To sync the run:

  • Emulator used: Dolphin 4.0-4222
  • No external dsp_*.bin files needed
  • No Memory Card
  • Game Version: USA
  • SHA1 Hash: 70c7ae65cd83c65675e279cd15cbf69cdda29565


  • Completes Sonic's Story
  • Aims for fastest time
  • Manipulates luck
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Abuses glitches

Timing information

This run aims to complete the Sonic's Story as fast as possible. Following TASVideos's standards, the TAS timing begins on game startup and ends on last input.
  • 29:57.55 (frame numbers, with loading times)
  • 24:19.72 (VI numbers, without loading times)

Emulator information

I used a custom version of Dolphin 4.0-4222 that allows the use of lua scripts, including functionality for an on-screen RAM Watch. The build can be found here: (this custom version is not necessary to playback the TAS). I mainly used the GetSpecificAngle script, which automatically calculates analog stick values to give Sonic a specific facing angle no matter the camera position.

Commonly used techniques

TAS Spindashing
This is the most commonly used technique in the run. When Sonic's speed reaches 10 on flat ground, it’s impossible to increase it further. Therefore, performing a spindash while Sonic’s speed is already above 10 is ineffective. The optimal strategy for maintaining maximum speed is to wait until Sonic's speed drops to 9.99, charge a spindash for 2 frames, and then release it. This boosts Sonic’s speed to 10.39. Once his speed decreases back to 9.99, repeat the process. This technique is a key reason why this TAS includes fewer spindashes compared to previous TASes for this character. A more in-depth demonstration/explanation of this mechanic can be found here:
Rolling Slope
When Sonic is on a slope, spindashing repeatedly is unnecessary, because the slope naturally increases his speed. Instead, you should release the spindash as soon as Sonic is on the slope and let him roll in a ball until the slope ends. A great example of this can be seen at 14:12 in the video submission, where Sonic rolls through most of the cave. This is also one of the reasons why this TAS uses fewer spindashes compared to previous TASes for this character in the game.
Storage Spindash
When Sonic performs a spindash, his current forward speed (F speed) is saved and unleashed when you release the spindash. This technique is commonly used at the bottom of slopes to take advantage of the high speed generated while rolling downhill. For instance, in Lost World at 5.75, a speed of approximately 16.63 is stored and then released in the flame tunnel, allowing you to enter the tunnel with a starting speed of around 16.63.
Homing Attack Cancel
Pressing X or B after performing a homing attack to cancel it allows you to have much more speed than a classic homing attack. useful when sonic needs to travel a significant distance in the air
Homing Attack Spindash
Pressing A to perform a homing attack one frame before reaching the ground allows Sonic to reach around 4.5 speed, this technique is often used after a long jump which does not require homing attack cancel. if Sonic is above 4.5 in speed, doing an homing attack spindash is useless, since the homing attack necessarily resets Sonic's speed to 4.5 regardless of his initial speed.
Spindash Hover
By holding A while charging a spindash that goes towards mid-air and continue holding A, you can extend your spindash distance and hover for some seconds, so you can reach places that are far faster than doing a jump right after the spindash.
Pause Hovering
This technique involves pressing Start and then pressing A one frame later to pause the game for one frame and press the "Continue" button. By doing this, Sonic can hover mid-air when A is pressed. It's similar to the spindash hover, the only difference is that the hover of the spindash hover is performed as soon as Sonic is in the air, just after releasing the spindash, while the hover of the pause hovering is used as soon as the pause menu is closed. This technique is rarely used because pausing for a frame costs one frame. For pause hovering to be worthwhile, it must save at least two frames overall.
Gravity Control / Gravity Glitch
Gravity control does not directly depend on how long you maintain rotated X/Z angles, but it depends on making sure you have enough "total speed". If the hypotenuse between forward and vertical speed (sqrt(Fspd^2 + Vspd^2)) is greater than 5, you will maintain whatever X/Z angles you have. Usually this means that you have to fall for a while so you have enough Vspd by the time your Fspd decreases to below 5, but how much time that takes varies depending on initial speed and trajectory. The best example of this is in Windy Valley Act 3, I release a spindash on the edge of the platform, I keep the same angle for 2 seconds, and Sonic can fall with a curved gravity until the end of the stage.
When you release a spindash to trigger a gravity control, Sonic can run on a wall if his gravity angle closely matches the wall’s angle. For example, if you adjust Sonic's gravity to tilt 45° to the left, and there’s a perfectly vertical wall on the left (90° from the ground), Sonic will be able to land on it and run along its surface.
Rocket Bonk
A technique used in Speed ​​Highway and Red Mountain, it consists of making a bonk against one of the walls of a rocket before taking it, this allows Sonic's velocity to be reduced throughout the flight of the rocket, so that when you release the rocket, Sonic falls down very fast.

