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xebra wrote:
ubertrist is far far FAR more difficult.
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krieg747 wrote:
2) Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3
  • A showdown to the death with your trainer and mentor in a field of flowers. its a perfect ending to the perfect game. also, when boss's life gets below half, the intrumental version of "snake eater" sets in and gets gradually louder until someone wins the battle. i think its beautiful.
I second this, and would also add Col. Volgin (from the same game) to the list. Both of these people's actions leading up to their battles made me really want to beat them up by the time I was finally able to fight them.
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Übertristram is definetely the best! It's just so damn fun when you try to kill them with sorceress without armor. But it's easy if you have gosu online-friends. :P I remember Duriel from times when I played singleplayer, and it was very difficult. Also very ugly. Had to get well prepared before entering its chamber.
<adelikat> I've been quoted with worse
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krieg747 wrote:
ubertrist is far far FAR more difficult.
Well, firstly, that's not even part of the game, it's an online-only promotion of sorts to renew interest in D2. Secondly, the main reason I pick Duriel is not that he's difficult, but that no one is ever prepared for him the first time they get to him. I'm a "good D2 player," whatever that means, and on top of it I'm fairly conservative when I am trying out a new game. Duriel still wrecked me the first time, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I've never died in über-Tristram, though. No matter how many tricks Blizzard thinks they have up their sleeves, I've always got a few more.
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I don't know how you played Übertristram but when I first got there I had a lot of problems (new chars, all my old were expired, no items, level 70, only two players). Each of us died about a dozen times until we brought them down. Duriel is more interesting though, even wihtout the lag up until whenever they patched the preloader into the game. Anyway: Kirbys Dreamland for NES. Those bosses rock.
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I thought Kirby's Dream Land was for Game Boy!
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Gorash wrote:
I don't know how you played Übertristram but when I first got there I had a lot of problems (new chars, all my old were expired, no items, level 70, only two players). Each of us died about a dozen times until we brought them down.
I suppose I must have played it well, then. I'm not sure only having two people is detrimental. I've never actually done an über-Tristram run with more than two people (though I've only done it like 9 times, and I traded for the body parts [farming keys, no thanks]), but I've heard stories of full games of 8 people dying a few thousand times over the span of 3 hours before giving up. I'm curious how long it took you the first time.
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Über-Tristram isn't so bad once you've gotten rid of Mephisto - once he's gone, Diablo and Baal are easy to take care of (Baal being significantly easier than Diablo, in my opinion). Duriel is definitely at the top of my list, but one thing that annoys me to no end is that people seem to think Duriel is female - what an insult to the Lord of Pain!
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nitsuja wrote:
"CERBERUS alpha" (Lunar), the multi-stage wolf/motorcycle riding boss that shoots giant ride-able missiles at you. I think that's my favorite boss fight of any game, actually.
I think fighting all three members of the Beastector in that one giant robot forms was also cool. Both fights are tied for me.
NrgSpoon wrote:
Shadow of the Colossus.
Specifically the Phoenix fight. I was very anxious for the whole fight for fear of falling. Also, for input, fighting Arma 3 in Demon's Crest, and killing Diaz in Hyrbid Heaven. Oh, and clashing with the paladins on the sacrificial rocks in Guild Wars
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
I thought Kirby's Dream Land was for Game Boy!
Kirby's Adventure then, I think of all Kirby games as Kirby's Dreamland. As for my first Tristram, chars were a hybrid skel/boner necro and an orb/meteor sorc. Portal opens up, we enter... and drop dead on the spot. Turns out that Baal was about a screen away, spawning happily monsters in our direction and Diablo was just inches away in the hut of Griswold, so we were in the vicinity of his Armageddon. It took us about one and a half hour to get the strategy down, after that Diablo and Baal were no problem. Mephisto took us another 2 hours. Note that at lv70 the secondary skills (bone tree, fire tree) weren't that developed, so the main problem was to do enough damage fast enough.
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Gorash wrote:
As for my first Tristram, chars were a hybrid skel/boner necro and an orb/meteor sorc.
Hehe, I can't help but chuckle at this. In my mind, those are probably the worst possible chars you could have used.
Gorash wrote:
It took us about one and a half hour to get the strategy down, after that Diablo and Baal were no problem. Mephisto took us another 2 hours.
That's similar to what many others have told me, though most people I've heard from actually gave up on their first few attempts. I admire your tenacity.
