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Player (53)
Joined: 4/1/2016
Posts: 298
Location: Cornelia Castle
I know that the Stairs Glitch is where you climb 70 stairs and certain things happen. For a credits warp, you need to get 56 houses, 57 heals and 201 Pures (the way to get 201 is underflow the pure-count and drink 54 in battle.) Use down to 32 houses, save only with the last one and jump to your inventory (with a code) to get the credits rolling.
DJ Incendration Believe in Michael Girard and every speedrunner and TASer!
Active player (438)
Joined: 9/27/2004
Posts: 650
Location: Canada
DJ Incendration wrote:
I know that the Stairs Glitch is where you climb 70 stairs and certain things happen. For a credits warp, you need to get 56 houses, 57 heals and 201 Pures (the way to get 201 is underflow the pure-count and drink 54 in battle.) Use down to 32 houses, save only with the last one and jump to your inventory (with a code) to get the credits rolling.
Sounds like you have the tools already with the pastebin and the notes and stuff. Here's a video of an RTA playthrough of the credits warp route so you can visualize the setups. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo0CtjU_T_c
Joined: 9/12/2014
Posts: 545
Location: Waterford, MI
FatRatKnight wrote:
Not sure how interesting this restriction will be, but it is a thought. "No run away." For sake of rules interpretation, selecting run is allowed, but successfully running is not. Save-reset trick will be a side-stepping of the proposed rule in the effort to avoid encounters without technically running away. This will only for the overworld, at least, so I'll leave it up to others to decide on whether to include "no reset" on top of "no run away." I'm curious what the implications are for never running away. Sure, you'll get more levels. You'll probably manipulate fewer enemies where possible for faster fights. How avoidable is damage with the limited RNG? Will it be worth it to have more than one standing character? Does this restriction give better variation for this game? At the moment, I find this thought interesting. I have no intention of following through with the thought, but I would share it in case someone else finds it interesting as well.
I'd like to see a run with those restrictions. Having those restrictions would also make money routing more interesting too. As for the length, I believe it would take less than 2h30m. Would also make any RPG run more action packed.
Skilled player (1800)
Joined: 5/7/2008
Posts: 187
Location: Japan
従来より32階層でのメニューオープンでゲームがフリーズすることが知られていました。 32回の昇降後に単にメニューを開くだけだと"40:RTI"を踏んでしまうため、$0312に到達することが出来ません。
      00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
0300: 10 05 7A 10 06 00 07 0C 05 06 40 40 04 04 30 40
0303:10 06     BPL $030B
030B:40        RTI
      00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
0300: 10 05 7A 10 06 00 01 13 02 00 80 7A 80 7A 80 00
0303:10 06     BPL $030B
030B:7A        NOP
030C:80 7A     NOP #$7A
030E:80 00     NOP #$00
0310:01 00     ORA ($00,X) @ $0000 = #$00
0F:C93A:20 2B E9  JSR $E92B
0F:C93D:A9 0D     LDA #$0D
0F:C93F:20 03 FE  JSR $FE03
0F:C942:20 03 B8  JSR $B803
0F:C945:4C 3A C9  JMP $C93A
このループのどこかに飛ぶことが出来ればカオスを呼び出すことなくゲームを終えることが可能ですが、0xC9や0x44以下の文字は登録できない上に7byteしか自由に使えないので非常に困難です。 そこで、スタックに既に積まれている0xC9を再利用し、0x38-0x44の値を"48:PHA"でプッシュすれば"60:RTS"でエンディングシーケンスへリターンすることが可能になります。 条件を満たすためには A = X = 0x38 or 0x3F に3byte、"9A:TXS(SP=X)"に1byte、"48:PHA"に1byte、0x5C-0x6Fが使用不能文字なので"60:RTS"を含んでいるアドレスにジャンプするために"4C:JMP $****"で3byte、合計8byteが必要になります。 残念なことに1byte足りないので無理やり捻出する事を考えます。 "48:PHA"からはじまり"60:RTS"で終わるサブルーチンがあれば1byteを削減できるので、探した結果ふたつの名前が候補に上がりました。 4人目の名前は「ちごあゆ」か「ちごにむ」のどちらかが使え、入力が楽なのは前者ですがムービーの最後に入力が余計に必要になるのでTASには向きません。 2人目の名前には "AF:LAX $****" という illegal opcode を使います、これにより37*2種類の候補の名前からカーソル移動の一番少ないものを選択できます。 「よるえき」という文字がカーソル移動10回で済むので、多分これが一番早いと思います。
