Hey Tompa, for your duplicate Yoshi trick, can you ride the invisible one? I read
here about a way to duplicate Yoshi by hitting the Yoshi box with two items at the same time (just hold 2 and throw both at the same time) and you can ride the invisible one. You don't look like you are riding anything, but when you press A to jump off Yoshi strange things happen. I haven't been able to use it to my advantage, but maybe someone else can. It's just wierd stuff. Invisible Yoshi can't tongue, and Mario doesn't actually ride him, but you can get hit and it acts just like a regular Yoshi. I couldn't bring him to another level. You can pick up items while on invisible Yoshi just like with no Yoshi.
It also might be interesting to see what would happen if you tried to get 2 items in your extra box in SDW by hitting a silver ? block with two items at once.