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i always thought the final fortress in Zanac to be an awsome battle to fight games with abosultely horrible/cheap final bosses: renegade, narc, TMNT 2. the boss for ninja gaiden is also very frustrating
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xebra wrote:
Hehe, I can't help but chuckle at this. In my mind, those are probably the worst possible chars you could have used.
In retrospect, yes, but no risk no fun. Also the combi was quick and reliable for getting lv70 without items.
xebra wrote:
Gorash wrote:
It took us about one and a half hour to get the strategy down, after that Diablo and Baal were no problem. Mephisto took us another 2 hours.
That's similar to what many others have told me, though most people I've heard from actually gave up on their first few attempts. I admire your tenacity.
Two bottles of whine and the persistance of self-found keys. I don't go through those vipers down in Nilathaks halls (which are by themselves a lot stronger than everthing regular) over and over, survive Lilith and then give up on the final challenge. ;) Besides, when we found the time to actually do this I saw the first guide on how to do Tristram with a single char. I calculated the rough trade value of all the stuff on the proof-of-concept character and came to the conclusion that it had about 300 times the worth of both our chars' stuff together, so I had to prove a point. What characters did you use?
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K. Rool (DKC): - In DKC, it is a little easy, but has a awesome song and there is the "Kredits" part in the middle of it. - In DKC2, first battle.. He has a lot of variations, and sometimes even getting hit you can win (the purple smoke is simply genious).. The music is excellent. - In DKC3, second battle (in Lost World). It is very hard, original and fun.. The music is not that good, but still a good fight. Bowser (Mario): - In SMB3, nice song, original fight, awesome game. - In SMW, very good song too, and the fight is not that easy.. - In Mario 64, it is way harder than the other 2 fights, but not that hard... And others that I can't remember right now =/
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I find final boss battles to be the best part of most games, but here are some that stand out for me: 1) Giygas in EarthBound. The music for the first part is AWESOME. 2) Ganon(dorf) in Zelda WW. A swordfight. 'Nuff said. 3) (SPOILER) in Tales of Symphonia. "Disappear..." 4) Ganon in Zelda OOT. Another swordfight. Again, 'nuff said. 5) The FinalHazard in Sonic Adventure 2. Flying. Through space. As Super Sonic/Shadow. 6) The Doomsday Robot (or whatever it's called) in Sonic and Knuckles. Again, flying through space as Super Sonic. But no Shadow yet. 7) King K. Rool in DKC. Awesome music, and the Kredits fakeout isn't bad either.
I'm just a spectator. There was a time when I tried to participate, but I'm really lazy, so. she/her/hers
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I like the Giegue from the first Earthbound because he has no music, just a creepy sound effect! And the way you beat him is cool.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Gorash wrote:
What characters did you use?
The first time, I was on a werewolf and my roommate was on a hammerdin. Later we tried a solo zealot and that was slower but much easier, and didn't require switching gloves ;) . Easier and faster still was the zealot and the hammerdin together. A solo barb was also very effective, and could easily kill the physical immunes by himself, but had massive mana problems until all the souls were cleared. Of course, you can always abuse pots but then it's not as much fun :P . The first time it took us 6 minutes. The fastest combination by far was the zealot and the hammerdin, which can do it in under 2 minutes. The reason the zealot/hammerdin combo is so much faster than the werewolf/hammerdin combo is because the zealot was more or less unkillable, so was a much better tank. Of course, the werewolf's poor tanking ability might have had something to do with using a 2-handed weapon and having every single stat point sunk into strength ... I also attempted to solo it with a melee sorc, but couldn't manage until my roommate came in with a necro and cast lower res. What char was used in the solo char guide? I can't imagine anything being more effective than a zealot.
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It was a hammerdin, and the chicken gave himself enchant and cries with secondary chars. Let me search for that article...
Hammerdin (89): hoto, harle, herold, maras, soj, buls, arachnid, enigma, magefist, anni, 5 charms pala combat, 4 charms pala offensive, small life charms, waterwalk Merc (might): eth. bonehew (2amn), upped duriel, gaze
And if you really did this in 6 minutes on first try you have ridiculously overpowered characters and should consider inventing a 4th difficulty. ;)
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Gorash wrote:
It was a hammerdin, and the chicken gave himself enchant and cries with secondary chars. Let me search for that article...
