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I abuluty want to see this!
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While I've never played either game for more than 5 minutes, I'd say it holds a bit of potential for viewer entertainment. but seeing is believing, so you'd better post wips so we can tell you if its worthwhile or not :P slightly off topic: is your name a typo of something else?
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@OgreSlayeR:...meh...=p...I have a tendency to mispell words quite often so I can only request that you bare with me...but im happy to see someone else wanting to see this as well! @Atma: well at least the second one does...It was talked about so much before it got canned, then this verson came out to us emulators in 2004 and that just made our day... As for my name...its was once my old e-mail accunt name ( ) and found it appeling as a nick, if you google it you'll find out quite a bit about me...;) Oh yes! WIP's will be out sortly...but as for this week, im spending much of it just seeing on what can I glitch, and not glitch, and were I can save time at... ^^; More test runs then anything else, but after this week I sould bigen posting the fruits of my labor!
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People who capitalize lots of words remind me of those comic books with lots of unnecessarily bolded random words! Or of the quotes on this silly site! Or of this dumb article! I think "Cool it Shatner" will be the next great catch phrase of the next great TV star.
lipucd wrote:
so I can only request that you bare with me...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAWhoops sorry I shouldn't laugh.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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I've always gotten the impression that any submission will be accepted if people like it. So go ahead and make the TAS. If you think it looks good and enough people agree with you, odds are it will get published. I believe Bisqwit's guidelines aren't hard and fast rules ... they are more like a courtesy to keep people from wasting time on ideas that will most likely not be well received. The real question here is ... can you make an entertaining TAS with this game?
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@Bag of Magic Food:...Gah!!!...Well dang it all I seem to do now is mispell everything! XD @xebra: As far as making it entertaining...Its looking like I can with little to no loss in overall speed...Because truly I have MUCH more control over what I can and cannot do thanks to 24/7 "free-range mode" ( players of star fox 64 know that phrase all too well... ) witch also makes dog fights a bit more action paced ( A-la the star wars games back on the 32x ), Also if I can find a faster way to get into "mech" mode I can also pull off some stunts with that as well!....but then I would also have to fand a faster way to get out of it so I might just have to drop that idea all together ^^;
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Update: Well looky, looky...I got desync.... =( For some odd reason when I record input it gets the first battle in ok yet after that it goes downhill....Well meh...Now I gotta figure out n how to stop that...^^; Then...I found out another glitch for the ages...turning "mech" mode in space...its VERY odd as after a few frames of being in it my ship changes back yet I still move as if I was indeed in the "mech" mode! XD Another glitch I tottaly forgot about was that cornila CANNOT die!! can if I apply the patch, but then its hacked and thats not good...;_; ether I play and allow hundreds of missiles to pillet that poor planet as I just kill what I need to kill or apply the patch making it a bit more subspence like as now I have a timer to kill everything before the planet goes ka-boom. BUt so far with a hell lot of luck minipulation ( geting the first three planets taken over first, first missile group is 4-pod ) its looking good ;) but I do need to trim down a hole lot of missed shots for shake of charging, movement errors with "mech" mode, and faster pathsways...Meh...It can be done once I fix this desync but its going to be awhile...^^;
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Post subject: Re: Star Fox 2: Is it even ALLOWED??
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lipucd wrote:
P.S.: The rom Image in question is "Star Fox 2 (Beta TD) (J) [o1].smc" as its the only WORKING image out of all of them. Oh and even thought the rom SAYS its an overdump...its not =p
Filenames don't mean much. The only Star Fox 2 ROM you should be using is the one in NSRT ( Proper stats:
---------------------Internal ROM Info----------------------
       File: Star Fox 2 (Private Build) (J).SFC
       Name: STAR FOX 2             Company: Nintendo
     Header: None                      Bank: LoROM
Interleaved: No                        SRAM: 512 Kb
       Type: Super FX + Batt            ROM: 8 Mb
    Country: Japan                    Video: NTSC
  ROM Speed: 200ns (SlowROM)       Revision: 1.0
   Checksum: Good 0x5F3F              CRC32: 79F3433D
        MD5: 13C38A5ED110E9ED4675E18FC3389CAF
   Name: Star Fox 2 (Private Build)
Country: Japan                  Revision: 1.0
 Port 1: Gamepad                  Port 2: Gamepad
Genre 1: Shooter                 Genre 2: Back View
Edit: I might add that NSRT can fix certain bad copies of Star Fox 2.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
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@Nach: Ahh thank you for finding that data out for me! =3 I'll have to check the ROM image tonight to make sure it matches this one as well...^^; If it doesn't, it might explane on why my movies are dysincing...=3 And thanks for the support! =D
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Update: Wow!! I didn't even relise this topic got moved! XD well I guess it have moved up as such...=p First off: Ya my ROM was bad...But meh, now I do have the good one! And lucky for me no dysinc also! The WIP is JUST about done, im hoping to try to find a faster route then the one im on but I think to do that I need to minupulate luck some more...^^; ( sad to say I can't realy enter any planets/motherships without fighting some random enamy group yet it be missile [ the group of four is what im HOPING for yet I seem never to get it *sigh* ] of fighter... ) But I do now have a preety good outline on how this shall be done. *Aims for the fastest time *Minulaptes Luck *Takes no damage *Uses programming errors I'll have the first WIP done by Sunday the latest, I need to clean up some spot were I charge when I could had just shot and take the enamy out just as fast and in one spot were I forgot that shift was my select key ( and with snes9x it doesn't decypher the left shift from the right ) and as such transform at odd times ^^; But once im done with it, can I e-mail it to someone and, if they can, host it so other people can download it as well? Well, i'll be around! =3
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You can see sites with free uploading at >*Minulaptes Luck I like how some of the letters were shifted 3 positions away, instead of the usual 1.
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@Trumcated: Well it WOULD be nice if say...the server I get online wasn't blocking them ^^; ( it blcks rapidshare and ANY ptp website on the planet...@w@;; ) so sad to say I must relay on someone else to host ^^; And yes my mispellings are uniqe to me and me alone XD
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It blocks php? You need a new whatever it is that is doing that. One of the four options should work. >And yes my mispellings are uniqe to me and me alone XD Quite right you are, good sir: