• If you are watching the .m64 file, make sure you have these settings on with Mupen64 v.0.5.0:
Video Plugin: Jabo's Direct3D8 1.6 Input Plugin: N-Rage`s Direct-Input8 1.60 Sound Plugin: Jabo's DirectSound 1.6 RSP: RSP emulation Plugin and make sure RAW DATA is checked under ->Options-->Input
Quite a journey to make an N64 game. First of all, this would have never been completed without the help from everyone on the message board and in IRC. More of a thank you to MWL for providing a walkthough, via webpage located: http://mwlin.freehostia.com/wiki/index.php?title=TAS/Speed. Thank you to AKA, Acryte, YautjaElder, and everyone on SDA forum and NESVideos forum for much of needed help.
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Uses death as a shortcut
  • Ignores minor obstacles
  • Completes game as fast as possible
  • Abuses programming errors
A short description on what went on: OH NO! Dreams of soon-to-be Deja Vu & The Great Deku Tree is in need of help!
Kokiri Forest - Fastest route in getting rupees so far. No more diagonal walking unless needed in certain areas for a small distance.
Inside the Deku Tree - Ahh, the 1st dungeon. In the room with the Skullita and web on the ground, there is a new method there which will take off 4 minutes or so in the next run. I got lucky in the Pre-boss room.
To skip a lot of backtracking, there is a part where Link grabs a chicken and jumpslashes over the Guerdo fence to go to the Spirit Temple.
Haunted Wasteland - There is a poe that navigates you through the desert, but with brilliant skill, Link surpases that.
Spirit Temple - What a fun 1/2 of a dungeon where Iron Knuckle meets his doom for the 1st time! Also, there is a way to get the Mirror Shield early, maybe it will get used in a future run.
  • Had just enough of a heart remaining to die upon impact for a death/warp
Fishing Pond - Swimmin into the middle of the pond after catching the biggest fish and holding Z & R while swimming to the owner will give you the Golden Scale, needed to dive deep and get the bottle. There is a way to skip King Zora now without the bottle, maybe it will get used later on.
Hyrule Castle - The 1st of 2 seamwalks. Seamwalks are tough when you start out, but practice makes it easier. The sidehopping past the guards was fun because they just look to lazy to say anything to you.
Zora's Fountain - There was said to be a way to roll into Jabu-Jabu's mouth at the perfect pixel angle, but after many attempts, I gave up and did the next easiest thing, which is jumpslash on him to enter.
Inside Lord Jabu-Jabu's Belly - Fun dungeon with a stabbing bomb boost for the Mini-boss skip.
Dodongo's Cavern - 85% of this dungeon was skipped due to the bombchu's lighting the eyes. No one could prove if it was possible to light both eyes with 1.
Death Mountain Trail - The 2nd and last seamwalk to get to the Great Fairy Fountain and jumpslash through the mountain side to enter since I had no bombchu's.
Market - At the Market, I went bombchu bowling for the bomb bag upgrade to carry 30 bombs. Even though I didnt get the bombs, when I become an adult, they are automatically filled!
Temple of Time - OH NO! Ganon, The King of Evil, has followed me into the Temple of Time!
Graveyard - The dead Graveyard keep is wanting to race me in his grave! He likes my style so he gives me the Hookshot! Back in the Graveyard, the Poe boost was never accomplished after thousands of tries. So a new method was discovered!
Shadow Temple - The funnest watching Temple of them all! This is where I pick up the hover boots because they are needed for the other Temple's (Forest and Spirit). Bongo Bongo met his final beat.
Lost Woods - Since Mido did not get any taller, I might as well just backflip over him!
Sacred Forest Meadow - To skip most of the annoying enemies in this area, I used a "stored ground jump" to get to the top of the ledge and hover my way on down.
Forest Temple - Only thing needed out of here is the Fairy Bow. Once I got that, I played the Requiem of Spirit and went to the Spirit Temple to finish the 2nd and final Temple.