The Route

  • The route used during this TAS is different than the one normally used when you play as a casual player. This route is called the "TAS Route" because it was used for the first time during the first Sonic's Story TAS by Tales98 in 2012. It consists of going to Casinopolis after Emerald Coast. this route is faster because we spend a little less time in the hub, and it allows you to do an additional glitch (the clip to enter the train after casinopolis).
  • I also don't take the crystal ring in this TAS, because it's too slow to take it.

Stage by stage comments

Chaos 0

  • Before the boss starts, we do a spindash at the end of the cutscene, so that Sonic is right in front of the boss before the first hit.
  • Chaos 0 is still picked up by the homing attack, although invulnerable. So for the last hit, with a perfectly timed homing attack, you can ride Sonic to the top of the lights with him, and hit him on the lights.

Emerald Coast

  • Act 1 :
    • The whale skip, a strat which saves a second, towards the beginning of the bridge we stop Sonic so that the whale catches up, we jump so that it propels Sonic to the left to reach the end of the second part of the bridge.
    • Then we do the lighthouse wall run which is a second faster.
  • Act 2 :
    • Around 35 seconds into the stage, I do a pause hover then a spindash + jump to skip the panels or springs which are normally necessary to reach the top.

Enter Casinopolis

  • Here we enter the casino courtyard by getting through the door by a low amount of time, but enough to hit the trigger.
  • And to enter Casinopolis I simply clip in the corner of the front door.


A well-known technique here, normally you have to collect 400 rings to finish this level, here we clip a wall, then we do a spindash + jump on the gold coins to reach the emerald from the bottom.

After Casinopolis

Here I clip the ceiling of the station and I do a homing attack cancel to land directly in the train, here the door is closed, but whether it is closed or not, this clip is in any case much faster, this clip is used 4 times throughout the run, so I won't explain it again.

Egg Hornet

  • The strat here is to spam the A button, and wait for the boss to get up before doing the last hit, so that he gets up faster.
  • If you are curious about the glitch in Sonic's running animation that I do at 9 seconds into the boss, there are several ways to create it. one way is to land after a jump, wait 3 frames, and do this manipulation three times: "X" for 1 frame, release "X" for 1 frame, "B" for 1 frame (so you have to do 3 spindash as quickly as possible). the animation cancels if you do a jump, spindash, or if you stop and walk again. I used it in Egg Hornet, Chaos 4, Chaos 6 and Egg Vipper

Windy Valley

In the Act 1 we do a triple OOB.
  • Act 1 :
    • The first only saves a few frames, to have a straighter line.
    • The second is interesting, it consists of using the part of the level which belongs to Gamma, which allows you to skip a good part of Sonic's route.
    • And the last one allows you to skip the animation of Sonic flying up to the tornado.
  • Act 3 :
    • At the start of Act 3 we press "Restart" with the pause menu, to go down to the road faster.
    • Then like I said in the "Gravity control / Gravity glitch" explanation, I release a spindash on the edge of the platform, I keep the same angle for 2 seconds, and Sonic can fall with a curved gravity until the end of the stage.

After Windy Valley

  • I chose to do a wallrun, to go up the mountain and enter the train from the back instead of the front, it's only 1 frame faster because we cover more distance but we spend less time in the airs.
  • Then after the sewers, I do a clip to reach the station entrance trigger. This clip is normally used after Speed ​​Highway, but I also used it here, it's faster even if the door is open

Enter Ice Cap / After Ice Cap

  • After taking the train, I make a clip which is normally used in Tails' RTA runs. This consists of using a rock to propel Sonic and clip on the right side of the cave entrance. We do this because there is an invisible wall in front of the entrance to the cave which takes about 3 seconds to be removed, and this wall is a hindrance if we get here as quickly as possible, it is therefore faster to clip, than to wait for the invisible wall to be removed.
  • Here is one of the biggest changes of this TAS compared to the old Sonic TASes, here we do the "Ice Key Skip" which consists of not taking the Ice key to open the entrance door to Ice Cap, and clip on the way there and back because the door is logically closed. There are many ways to clip the entrance, the quickest is to run to the ceiling and bump against the top of the door.
  • For the cave outlet clip, (new strat) there is simply a hole in the right side of the cave

