World 7 has 'em, huh? *winces* World 7 is my biggest enemy at this point. Right now I've got the following list made:
Clouds: Beating W2, Hammer Bros. in World 4, Beating W5, Hammer Bros. in World 6.
Suits: One in W2, 4 in W3 (First two M.Houses, then two on the first island - the secluded fifth house only has mushrooms/flowers/leaves ><)
That extra Cloud in W6 is important, since I am just completely crap at the W8 Fortress. ><
W4's Fortress needs a Cloud to pass, since it's got a Small Gap.
If memory serves, BOTH W6 Fortresses have Small Gaps, too. So that's two Suits lost. But I'll pick up a Cloud from the Hammer Brothers. World 7's the biggest pain in the ass for me, though. Both Fortresses and level 6 give me a hard time. I'm gonna work on getting through level 6 without a Cloud, as I passed over both Fortresses and then that level in my last go, since I wasn't aware of the Cloud from the Hammer Brothers.
Ach, managing my items is a pain in the butt. ~.~
But I WILL succeed! It may not be very graceful, but I WILL succeed.
[Edit: SUCCESS! I made it to Bowser and whipped him in the Frogsuit! I even had one extra. ...Because I thought I didn't have ANY left, so I picked up one in World 7. ^^; Whoops. Lesse, what're the final stats...
Time: 1:12:34
Rerecords: 305
Crap, 200+ rerecords less than the last time X.x; And I made it through level 7-6 with the Suit intact. Victoly!
Now then... where to put it? c.c Can I submit .vmv files, or should I just find some webspace that allows offsite linking?]
[Edit2: Arc's been kind enough to host it. So...
And now I can give my hands a break. I welcome anyone to beat my time, as I'm certain it wouldn't be hard. Lord knows VirtuaNES isn't the best for this kinda thing. But I stuck with it and got it done. That's good enough for me. c.c]