Player (208)
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And you do all the Dire Dire Docks stars before Bowser in the Fire Sea so you'll still have his sub there to help you, right?
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
And you do all the Dire Dire Docks stars before Bowser in the Fire Sea so you'll still have his sub there to help you, right?
right. except the manta ray because it only appears after the sub is gone. DDD (6 stars), bowser, DDD (1 star)
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Sure, as long as the sub doesn't get in your way for any of them. But I bet everybody will be pleased to see the sub and the poles at the same time.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Sure, as long as the sub doesn't get in your way for any of them. But I bet everybody will be pleased to see the sub and the poles at the same time.
I think the poles only appear if the sub isnt there. I remember FODA saying getting all the red coins with only the sub was faster.
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OK here are my comments: 0)Generally: At the beginning you always long jump in a slightly wrong direction so that you don't go 100% straight ahead. 1)Big Bomb Omb. It seems that your test run was faster, since you didn't get stuck in some places before going up the mountain. You start the BLJ later so that you don't gain the max speed from the elevator. 2)100 coin route. You use 2x diving instead of long jumping. Are you sure this is the fastest way? Especially when you go up the mountain. 3)100 coin route. You use the cannon to blast to the pole after getting the 100 coins - star. Try to triple jump off the red ! block on the floating island. It may be faster this way. 4)Red coins. Nice idea to fly down to the 5th red coin. Why don't you fly all the way down to the 6th coin? 5)Bowser. The camera in the beginning was IMO better in your test run. Press the C down for a farther better view. The way you got the key in the test run was also better (you touched the key in the very last moment after diving)
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FILIM0NAS wrote:
0)Generally: At the beginning you always long jump in a slightly wrong direction so that you don't go 100% straight ahead.
When it matters, i try to get the angle the best i can do, but sometimes it doesn't matter (like when going for the elevator).
FILIM0NAS wrote:
1)Big Bomb Omb. It seems that your test run was faster, since you didn't get stuck in some places before going up the mountain. You start the BLJ later so that you don't gain the max speed from the elevator.
on the test run i acquire much more speed so i have stop on various points. on this new version, i don't acquire as much speed (on purpose) so i can go without stopping, but this way i couldn't be sent straight to the rolling balls part, so i had to travel like that. Don't worry, i checked and this was 2 frames faster.
FILIM0NAS wrote:
2)100 coin route. You use 2x diving instead of long jumping. Are you sure this is the fastest way? Especially when you go up the mountain.
2x diving or longjump are practically the same in speed, i only choose one or the other because they end in a different length. if i used longjump there, i'd have to run for some seconds untill i reached the corner so i could turn and do another longjump.
FILIM0NAS wrote:
3)100 coin route. You use the cannon to blast to the pole after getting the 100 coins - star. Try to triple jump off the red ! block on the floating island. It may be faster this way.
i tried all the possibilities, and this was the fastest. (triple jump from ground, triple jump at the ! block, and the cannon.
FILIM0NAS wrote:
4)Red coins. Nice idea to fly down to the 5th red coin. Why don't you fly all the way down to the 6th coin?
in my testing, sliding was much faster than flying, so i landed as early as i could on the slope
FILIM0NAS wrote:
5)Bowser. The camera in the beginning was IMO better in your test run. Press the C down for a farther better view. The way you got the key in the test run was also better (you touched the key in the very last moment after diving)
the bowser fight is different now on my unreleased WIP, and it's very close to both mario and bowser. it looks stylish instead of informational. i will do a different camera angle for the 3 bowsers. (i got the key on the last possible frame too, on this unreleased WIP)
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Good that you tested all the possibilities! ;)
FODA wrote:
the bowser fight is different now on my unreleased WIP, and it's very close to both mario and bowser. it looks stylish instead of informational. i will do a different camera angle for the 3 bowsers. (i got the key on the last possible frame too, on this unreleased WIP)
Yes, but in your test run the key is obtainable the very last moment of your diving (just before Mario stands up). In this one you pass the key a little. If you understand what I mean.
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I dont know if you understand, but this last bowser fight was not the definitive one. I remade it but i didn't release a WIP. It was bad because bowser didn't flail his hands madly at the beggining of the fight, so it was slower than spezzafer's bowser fight.
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shouldn't you be getting the key on the first possible frame? I don't think there's a last possible frame anyway, since you could just take however long you want before you pick up the key. :p
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Wouter Jansen wrote:
shouldn't you be getting the key on the first possible frame? I don't think there's a last possible frame anyway, since you could just take however long you want before you pick up the key. :p
he meant taking it on the latest possible frame without losing time.