      00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
0300: 10 05 7A 10 06 00 01 13 02 00 80 7A 80 7A 80 00 
0310: 01 00 AF B2 8D 90 15 0C 13 06 B0 40 12 04 A0 40 
0320: 02 00 4C 51 50 55 07 18 05 12 40 A0 04 10 30 A0
0330: 03 00 9A 4C 9F AA 15 18 13 12 B0 A0 12 10 A0 A0
$0310:01 00     ORA ($00,X) @ $0000 = #$00 A:05 X:05 Y:0E S:11 P:nvubdIzc
$0312:AF B2 8D  LAX $8DB2 = #$38           A:05 X:05 Y:0E S:11 P:nvubdIzc -- A = X = #$38 
$0315:90 15     BCC $032C                  A:38 X:38 Y:0E S:11 P:nvubdIzc 
$032C:04 A0     NOP $A0                    A:38 X:38 Y:0E S:11 P:nvubdIzc
$032E:30 A0     BMI $02D0                  A:38 X:38 Y:0E S:11 P:nvubdIzc
$0330:03        ASO ($00,X) @ $010B = #$00 A:38 X:38 Y:0E S:11 P:nvubdIzc -- * Be careful *
$0332:9A        TXS                        A:38 X:38 Y:0E S:11 P:nvubdIzc -- SP = X
$0333:4C 9F AA  JMP $AA9F                  A:38 X:38 Y:0E S:38 P:nvubdIzc
$AA9F:48        PHA                        A:38 X:38 Y:0E S:38 P:nvubdIzc
$FE2D:60        RTS                        A:00 X:EF Y:00 S:37 P:nvubdIZC
$C939:0E 20 2B  ASL $2B20 = #$08           A:00 X:EF Y:00 S:39 P:nvubdIZC -- Wrong address
$C93C:E9 A9     SBC #$A9                   A:00 X:EF Y:00 S:39 P:nvubdIZc
$C93E:0D 20 03  ORA $0320 = #$02           A:56 X:EF Y:00 S:39 P:nvubdIzc
$C941:FE 20 03  INC $0320,X @ $040F = #$00 A:56 X:EF Y:00 S:39 P:nvubdIzc
$C944:B8        CLV                        A:56 X:EF Y:00 S:39 P:nvubdIzc
$C945:4C 3A C9  JMP $C93A                  A:56 X:EF Y:00 S:39 P:nvubdIzc

$C93A:20 2B E9  JSR $E92B                  A:56 X:EF Y:00 S:39 P:nvubdIzc -- Correct address
$C93D:A9 0D     LDA #$0D                   A:FF X:00 Y:00 S:39 P:nvubdIZC 
$C93F:20 03 FE  JSR $FE03                  A:0D X:00 Y:00 S:39 P:nvubdIzC -- Bank Change
$C942:20 03 B8  JSR $B803                  A:00 X:00 Y:00 S:39 P:nvubdIZC -- Ending Sequence
ここで注意が必要なのは、4人目の職業が赤魔道士[03]の場合Aの値が$010Bの値とAの論理和になるが、$010Bはエミュレータの初期化パターンによって#$00になっている。 $010Bの初期値はコンソールによって個体差があるので白魔道士[04]でなければ成功しない事がある。
Stack 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
0100: FF 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF 68 E1
0110: 02 03 0E BA 62 B8 EB AD 45 CA F6 C8 92 C9 01 18
0120: 00 0B 05 92 C9 01 08 00 0B 05 92 C9 01 18 00 0B
0130: 05 92 C9 01 08 00 0B 05 92 C9 01 18 00 0B 05 92
Character List
8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 48 49 4A 4B 4C
 あ い う え お   が ぎ ぐ げ ご
8F 90 91 92 93 4D 4E 4F 50 51
 か き く け こ   ざ じ ず ぜ ぞ
94 95 96 97 98 52 53 54 55 56
 さ し す せ そ   だ ぢ づ で ど
99 9A 9B 9C 9D 57 58 59 5A 5B
 た ち つ て と   ば び ぶ べ ぼ
9E 9F A0 A1 A2 70 71 72 73 74
 な に ぬ ね の   ぱ ぴ ぷ ぺ ぽ
A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 7C 7D 7E 7F B9
 は ひ ふ へ ほ   ゃ ゅ ょ っ 。
A8 A9 AA AB AC 80 81 82 83 84
 ま み む め も   0 1 2 3 4
AD AE AF B0 B1 85 86 87 88 89
 ら り る れ ろ   5 6 7 8 9
B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 C2 C4 C5 C3 FF
 や ゆ よ わ ん   - ! ? ‥  
Player (53)
Joined: 4/1/2016
Posts: 298
Location: Cornelia Castle
Inzult wrote:
DJ Incendration wrote:
I know that the Stairs Glitch is where you climb 70 stairs and certain things happen. For a credits warp, you need to get 56 houses, 57 heals and 201 Pures (the way to get 201 is underflow the pure-count and drink 54 in battle.) Use down to 32 houses, save only with the last one and jump to your inventory (with a code) to get the credits rolling.