Ice Cap

In the Act 2, I clip the invisible wall and the door (nothing new here)

Enter Twinkle Park

  • After talking to Amy, instead of using the usual route through the hotel, I use the clip that I usually use to enter the train, but this time, I land next to the train, I spindash using the stairs, until reaching the door. Then I release a spindash on the right side of the door to hit the trigger.
  • (11:38 in the video submission) Afterwards if you listen carefully, I do a jump and a Homing Attack before spindashing, which may seem strange. When you press X or B next to the NPC, your character will stop and the NPC will speak to the character. And here you can see that there is an NPC right next to Sonic, so I jump, and I press X to talk to the NPC in the air, except that it is not possible to talk to the NPC in the air, so Sonic will stop BUT he will not talk to the NPC. So I jump, except that the jump animation is canceled, and I can immediately do a Homing Attack Spindash.

Twinkle Park

  • Act 1 :
    • I used the pink car, the only reason I used this car is because I enter the pink car and at the same time the light blue car is destroyed, which gives a big speed boost, this avoids to have to increase the car's speed from 0.
    • In Twinkle Park the speed of Sonic's car increases every 10 rings, so having 40 rings with the RNG ring capsule is necessary.
    • Then we do the Twinkle Park Skip Skip Skip, about 16 seconds into the level, which consists of skipping more than 50% of the circuit passing above the killplanes to directly fall onto the loppings.
  • Act 2 :
    • (new strat) I noticed that it was possible for Sonic to land on the top of the barriers, so I tried to spindash on it and I realized that I could spindash along the entire length of the barrier and reach the capsule. It's about 0.6 faster, because with the basic method you have to do a spindash + jump to go over the barrier, but you have to wait for Sonic to touch the ground before spindashing again, here no need to wait.

Enter Speed Highway

Here instead of using the card to open the door and enter Speed ​​Highway, I use Knuckles' entrance, by clipping on the right corner of the door

Speed Highway

  • Act 1 :
    • About 5 seconds into the level, I do a gravity control as low as possible on the wall, then I pause hover, and I clip the fence. The pause hover here is essential it allows you to go much further in the air.
    • The following strat was found by FusionVaria/itsPersonal, this consists of using the looping acceleration panel, jumping by touching the looping to skip it, then use the 2 platforms that are in the air instead of using the rocket, it's about 0.50s faster.
  • Act 2:
    • On the wall only with speed shoes, it's faster to run and move. If you don't move you get 16.00 speed, if you move you get 16.31 speed. So the best way I found is to stick Sonic to the wall to get 16.31.
    • To dodge those fenses, the quickest way was to jump, but if you jump with Sonic stuck to a wall he will jump but only for a few frames (all those little jumps are frame perfect), and being in a spindash is still faster if you don't have the speed shoes.
    • Then at the end of Act 2, putting Sonic stuck to the wall allows you to do a wall run at the end, going down from the wall Sonic's speed increases more and more but when I hit the ground, I lose half of the speed that I had initially built, this happens because there is a gap between the wall and the ground, so it is not possible to keep all of Sonic's speed to release it once on the ground.
  • Act 3:
    • Here I simply do the usual clip to skip the entire act.

After Speed Highway

Like I said in the "After Windy Valley" part, I do a clip to reach the station entrance trigger. This means you don't need to go through the hotel, using the station trigger is enough to trigger the next cutscene.

Red Mountain

  • Act 1 :
    • (15.11) I do a gravity control, then a wallrun, in another wallrun, and that's the weird part. Because this gravity glitch at 16.55 is very special, normally if you jump after a wallrun, Sonic will go up, but here no, Sonic goes down. Here since Sonic is a little upside down at the time of the jump, he jumps down and his half-reversed gravity is kept for a few seconds.
  • Act 2 :
    • A new skip here, the left wall has a gap between the wall and the ground, so here i jump just before hitting the wall, so that the wall pushes Sonic down and i go through the gap.
    • For the end, this time instead of doing a bonk on the rocket, I use the edge of the rocket to do a gravity control and do a wallrun until the end.