Spirit Temple - Some obstacles were in my way because I did not have the Longshot, but just a few seconds were lost in climbing and such. The witches could have been beaten a little faster but I could not position them so they would not move, got frustrated and gave up! However, I did stab Twinrova to death.
Inside Ganon's Castle - ALL SAGES UNITE! The most desynching part of the game is here in the Castle. Redo, after redo was put into this, but finally got it done!
  • Going down the tower, I only needed to keep Zelda moving to where she needed to go
On Ganon, there is a place behind his foot where if you stay and don't move, he'll just glide you around like a merry-go-round.
Final blow on Ganon is at frame 539871, 2 Hours 29.8Minutes. End of movie is at frame 552279, 2 Hours 33.4 Minutes.
Enjoy the video!

adelikat: Accepting. Good luck publishers.

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LagDotCom wrote:
I can watch it up until Dodongo's Cavern, where it desyncs; he fires Bombchus then side hops into the lava and dies.
I don't mean to be rude, but are you sure you checked all the plugin settings, rom version number, etc? These settings are mentioned in the original post.
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~
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Dacicus wrote:
Unfortunately, I voted no because we already know how to improve some parts of it (e.g., Deku Tree).
And why is that a reason to vote "no?" The Deku Tree shortcut (which saves only 1', not 4') wasn't discovered until he was already on the Shadow Temple. It just doesn't make any sense to hold that against him. Apart from newly-discovered tricks, all possible improvements are only worth seconds each. A run of this length took more than three months to produce, and you're saying that because of a few minutes' worth of possible optimizations (most of which were discovered during the run's production), it shouldn't be published.
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fairness or providing motivation to the author is not mentioned in the judging guidelines. Votes are not meant to show author appreciation, but to judge the movie. To judge just the movie, not the amount of work that went into it or the issues associated with production - because the movie is what'll be sitting on the published movies page. If someone feels that this run does not deserve the yes vote because it's improvable (sloppy playing on the first parts, shortcuts not taken, ..), and would rather wait for an improved run before publishing, that's perfectly fine with me, and I don't see any reason to argue against that. Given that Dacicus spent time to encode some avis of the WIPs, I'm sure he appreciates Guano's work, and Guano knows that already. No need to emphasize that by a vote that's meant for different things.
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Posts: 636
There are two conflicting opinions here: First, there are those who would like to see an improved run as soon as possible. I can understand that people are excited, but they fail to consider that new tricks are still being discovered and, for the time that it'd take to rerun this game, it's very possible that what is thought to be the most efficient route right now may be obsoleted later. Then, there are those who want to wait until all the discoveries have pretty much settled down before attempting to redo this. However, what is a good waiting period? It's hard to say, but why deny the general audience a chance to see this thing, by not publishing it? Especially one that will undoubtedly attract a lot of attention given the game's popularity? I know that the lone dissenting opinion won't make a difference, but it's the reasoning behind his vote that I was puzzled by.
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that's why I voted yes, despite the judging guidelines telling me not to ;) A movie as flawed as this (no matter if the flaws are understandable or not) would have been rejected if it were for an unpopular game. The only reason to publish this is because there are lots of potential viewers eager to see what has been done to OoT. What the movie lacks in perfection, it makes up in entertainment, most of that because the game is well-known. I still don't think you should question Dacicus' no vote, as it's perfectly ok. Voting 'no' does not mean 'do the new run ASAP', but 'wait with publication until a good run is out, whenever that may be', and does not disagree with your previous post.
Joined: 5/13/2006
Posts: 283
I would vote yes, but I cannot because I not being active enough here on the forums. Yes there are emulator issues, but Guanobowl dared to create a very entertaining run of this game despite this and the many new route-changing discoveries. Yes there are flaws, but those are not immediately visible, at least not to those not following this run and those going on at SDA. That and this run still has a lot of entertainment despite those minor imperfections.