Sounds like you have the tools already with the pastebin and the notes and stuff. Here's a video of an RTA playthrough of the credits warp route so you can visualize the setups. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo0CtjU_T_c
So, the run has been taken down. Where's the pastebin again?
DJ Incendration Believe in Michael Girard and every speedrunner and TASer!
Post subject: Corrected JP character table
Player (144)
Joined: 6/26/2018
Posts: 185
pirohiko wrote:
Character List
I discovered some errors in the character table. Here is a corrected table. It is found at 0xa013 in the JP ROM. The corresponding table is at 0xa011 in the NA ROM, and is called lut_NameInput in the disassembly.
8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 48 49 4A 4B 4C
あ い う え お が ぎ ぐ げ ご
8F 90 91 92 93 4D 4E 4F 50 51
か き く け こ ざ じ ず ぜ ぞ
94 95 96 97 98 52 53 54 55 56
さ し す せ そ だ ぢ づ で ど
99 9A 9B 9C 9D 57 58 59 5A 5B
た ち つ て と ば び ぶ べ ぼ
9E 9F A0 A1 A2 70 71 72 73 74
な に ぬ ね の ぱ ぴ ぷ ぺ ぽ
A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 7D 7E 7F 7C B9
は ひ ふ へ ほ ゃ ゅ ょ っ 。
A8 A9 AA AB AC 80 81 82 83 84
ま み む め も 0 1 2 3 4
B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 85 86 87 88 89
ら り る れ ろ 5 6 7 8 9
AD AE AF B5 B6 C2 C4 C5 C3 FF
や ゆ よ わ ん - ! ?  ‥  
The corrections are:
  • ゃゅょっ is 7D 7E 7F 7C, not 7C 7D 7E 7F.
  • らりるれろやゆよ is B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 AD AE AF, not AD AE AF B0 B1 B2 B3 B4.
Here it is as a Python table, for convenience:
    0x8a: "あ", 0x8b: "い", 0x8c: "う", 0x8d: "え", 0x8e: "お", 0x48: "が", 0x49: "ぎ", 0x4a: "ぐ", 0x4b: "げ", 0x4c: "ご",
    0x8f: "か", 0x90: "き", 0x91: "く", 0x92: "け", 0x93: "こ", 0x4d: "ざ", 0x4e: "じ", 0x4f: "ず", 0x50: "ぜ", 0x51: "ぞ",
    0x94: "さ", 0x95: "し", 0x96: "す", 0x97: "せ", 0x98: "そ", 0x52: "だ", 0x53: "ぢ", 0x54: "づ", 0x55: "で", 0x56: "ど",
    0x99: "た", 0x9a: "ち", 0x9b: "つ", 0x9c: "て", 0x9d: "と", 0x57: "ば", 0x58: "び", 0x59: "ぶ", 0x5a: "べ", 0x5b: "ぼ",
    0x9e: "な", 0x9f: "に", 0xa0: "ぬ", 0xa1: "ね", 0xa2: "の", 0x70: "ぱ", 0x71: "ぴ", 0x72: "ぷ", 0x73: "ぺ", 0x74: "ぽ",
    0xa3: "は", 0xa4: "ひ", 0xa5: "ふ", 0xa6: "へ", 0xa7: "ほ", 0x7d: "ゃ", 0x7e: "ゅ", 0x7f: "ょ", 0x7c: "っ", 0xb9: "。",
    0xa8: "ま", 0xa9: "み", 0xaa: "む", 0xab: "め", 0xac: "も", 0x80: "0", 0x81: "1", 0x82: "2", 0x83: "3", 0x84: "4",
    0xb0: "ら", 0xb1: "り", 0xb2: "る", 0xb3: "れ", 0xb4: "ろ", 0x85: "5", 0x86: "6", 0x87: "7", 0x88: "8", 0x89: "9",
    0xad: "や", 0xae: "ゆ", 0xaf: "よ", 0xb5: "わ", 0xb6: "ん", 0xc2: "-", 0xc4: "!", 0xc5: "?", 0xc3:  "‥", 0xff: " ",
Post subject: Name entry cursor movement
Player (144)
Joined: 6/26/2018
Posts: 185
I haven't seen documentation of optimized cursor movement on the name entry menu, even though some published runs take advantage of it. I've posted new notes at Wiki: GameResources/NES/FinalFantasy1?revision=3#NameEntry. In short, the name entry of [2079] NES Final Fantasy by TheAxeMan in 1:09:57.70 could be done up to 5 frames faster; the name entry in [4468] NES Final Fantasy "game end glitch" by AmaizumiUni, Spikestuff & DJ Incendration in 01:36.47 is already optimized. Naively, to move the cursor from one point to another on the name entry screen, you would alternate between 1 frame of pressing a directional button and 1 frame of no