Post subject: Amazing run...
Joined: 4/3/2006
Posts: 269
I just watched the first 24 stars of FODA's 120 stars run, I think it's amazing. He's showing many new (at least to me) tricks and shortcuts. I will finish watching the rest of them tonight. Can't wait to see the final version of this. Keep up with the amazing work! Thanks!
Joined: 3/22/2006
Posts: 636
Here's a summary of FODA's fine work so far:
001	SEC	Secret Aquarium...............	01:15	02:03	0:48
002	3-1	Plunder in the Sunken Ship....	02:19	03:17	0:58
003	3-7	Collect 100 Coins.............	03:31	05:04	1:33
004	3-3	Treasure of the Ocean Cave....	03:31	05:23	1:52
005	3-2	Can the Eel Come out to Play?.	05:36	06:13	0:37
006	3-6	Through the Jet Stream........	06:26	06:48	0:22
007	3-5	Blast to the Stone Pillar.....	07:01	07:21	0:20
008	3-4	Red Coins on the Ship Afloat..	07:35	08:37	1:02
009	SEC	The Princess's Secret Slide...	09:07	09:29	0:22
010	2-1	Chip off Whomp's Block........	09:55	10:27	0:32
011	2-3	Shoot into the Wild Blue......	10:40	10:51	0:11
012	2-2	To the Top of the Fortress....	11:05	11:20	0:15
013	2-5	Fall onto the Caged Island....	11:34	11:52	0:18
014	2-6	Blast Away the Wall...........	12:04	12:15	0:11
015	2-7	Collect 100 Coins.............	12:28	13:32	1:04
016	2-4	Red Coins on the Floating Isle	12:28	13:38	1:10
017	SEC	The Princess's Secret Slide...	13:57	14:23	0:26
018	SEC	Tower of the Wing Cap.........	14:33	14:57	0:24
019	4-2	Li'l Penguin Lost.............	15:23	15:43	0:20
020	4-6	Wall Kicks Will Work..........	15:57	16:08	0:11
021	4-1	Slip Slidin' Away.............	16:22	16:48	0:26
022	4-4	Frosty Slide for 8 Red Coins..	17:01	17:42	0:41
023	4-7	Collect 100 Coins.............	17:56	19:01	1:05
024	4-3	Big Penguin Race..............	17:56	19:17	1:21
025	4-5	Snowman's Lost His Head.......	19:30	20:08	0:38
026	1-6	Behind Chain Chomp's Gate.....	20:30	20:45	0:15
027	1-1	Big Bob-omb on the Summit.....	20:59	21:47	0:48
028	1-7	Collect 100 Coins.............	22:00	24:10	2:10
029	1-2	Footrace with Koopa the Quick.	22:00	24:29	2:29
030	1-3	Shoot to the Island in the Sky	24:43	25:04	0:21
031	1-5	Mario Wings to the Sky........	25:19	25:52	0:33
032	1-4	Find the 8 Red Coins..........	26:05	26:58	0:53
033	SEC	Bowser in the Dark World......	27:25	28:13	0:48
KEY	KEY	Bowser in the Dark World......	27:25	28:45	1:20
    * The first column indicates the star number. * The second column indicates the course number followed by the star number, or "Sec" if the star is one of the castle's fifteen secret stars. * The third column indicates the name of the star collected. For castle secret stars, the name of the course is used. * The fourth column indicates the time of entry to the course in which the star was collected. "Time of entry" is defined as the instant the "Start" button is pressed on the star-select screen or the instant the star zoom-in animation appears for courses that do not have star-select screens. * The fifth column indicates the time Mario came into contact with the star. * The sixth column indicates the time taken to collect the star. * All times are in minutes:seconds, rounded to the nearest whole second. * Timing began from the title screen.
Joined: 3/22/2006
Posts: 636
FODA wrote:
I thought of this route for the basement levels: 1 - beat 1st bowser (33 stars) 2 - get vanish cap star, then re-enter, choose exit (34 stars), back to the lobby 3 - bigboo's haunt (41 stars) 4 - dire dire docks + 2nd bowser (49 stars) 5 - SSL + LLL + HMC + metal cap star + 2 MIPS + toad star (74 stars) 6 - re-enter any of those, choose exit and back to the lobby 7 - enter the 2nd key door I am right now working on 35th + 36th stars (100 coin route on big boo's haunt). I'm following all of the stars names on this level.