Sky Deck

  • Act 1 :
    • At the beginning, the fence facing Sonic are solid, but there is a gap between the front and side fence, so if you place yourself far enough from one side of the bridge without touching the side fence, you can pass through this gap.
    • (17.58) here a pretty funny thing, you can hear Sonic say "woohoo!", in fact it happens normally because if you hang on to the ladder, a second later the ladder breaks and Sonic partially falls and that's when Sonic says “woohoo!”. but here I hung on to the ladder but at the very end of it and for a single frame, I used it to give me an extrat jump and did a homing attack cancel to reach the next part faster, and one second later, I was halfway the bridge but Sonic still says "woohoo!", because I touched the ladder earlier.
  • Act 2 :
    • During the transitions between acts I used the sides of the rockets:
    • act 1 > 2, I place Sonic to the right of the rocket to fall faster on the ground at the start of act 2.
    • act 2 > 3, the opposite, here I place Sonic on the left to have a higher angle at the start of act 3.
    • For these 2 strats it is necessary to release the spindash at the exact frame of the change of act.
  • Act 3 :
    • (39.56) A new clip here, between the yellow pipe and the wall there is a gap, so we can enter directly into the last part of the level and reach the capsule.

After Gamma Fight

  • Here you normally have to enter through a door which is at the bottom, then go up to eggman's room from the inside, except that here I reach this room from the outside by clipping the wall on the left and reaching the trigger of the outside door and all this even before the automatic cutscene is triggered.
  • Then I use the particles from Sonic's light dash to press the button.

Lost World

  • Act 1 :
    • (11.61) A new strat here, I do a gravity control on the side of the snake's structure mouth to then do a wallrun, reach the piller, spindash + jump, and reach the side of the platform, to the left of the spikes. if the spikes had been perfectly aligned at the end of the platform, this strat would not have been possible. This strat is faster by 0.3. It would have been logical for this strat to be slower, because the "snake skip" (using the side of the snake in the water to spindash + jump and reach the end) normally used in RTA runs is technically faster, but in my TAS, I arrive so quickly in the snake room, that the snake hasn't spawned yet, so I have to wait for it to spawn and it's slow, so in the case of a TAS, not using the snake is faster (by 0.3).
    • (15.20 / 30.48) in this game when you "Pause" some object hitboxes are not loaded, this is the case for these 2 doors, you have to pause for 13 frames for the first door, 23 frames for the second.
  • Act 2 :
    • (36.31) This is the "Lol skip", the concept of it was find around 2016 and was later optimized by Sora in 2018 with a consistent usable setup. It consists of using one of the small platforms that are throughout this room, to reach the bottom of the looping and reach the end of the stage, this allows you to skip the gravity switch room

Final Egg

  • Act 1 :
    • I completely reinvented the way to do the act 1 of Final Egg with 3 new strats :
    • (7.16) The idea is to use the bottom of the stage instead of using the springs which are super slow.
    • (10.68) Here I do a spindash just before hitting the wall, so that the wall pushes Sonic outside. This clip is only usefull if you do the following strat :
    • (11.15) Here for some reason the roof of this room is solid from the outside, so we can use it and do a gravity control to reach this wallrun (12.18). It's very weird that there's a wall here because it's useless, if you casually play this game you won't even see it, and it's even weirder that it's solid, and luckily it is long enough to reach the end of act 1.
  • Act 2 :
    • The Act 2 is just falling from the beginning to the end of the act by using 2 clips (14.48 / 18.95).
  • Act 3 :
    • As soon as I arrive in the Act 3 I restart, so that I can move and clip the elevator to fall to the end of the stage.


Unconfirmed Possible Improvements

  • In Red Mountain Act 2 :
    • it is apparently possible to reach the other side of the stage without hitting the lava. A member of the community informed me that he had managed to reach the other side by chance, by doing a normal F : 10 speed spindash, in non-TAS, but he did not record his gameplay and he never managed to reproduce this phenomenon again. I was stuck for more than 3 months in the progression of the TAS while trying to reproduce this phenomenon, but after a hundred hours of failure I never succeeded in reproducing this strat effectively.
    • Here I hacked my F speed by setting it to 13.01 :
    • Here instead of hacking my speed, I went back by conserving my speed going up, to increase it again going down. Here it's slower because going back up wastes a lot more time :
    • I concluded that this person possibly used an as yet undiscovered mechanism by chance, so instead of continuing to look for a solution to reach this place, I decided to give up on that, and go through the lava. It was a difficult decision because this strat could have saved more than a second to finish the level in less than 30 seconds, but I judged that I had devoted enough time to it, and that it was time for me to continue my project instead of staying stuck.