<Zurreco> if so called professional players cant adapt to every playing field, theyre obviously not that great
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I think the number of "flaws" in this run may be overestimated. Take a look at the link in my sig...almost nothing, right? =P In all seriousness, here are the ones that come to mind most easily: * Deku Tree B1 shortcut: Saves exactly one minute. * Deku Tree savewarp in slingshot room: Not implementable given technical limitations, but saves five seconds. * Rupee route: About 4 seconds, the most noticeable error being climbing the fence en route to the Kokiri Sword when it's possible to just backflip over. * Dampe's race: TSA has figured out a way to get a few seconds under 49", but he has yet to show us how. And he won't until he gets there in his in-progress segmented run, or so he says. * Super-sliding: Super-slides could be triggered off Peahats and Stalchildren for all those treks across Hyrule Field. Saves about 30 seconds to a minute total. * Forest Temple: Soft block-pushing and ground jumps. A few seconds. * Gauntlets/Scale/Bottle skip with bomb bag: This could save anywhere from two to six or seven(?) minutes, but it's really hard to say because of all the different factors involved, such as manipulating the day/night cycle with the new route and other potential issues that may come up. * Then, there are the technical limitations, such as the inability to savewarp and the subscreen delay. Those add to around 2-3 minutes, I think. So in total I'd say that at most 15 minutes could be shaved off given our current knowledge, without counting Bottle Adventure. Since BA is version-specific, runs using the glitch should be put into a separate category.
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mwl wrote:
So in total I'd say that at most 15 minutes could be shaved off given our current knowledge, without counting Bottle Adventure. Since BA is version-specific, runs using the glitch should be put into a separate category.
Not here :). We tend to make movies out of the buggiest (most always means earliest) ROMs possible, while still being legit roms (No hacked or bad dumps)... to give us the most freedom while glitch hunting,
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~
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Yes, I have all the same settings... that's why it manages to play that far.
Voted NO for NO reason
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Although not an official vote, I give this a hearty thumbs up. I've watched this run from the beginning half a dozen times as it was being created, and shown it to at least as many friends--friends not usually interested in speedrunning. They all found the run highly entertaining. The mere fact he does the spirit temple first puts people off guard. "Wait, isn't that like one of the last temples?" Yes, there is room for optimization, but personally I'm impressed with Guano for making it this far. He had to put up with so much. Any normal person would have given up long before completion, and yet, he only gets more precise over time. My main point though is that even though there could be improvements, most people will not notice through a casual walk-through, and future runs will likely be different enough to merit additional watchings without feeling repetitive. Like I said, a thumbs up. How long until I can vote anyway? I guess I need to post more. -.- Edit: lol, I was able to vote after posting this. Yes it is!
I ought not to tie the knot too taught.
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Posts: 53
Sastopher wrote:
Any normal person would have given up long before completion, and yet, he only gets more precise over time.
My face would've exploaded in frustration. But This gets a definate thumbs up, I've been reading the thread since I registered a few days ago =P and I couldn't wait till I saw the finished product ^^
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I matched all of the plugins and settings, but it desunc as soon as Link got his sword. I'll try again some other day, or wait for the AVI. It looks like this run won't miss my Yes vote if I'm not able to vote before then.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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hopper wrote:
desunc as soon as Link got his sword
That one is usually because of the wrong Raw Data setting, IIRC.
Voted NO for NO reason
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I got a strange problem when I play this movie. It plays fine till he get the first Bombchu and equip it. Then the computer Reset and start new, so the movie is gone. Yesterday I have think the computer gets to hot. But today I try it again and at the same time it reset the computer here, and it was not to hot for him I think. :-( So I must wait till the movie is up. Or someone know what I can do against this problem? This is a Win XP PC. 2.53GHz 512MB RAM. I think its good enough. And I watch one Castlevania movie in the past without this problem.
Last TAS finished: Final Fantasy Adventure (4.0 Warp Glitch Run) WIP in the moment: Tail Gator (GB) Matty
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Easily one of the best, top 3 movies of this site.
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Thank you for the compliments and everything for this difficult run. Whats awesome is that the next run will shave off soo much time due to new discoveries, but I wont start on it until late Fall/Winter due to new discoveries every other day.