Enchant ... on a hammerdin? Lol, I hope the guy that wrote the guide knows enchant only affects weapon damage.
Gorash wrote:
Hammerdin (89): hoto, harle, herold, maras, soj, buls, arachnid, enigma, magefist, anni, 5 charms pala combat, 4 charms pala offensive, small life charms, waterwalk Merc (might): eth. bonehew (2amn), upped duriel, gaze
Bahahahahahaha. That's the newbiest setup I've heard in a while. Thanks for the great laugh :) .
Gorash wrote:
And if you really did this in 6 minutes on first try you have ridiculously overpowered characters and should consider inventing a 4th difficulty. ;)
It's been said before ;) . If you wanted to get on East some time and mess around, I might be amenable to shooting the breeze for a little while. I haven't logged on D2 since ... well, since 2 days after über-Tristram debuted, whenever that was.
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Bahahahahahaha. That's the newbiest setup I've heard in a while. Thanks for the great laugh :) .
as a 5-year veteran of d2, i would have to say that that hes right harle - stock "good" helm, meh herald - unless its p-double upped, it aint no tempered p-exile with 1.6k def buls - idk which buls youre talking about, but both suck, ESPECIALLY on a hammerdin offensive charms - why? waterwalk - get some nice rare duped ones. waterwalks are .08 "good" might merc - all might mercs need upped gaze, and a weapon or helm that both give helpful auras. the items escape me becuase i havent played since a week after 1.11 came out (bots broke :( )
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krieg747 wrote:
Bahahahahahaha. That's the newbiest setup I've heard in a while. Thanks for the great laugh :) .
buls - idk which buls youre talking about, but both suck, ESPECIALLY on a hammerdin
If it's next to a soj it might be the wedding band...
offensive charms - why?
more conc = more dam? I wouldn't know, none of my chars has more than one skill charm.
waterwalk - get some nice rare duped ones. waterwalks are .08 "good" might merc - all might mercs need upped gaze, and a weapon or helm that both give helpful auras. the items escape me becuase i havent played since a week after 1.11 came out (bots broke :( )
I'll just hope you are kidding about duped items and bots...
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Gorash wrote:
If it's next to a soj it might be the wedding band...
That's clearly what he meant ... but ... there are three kinds of hammerdins: those that use only one stone because they can afford the best setup, those that use one stone (or less) because they can't afford anything, and the 99% inbetween that use two stones because they think it's the best setup. Now, there's nothing wrong with being a newb, but it's always funny when you read a guide by someone who thinks they are the shiz when they don't have a clue.
Gorash wrote:
more conc = more dam? I wouldn't know, none of my chars has more than one skill charm.
More points in hammer is always better than more points in conc.
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Gorash wrote:
I'll just hope you are kidding about duped items and bots...
in every game, there is a point at which you (the player) know nearly everything about the game and your skill level plateaus. after you know all the techniques and in-game exploits, the only way to improve how good your character performs is with what its wearing. duped items are duped for one reason: theyre a superior alternative to a normal item. thats why theyre duped. if they werent strategically better in some amazing way, people wouldnt dupe them and/or seek them. also, the game is 95% luck and time invested. the more time you invest, the more likely your luck is to pay off with an amazing item. with a bot, you invest many many times more time than you would with playing, which will theoretically yield superior items. also, there is a certain degree of skill required with configuring your program. its not just mindless item snagging. you have to be intelligent enough to tell the program what is good, and what to keep or discard, and establish an item picking priority when space is not available. yes, i understand that duped items and bots are "cheating" in the eyes of some people, but in terms of mastering the game, its just "thinking outside the box"
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I got a good one. Last boss from Prince of Persia 2. You fight him in this cool surreal realm full of impossible angles and platforms to chase him on. Last boss of prince of persia the two throwns is also good.
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1): Wart from SMB2 (USA). The music and funky colors in that final room were really quite the contrast from the rest of that particular level. Sure the boss was pretty easy, but it felt good when I finally took him down. 2): Ganon from the original Zelda. I think a lot of the older games seem much "better" to me because back then there wasn't the internet around to completely spoil every last aspect of the game. Back then, when you finally got to Ganon it was a great surprise to finally see him. It gave you that great adrenaline rush. 3): All the bosses from Zelda: OoT. This game was put together so perfectly in terms of the boss battles. All of them seemed to really pull you in and get you psyched for the fight.