yellow Tina Warps to slot 3's body position 9:35 //CHECK After moving to floor 1 switch with party III 9:39 Exit to the field and Save in slot 1 Afterward reset while looking at the data in save slot 2 9:51 Load slot one Yellow Tina warps to save slot 2's body's position 10:00 When you walk and exit the cave you warp to after the collapse //Review Save in slot 1 Manipulating the save the door timers remaining count becomes 0f, so use the tent evasion and the The magic continent will be floating 10:12 By the way, if you have Celes (Yellow Tina) in Party 1 or Party 3, Celes becomes unable to move in this floating event and nothing else can be done. 10:24 Tips The falcon deck During the tower Rubble invasion point actually uses a different unique map! (displays picture) *The unique Falcon deck's maps' event arrangement //From left to right Rubble Tower Phoenix Cave Invasion Magic Stone Bahamut Acquire 10:34 If you change what tiles you walk on, the event that occurs changes! Same as the tent map (same image and caption as on 10:24) 11:48 After the floating event is done select advance We got the flying flag We return to the flight deck Change with Party III 11:56 With the soldiers at the gate event, make 2.5 seconds pass Head towards the Figaro Castle basement //check noun in here I was not sure of Walking 4 steps can make you ignore the maintenance old man 12:11 Walk around and have an enemy encounter The party is annihilated 12:16 Now the flying ship bug will activate 12:23 After this it will become very busy and difficult 12:27 Fly towards the rubble Tower Manage position to be just a little to the lower right of the rubble Tower Set the ship's heading to face towards the city Shen! 12:36 //IN LARGE FONT Now head forward with full throttle! //Review Shortly you will land in the rubble Tower! KUOOOOO!! From the sky above the city Shen go to the ship deck! Have Yellow Tina on top! *Skip even with the Door timer Change with Party 3 12:39 Since you start with the position of where you were a annihilated, leave from the top! Advance into the city of Shen! In the menu have 2.5 seconds pass and avoid the Kefka Beam event 12:50 Fuooo.... (video on right) //lol gets stuck in mountain on map. Failure example 13:06 //Review no idea what this masshu timer is Mash Timer is operating At the red circle marker position below party 1's Gau, use the party change to store the the position 13:12 Change with party 2 //again with the event masu //look above to the previous image Walk on two the tower Rubble invasion event 13:18 //Review In the first tower invasion event almost none of the retrieved characters participate, and we will be rewriting the stored positions. (even if you don't look at the video screen it will change) However Mog, Gau, Gogo, and Umaro are not participating, so we can bring into the rubble tower invasion event the prior positions that we saved
discord: CoolHandMike#0352
Post subject: 13:31 to 20:57
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Joined: 3/9/2019
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13:31 Also if you enter the rubble tower with a state where Celes or Edgar are in Party 1 or Party 3, then in this event those two become unable to be moved and the run is over. * Setzer does not move so even if he's not there it's fine. We've removed those two in the esper defense battle for this reason. 13:41 For the rubble Tower invasion re-partition the party Party one Yellow Tina Yellow Tina right edge (Gau) Party 2 Tina Yellow Tina Yellow Tina Party III Yellow Tina Yellow Tina 14:00 To start, we will send party 1 behind the Oni God using the the door timer form tent bug like warp This will be a slightly different method than before //Review 14:10 Open menu Have 2.5 seconds pass Move Before Conveyor Backward run times two Open menu Switch the leaders While in standby return the battle mode to "Wait" 14:20 Once you've prepared the warp, switch with party 2 Move forward a bit for an encounter 14:25 //is this a typo? I only see one. Unless it is that annoying enemy I vaguely remember that calls for backup. Bekutaritosu x4 are encountered On top of the enemies in the rubble Tower being difficult to run from, because there are four enemies running away normally takes a very long time Bekutaritosu can use the magic attack Fireball which is dangerous so let's use a smoke bomb 14:39 Switch to Party 3 and advance //strange phrase At the time when you switch, use the familiar technique of going on the conveyor belt backwards " while walking party change" There is the result of an encounter if you extend walking one more step It is a plain technique but critical 14:46 Once you get to around this area switch with Party 1 Warp two Gau's position and because it will be behind the Oni God you can continue on to the save room Switch with party 2 14:50 From the time of entering Shen I have a feeling that I have been walking too much so once more I use the "party change while walking". Just in case. 14:58 //Review By carefully delaying the next encounter right after moving to the floor we have an encounter We encounter Great Malboro x3 15:07 Great Malboro will only use "attack" as long as you do not do anything to them so they are safe Because of that we don't need to use a smoke bomb and we can take our time normally running away 15:11 In any case at the point of the last battle start. The mash timer's remaining count has several tens of seconds remaining. 