Confirmed Improvements

  • Instead of using the whale in Emerald Coast it was find found in late 2024 that you can skip it by spindashing on the invisible fence (1/2 seconds faster) :
  • A better setup for Windy Valley Act 3 gravity glitch was find on december 5th 2024, so literally 2 days after this TASVideos submissions (~2 seconds faster) :
  • At the beginning of Ice Cap, it was found in late 2023 that you can go through the side of the acceleration panel instead of jumping over it. It is currently used in RTA ILs (~0.2 seconds faster)

Special Thanks To:

Suggested Screenshots:

CoolHandMike: Claiming for judging.
CoolHandMike: Set to Needs More Info. Respond to post about truncated file.
CoolHandMike: Niczur's movie file was good, no replacement needed. This is a highly entertaining movie and extremely nice to see an improvement for this. Very good optimization. Lots of good feedback for this submission.
Happy to accept this to Standard with branch "Sonic".
Great job!

EZGames69: Processing...

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Experienced player (557)
Joined: 8/7/2012
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Location: Brazil
This is so good! I was there for the premiere release and, boy, what an experience. Every aspect of this new iteration is awesome; great optimization, really smart new strats, very nice entertainment. I also really appreciate the details throughout the submission text. Strong yes from me! Love to see this game alive!
Youtube Channel | Twitch Channel • Finished projects: GC Sonic Adventure DX - Sonic | GC Sonic Adventure DX - Tails | GC Sonic Adventure 2: Battle - Hero Story | GC Sonic Heroes - Team Sonic • Current projects: GC Sonic Adventure 2: Battle - Dark Story - 1st WIP • Paused projects: GC Sonic Adventure DX - Knuckles - 1st WIP • Individual levels records: Sonic Adventure DX | Sonic Adventure 2: Battle • My Discord: Tales98#0408
Reviewer, Skilled player (1244)
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Location: Morocco
Insanity! Yes vote!
I still learn more about English.
I wrote:
Working is the best way to achieve goals in speedruning. Hardworking is a pain.
Player (234)
Joined: 1/20/2012
Posts: 544
yessir, more of this please
Completed: 2010-Current | Sonic Adventure 2: Battle - Individual Level TASes 2014 | Spongebob: Battle For Bikini Bottom - Any% in 1:05:03.23 2014 | Sonic Adventure 2: Battle - Hero Story (w/ THC98) in 25:11.87 2016 | Metroid Prime - Any% in 00:37 (In-Game Time) 2018 | Spongebob: Battle For Bikini Bottom - Cheat% in 1:42.350 2020 | Spongebob: Battle For Bikini Bottom - Any% in 0:39:20.10 2022 | Spongebob: Battle For Bikini Bottom - Cheat% in 1:25.567 Currently working on: SA2:B DARK STORY
Editor, Judge, Experienced player (990)
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Posts: 814
Dang that was really good!
discord: CoolHandMike#0352
Editor, Reviewer, Experienced player (603)
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Location: Romania
After all these years it's finally here. These 30 minutes were extremely enjoyable! Yes vote
TASing is like making a film: only the best takes are shown in the final movie.
Joined: 2/24/2023
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Easy yes from me! This TAS was so entertaining all around!
Editor, Judge, Experienced player (990)
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Hello Niczur, could you please try this truncated version of the file to see if this works for you? This should be about 30 frames shorter by truncating the input. Boss seems to die at the same time as original post.
discord: CoolHandMike#0352
Post subject: Truncated version test
Active player (268)
Joined: 11/29/2024
Posts: 1
The issue with this truncated version is that Sonic dies and the boss restarts after the last hit. Normally the homing attack is used to return to a platform so that sonic does not die, and credits can be played
Skilled player (1698)
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Niczur wrote:
The issue with this truncated version is that Sonic dies and the boss restarts after the last hit. Normally the homing attack is used to return to a platform so that sonic does not die, and credits can be played
Oops! Yes you are right. Will leave the existing file as is.
discord: CoolHandMike#0352
Publisher, Reviewer, Expert player (4596)
Joined: 5/29/2017
Posts: 2780
Is there a reason why the on screen UI sometimes disappears like at the end of Emerald Coast or in the first Eggman fight?
[14:15] <feos> WinDOES what DOSn't 12:33:44 PM <Mothrayas> "I got an oof with my game!" Mothrayas Today at 12:22: <Colin> thank you for supporting noble causes such as my feet MemoryTAS Today at 11:55 AM: you wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face with a giant fish [Today at 4:51 PM] Mothrayas: although if you like your own tweets that's the online equivalent of sniffing your own farts and probably tells a lot about you as a person MemoryTAS Today at 7:01 PM: But I exert big staff energy honestly lol Samsara Today at 1:20 PM: wouldn't ACE in a real life TAS just stand for Actually Cease Existing
Post subject: Movie published
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Posts: 15978
This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [6309] GC Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut "Sonic" by Niczur in 29:57.57