Change my sig. again, and I will murder your pet fish.
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I debated it for a while, but I decided to vote yes. I don't think "there are improvements possible" is enough to reject a run if it's better than the existing published run (or if no run is published). I'm not really sure what the "official" or even the majority's opinion on this is, since it seems to change from time to time. In this case the majority's opinion is obviously that it's quite ok. I feel that having a run of overall good (not perfect) quality is better than having no (or a worse, if a published run exists) run at all.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Yes, I have been watching Guanobowl's TAS since the Adult portion and everything and this is a really amazing TAS. That is why I continued to support GuanoBowl as much as I could and wrote a glitch guide for people so they could understand how he performed most of all of his glitches. http://tasvideos.org/ZeldaOcarinaofTimeTricks.html Thanx Adelikat for putting it up there. I'm encoding the video for this so far I just got to the Adult portion but I will continue to encode it untill its finished. On a final note a lot of people gave Guanobowl a lot of crap and he did a good job of ignoring it and kept going even though the emulator wasn't perfected he kept going and working on it. He had to go through a lot of desyncs and worked hard on this. He worked hard on this and it showed he definatly gets my vote, this should definatly be published great job Guanobowl. Edit: actually not a lot of people just some people gave Guanobowl a lot of crap.
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Welcome to the forums HiddenGamer!
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Fabian wrote:
II'm not really sure what the "official" or even the majority's opinion on this is, since it seems to change from time to time. In this case the majority's opinion is obviously that it's quite ok.
But TAS can never be the majority!
HiddenGamer wrote:
Yes, I have been watching Guanobowl's TAS since the Adult portion and everything and this is a really amazing TAS. That is why I continued to support GuanoBowl as much as I could and wrote a glitch guide for people so they could understand how he performed most of all of his glitches. http://tasvideos.org/ZeldaOcarinaofTimeTricks.html Thanx Adelikat for putting it up there. I'm encoding the video for this so far I just got to the Adult portion but I will continue to encode it untill its finished.
Welcome to the forums! THanks for encoding the run :)
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
Fabian wrote:
II'm not really sure what the "official" or even the majority's opinion on this is, since it seems to change from time to time. In this case the majority's opinion is obviously that it's quite ok.
But TAS can never be the majority!
I have no idea what you just said, I'm afraid :(
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Fabian wrote:
DK64_MASTER wrote:
Fabian wrote:
II'm not really sure what the "official" or even the majority's opinion on this is, since it seems to change from time to time. In this case the majority's opinion is obviously that it's quite ok.
But TAS can never be the majority!
I have no idea what you just said, I'm afraid :(
Bah, I bet JQX will get the reference. See here: http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3892&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
Fabian wrote:
DK64_MASTER wrote:
Fabian wrote:
II'm not really sure what the "official" or even the majority's opinion on this is, since it seems to change from time to time. In this case the majority's opinion is obviously that it's quite ok.
But TAS can never be the majority!
I have no idea what you just said, I'm afraid :(
Bah, I bet JQX will get the reference. See here: http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3892&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
Oh right of course. Sorry about that :)
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
Joined: 10/24/2005
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Fabian wrote:
DK64_MASTER wrote:
Fabian wrote:
DK64_MASTER wrote:
Fabian wrote:
II'm not really sure what the "official" or even the majority's opinion on this is, since it seems to change from time to time. In this case the majority's opinion is obviously that it's quite ok.
But TAS can never be the majority!
I have no idea what you just said, I'm afraid :(
Bah, I bet JQX will get the reference. See here: http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3892&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
Oh right of course. Sorry about that :)
Yeah, whenever I see the word "Majority" I automatically think of that debate. Oh yeah, I ♥ nested quotes. ;)
<agill> banana banana banana terracotta pie! <Shinryuu> ho-la terracotta barba-ra anal-o~
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I've moved the route to ocarinaoftime.net. The rest of the pages will soon follow.
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