15:14 //Review //what does this even mean with these timers... There is no reason to overly hurry, because even if you move the fastest the mash timer remaining time will only increase 最速で鼓動してもマシュタイマーの時間切れ持ちの時間が増えるだけなので、必要以上に急 ぐことはありません 15:22 By the way if you are lax in extending encounters, if you have an encounter in the outside map, you will encounter the scary "Fireball" using Bekutaritosu x4 After running return to the exterior map and switch with Party III 15:39 At the fixed position switch leaders and preserve the placement behind the Oni God. When returning to the exterior map, we use the door timer form tent bug like warp 15:43 Open the menu 2.5 seconds pass Change party Walk 8 steps Open menu Change leader 15:55 After confirming party to Warp, step into the safe point with Party 1, and save in save slot one with Party III 16:02 After saving, use party to to go and take a position near the Oni God Because it's a little far, become annihilated after preserving the position, and you return to the save point 16:09 If you become annihilated, the mash timers remaining count will return back Previously the the holding timer theory in the last battle was not effective, so from the time of saving to the time of being annihilated in this area, we must move as quickly as possible 16:17 Here we will use the last preserved smoke bomb This battle's flee time will vaguely affect the clear time, so we had to leave 1 last smoke bomb 16:28 With the power of the door timer we change the wall of the toilet map into a door and go outside of the castle Go up... Around here change the leader and save the position 16:43 Change with Party III get an encounter and get annihilated 16:51 //Check After opening again it is still under the influence of the mash timer //check verb form In any case it should hold for the last battle, so it is fine not to hurry too much 17:00 Since we have no leeway with the Encounter step count, instead of the door timer form tent bug like warp, we use the original tent bug. 17:11 Return party 1/2 outside the map, and force party to to Warp (after leaving to the outside, moving down one Step was a miss) //AH, here I see the masu being used as a noun. I am going with "square" which makes contextual sense, but why it is in romanji is mysterious We warp right before the Oni God but in actuality near the x position is off by 0x40 in a "parallel world", so even if you step on the square right before the Oni God the battle will not start. (but we also cannot enter the save room) For the meantime switch to Party 3 and move to the floor After preserving the position by switching leaders right above the switch, move to the side one step 17:34 In the state of warping into the "parallel world", by going around and party changing we are able to return to the "standard world" With this party 2 can now enter the save room //Review //text is asking what this is about? What is this about... 17:43 For the meantime switch to Party 1 and move to the floor After preserving the position by switching leaders right above the switch, move to the side one step 17:51 Finish with Party 2 moving above the switch The two parties that were shifted to the side will be warped On top of the switch using the Door timer form tent bug like warp 20:38 The last battle has started Remaining time is 27 seconds Open the item inventory and wait for that time 20:47 For this reason is why we changed the battle mode to wait If we kept it in active not only is it long on the second turn we are fearful of being annihilated from the "Shougekiha". 20:57 We have a lot of free time.... Let's use the final Smoke Bomb to liven things up Take this⭐ Ah/// //He hits the timer, the last battle was exited and the run over.
discord: CoolHandMike#0352
Player (36)
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Dang! Hats off to you! Thanks for the translation.
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Dang! Hats off to you! Thanks for the translation.
Your welcome! Going to go back and fix a couple things later too,
discord: CoolHandMike#0352
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keylie wrote:
New TAS by Eddie in 17:02.78 using ACE Link to video
Surprised this wasn't submitted, it beats the current USA version TAS by 7 minutes.
DJ Incendration Believe in Michael Girard and every speedrunner and TASer!
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