input. When you need to do a diagonal movement, you save time by alternating the two directional buttons you need to press. For example, moving 2 spaces down and 3 spaces right (2D3R), a total distance of 5 spaces, can be done in 5 frames by alternating Right and Down inputs: ...R .D.. ...R .D.. ...R. But you can do even better than that. The name entry menu reacts to simultaneous directional inputs in unintuitive ways. For example, if you were pressing ...R on the previous frame, and press U..R on the current frame, the cursor moves 1 space down, despite the Down button never being pressed. Only U... and ..L. can move the cursor up or left, but there are many ways to move the cursor down or right, which means that you can often move at the maximum speed of 1 space per frame, even when moving straight horizontally or vertically.
U V W X Y Z ’ , .  
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a b c d e f g h i j
k l m n o p q r s t
u v w x y z - ‥ ! ?
[2079] NES Final Fantasy by TheAxeMan in 1:09:57.70 (and in turn namegenerator/inputgeneration.py from lightwarriorcode-v1.0.zip) applies the diagonal-movement optimization but not the simultaneous-buttons optimization. For example, the diagonal 2D2R movement from 'A' to 'W' in the name "Wedg" is already as fast as it can be:
|..|...R....| 'B'
|..|.D......| 'L'
|..|...R....| 'M'
|..|.D......| 'W'
But the 3R horizontal movement from 'd' to 'g' takes 5 frames when it could take only 3 frames:
|..|...R....| 'e'
|..|...R....| 'f'
|..|...R....| 'g'
You can move from 'd' to 'g' in only 3 frames by, for example, alternating ...R and ..LR (many other sequences also work):
|..|...R....| 'e'
|..|..LR....| 'f'
|..|...R....| 'g'
User movie #638766622812817201 is a demonstration of entering the "Wedg", "Bigs", "Axe ", "Viks" names from [2079] NES Final Fantasy by TheAxeMan in 1:09:57.70 5 frames faster. The inputs were computed using a shortest-path Lua script (a further development of the savestate manipulation technique from Post #532299) using the movement table from Wiki: GameResources/NES/FinalFantasy1#NameEntry. User movie #638766593655640386 is a partial resync of the original .fm2 to BizHawk 2.10, for easier comparison.
[4468] NES Final Fantasy "game end glitch" by AmaizumiUni, Spikestuff & DJ Incendration in 01:36.47 already applies both the diagonal-movement optimization and the simultaneous-buttons optimization. The only place the latter optimization is needed is in the name of the 4th party member, "ちごにむ". I believe the optimization was applied by Spikestuff in Post #505707 and User movie #71345684705421713. (The original submission in #7120: AmaizumiUni, Spikestuff & DJ Incendration's NES Final Fantasy "game end glitch" in 01:36.47 was replaced so I can't be sure.) To move 3D1R from 'あ' to 'ち', the movie uses a frame of U.L. to move the cursor down immediately after another down movement:
|..|.D......|........| 'か'
|..|...R....|........| 'き'
|..|.D......|........| 'し'
|..|U.L.....|........| 'ち'
The same trick is used to move 4D2R from 'ご' to 'に'. The 2D1R movement from 'に' to 'む' uses .D.. ...R U.L., but in this case the simultaneous buttons are unnecessary; .D.. ...R .D.. would also have worked.
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