I think a better route is 34-35. 2 MIPS 36-42. Shifting Sand Land (No caps needed) 43-49. Lethal Lava Land (No caps needed) 50-58. Toad Star + Metal Cap + Hazy Maze Cave (Star 3 requires Metal Cap) 59. Vanish Cap (Re-enter + quit Vanish Cap course; reappear in lobby) 60-66. Big Boo's Haunt (Star 6 requires Vanish Cap) 67-74. Dire, Dire Docks + Bowser in Fire Sea This way, you don't have to go through the basement twice.
Player (208)
Joined: 5/29/2004
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Um, doesn't the second rabbit require 50 stars to appear? Plus I'm pretty sure you can't get both at the same time. You would have to leave the area to make it reappear and give you another star, right?
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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Posts: 636
Very well. 34. MIPS 1 35-41. Shifting Sand Land (No caps needed) 42-48. Lethal Lava Land (No caps needed) 49-57. Toad Star + Metal Cap + Hazy Maze Cave (Star 3 requires Metal Cap) 58. MIPS 2 59. Vanish Cap (Re-enter + quit Vanish Cap course; reappear in lobby) 60-66. Big Boo's Haunt (Star 6 requires Vanish Cap) 67-74. Dire, Dire Docks + Bowser in Fire Sea
Joined: 8/1/2004
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Yeah, MIPS 2 requires 50 stars. You can also press that switch for "Metal Head Mario Can Move" without the Metal Cap. Either way, mwl's route would keep you from travelling all the way to the basement twice, right? I guess the question becomes one of how far out of the way getting MIPS 2 after Hazy Maze Cave is.
Player (247)
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how is it that my route goes to the basement twice? i'm refering to basement as just the place where mips is. like i said, the distance from the vanish cap entrance slope (near 2nd bowser door) to the lobby is much shorter than that to any of the 3 levels (SSL, LLL, HMC). That distance is what i'm trying to avoid walking twice. I'm going to go there only once, then i'll exit it and be back in the lobby, instead of walking it back. edit: nice analisis of the times, but i have to say that stopping the clock at the moment i touch the star is not the best, since i do not touch the star as soon as spossible, but i try to make mario stop his celebration dance as soon as possible. so, stopping the count by the moment he touches the ground after grabbing a star would be better than just as he touches the star.
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mwl wrote:
Very well. 34. MIPS 1 35-41. Shifting Sand Land (No caps needed) 42-48. Lethal Lava Land (No caps needed) 49-57. Toad Star + Metal Cap + Hazy Maze Cave (Star 3 requires Metal Cap) 58. MIPS 2 59. Vanish Cap (Re-enter + quit Vanish Cap course; reappear in lobby) 60-66. Big Boo's Haunt (Star 6 requires Vanish Cap) 67-74. Dire, Dire Docks + Bowser in Fire Sea
Can't you do better than that? 34. MIPS 1 35-43. Toad Star + Metal Cap + Hazy Maze Cave 44-50. Lethal Lava Land 51. MIPS 2 (if I'm not mistaken, doesn't it appear right in front of you as you exit LLL, and runs towards Shifting Sand Land? Or is the pattern different for the second time around... I don't know.) 52-58. Shifting Sand Land etc. I'm rusty to say the least with SM64, I'm basing my assumptions off speedruns I've watched in the past. =P
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I stand corrected. Going up the slope near Dire Dire Docks would avoid the basement quite well. The route FODA outlined would allow him to catch MIPS after finishing with SSL and then LLL. In that case, he wouldn't have to go far at all to catch MIPS either time. Looks like you've covered both of my concerns about distance already. *applauds*
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mlw wrote:
This way, you don't have to go through the basement twice.
If you are calling the basement what I think you are calling it, then Foda's route doesn't need to visit it twice, since he'll go this way I assume: Either way, I think the most efficient route is: Dire Dire Docks Bowser in Fire Sea Get Mips1 Shifting Sand Land Lethal Lava Land Get Mips2 Toad Star + Metal Cap + Hazy Maze Cave Vanish Cap Re-enter + reset Big Boo's Haunt Re-enter + reset / Run back to main hall Only thing that's bad about this is the fact that re-entering Big Boo's Haunt probably takes a little longer than the other levels.
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Isn't there a star in Dire Dire Docks that requires the vanish cap?
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NrgSpoon wrote:
Isn't there a star in Dire Dire Docks that requires the vanish cap?
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The only thing bad about FODA's route is that it covers the passage way to big boo twice. Would it be quicker to quit out of big boo to go to lobby and go to DDD from there? Which is greater? Stomp Ghost + enter level + select star + quit + enter door + down staircase -> key door vs run to door + open door + fade out + fade in + run hall -> key door Its not obvious to me.
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simply reentering the door is way faster...