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Nope I went through and checked. I'll check again to see if the reset game function of the emulator can do it again. Yep, I went through it again and if you play throughout the entire game, and don't save at all, and reset when the credits roll, the game file will be saved and ready.
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The game saves automatically. Check if the run has the option "clear sram data" activated. If this is activated, then your saves NEVER will be saved in the battery of the game. So, if you stop the movie, this save state will disapear. Or something else :P
Not more working on: DKC3 105% < Needs modified Nitsuja Snes9x+9, with reset recording.
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I checked, the "clear SRAM data is set to 0 seconds after input so it's disabled. So yes the game is saving automatically.
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Nibelung wrote:
Check if the run has the option "clear sram data" activated. If this is activated, then your saves NEVER will be saved in the battery of the game. So, if you stop the movie, this save state will disapear.
Clear SRAM isn't a permanent setting. All it does is delete the game's .srm file once when you start recording, as a convenience for you so you don't have to find and delete it to start recording from a completely new game.
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Nonetheless, I've tested and if I beat K. Rool and perform a hard reset with the emulator, when the file menu is up my file will be there with 101%, an in-game timer, and I can select that file, and finish the last level and the last boss fight for viewing purposes, would you need to have an emulator that must be able to record resets (like the one I use) in order to view the entire completed movie?
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comicalflop wrote:
Nonetheless, I've tested and if I beat K. Rool and perform a hard reset with the emulator, when the file menu is up my file will be there with 101%, an in-game timer, and I can select that file, and finish the last level and the last boss fight
I didn't say it wouldn't. Recording resets would be mostly pointless if the game's saved data didn't persist across resets.
comicalflop wrote:
for viewing purposes, would you need to have an emulator that must be able to record resets (like the one I use) in order to view the entire completed movie?
Yes. You need the exact same version to watch it. (And the source code patch is included with it, for those who want/need to compile their own.)
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So for example since I use a specially modded emulator, just like Leend of Zelda: Link to the Past says "requires an emulator that can press Left+Right", if this gets published it'd say "requires an emulator that can record resets"? I have 8ish hours today to work on Kleaver's Kiln and start Krem Quay, I'll start posting WIPs as soon as I finish each level BTW, now that I'm getting pretty far down the road, how do I show WIPs from a save-state i.e. at the beginning of each level? when Sami was posting his Any% the movie files were "from save-state", showing just the levels and not the previous ones, how do I show my WIPs like that? Edit: Hm this boss is harder than I thought... I'll keep trying, I'm pretty much using Arne's method of beating him though I'm trying to do it slightly differently. I am having a lot of trouble with Kleaver, when I hover to the right over the gap sans hooks, Arne hits Kleaver, hooks appear and he heads back to the left, when I do it I hit Kleaver and no hooks appear, leaving me stranded on the right side and the cannonball falls on the left side.
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comicalflop wrote:
"requires an emulator that can record resets"?
Well, technically it only requires an emulator that can replay (this particular format of) resets.
comicalflop wrote:
how do I show WIPs from a save-state i.e. at the beginning of each level?
You could try using savestateify if you want it to start from a savestate, although many people prefer that the WIPs contain the entire movie so far because of the smaller filesize and ability to continue watching from the same point in a later WIP.
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comicalflop: You could just upload a savestate, so people can choose if they want to use it or not. Nice to hear about your progress of this run. best of luck with the rest of it
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Yeah I'll stick to just making full movie WIPs, too much trouble otherwise... I'll try and show my progress, I can't get any further at the part I stop at because the hooks do not come down, I'll try alternating frame entering just like Kreepy Krow to see if I can manipulate that Edit: incorrect link removed, proper link in next post
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comicalflop wrote:
Yeah I'll stick to just making full movie WIPs, too much trouble otherwise... I'll try and show my progress, I can't get any further at the part I stop at because the hooks do not come down, I'll try alternating frame entering just like Kreepy Krow to see if I can manipulate that Kleaver's Unsuccessful Kiln Boss fight, halfway through can't get hooks to drop
seems your link is wrong. the link is for Arnes any% run.
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sargon wrote:
comicalflop wrote:
Yeah I'll stick to just making full movie WIPs, too much trouble otherwise... I'll try and show my progress, I can't get any further at the part I stop at because the hooks do not come down, I'll try alternating frame entering just like Kreepy Krow to see if I can manipulate that Kleaver's Unsuccessful Kiln Boss fight, halfway through can't get hooks to drop
seems your link is wrong. the link is for Arnes any% run.
Woopsies. Correct unsuccessful Kleaver Kiln fight
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I now enter on frame 65211, which makes the first cannonball land very close to Kleaver like in Arne's movie so I'll test if this is another "perfect frame" needed to beat him very fast I'm still not getting those hooks to drop at that very crucial moment... I tried to keep going even though the hooks didn't come and ended up with a boss fight 12 seconds slower than Arne's. I really need those hooks to come down, is it like Kreepy Krow and frame dependent? I am SO not in the mood to have another Kreepy Krow incident, after one month with that bird I was sick and tired of him and I'd hate to have similar problems with Kleaver
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How on earth do you get those hooks to fall down on the right side like they do in Arne's?
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Because I was bored and didn't feel like testing frames, out of boredom I started making an Any%, here is my work I think I'm a few frames slower than Arne in a few places I added the stereo sound and tried to be as good as Arne while testing different stuff for new techniques, didn't find any (I could get a DK barrel boost in Pirate Panic off the neek by holding the barrel and jumping just before you hit it but it's 2 frames slower than rolling) I overall lost 37 frames, slight bummer the biggest loss was in Lockjaw's Locker for some reason. Lost 2 frames in Pirate Panic, lost no frames Mainbrace Mayhem, 12 lost Gangplank Galley, 21 lost Lockjaw's Locker, 2 lost Topsail trouble I should be focusing more attention on the 102% but I was so disappointed with Kleaver's Kiln that I just noodled around, I should get back on it I'll continue it tomorrow I guess. I don't know if I'll work more today on 102%, but this morning woke up and saved 12 frames on the Any% here so I'm only 9 frames behind Arne
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I am still working on Any% but it takes time because I test out so much diffrent things and I don't sit all day working on it because I'm busy with other things. I'm currently on Rattle battle. And I'm studying a lot about the rather odd glitches.
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I'm pretty sure that the one glitch I need to master is the walk-balkwards switch. I know of at least three places where it can be used for my 102% in Chain Link Chamber and a few places to use it horizontally. I can do the others, like Rambi double jump, water duck slide, team throw-jump for castle crush etc. If you find a consistent way to do the walk-backwards switch let me know. What other glitches are you testing out? What do you think of my V7 up to Kleaver's Kiln battle?
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Whoa.. this Red-Hot Ride was awesome! Rambi ownage hahaha But in Squawks's Shaft your flying don't seem to be perfect (maybe it is a graphical bug, but with input display on I can see that it is not optimal)
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Squawk's flying was in fact not optimal, half the time I use frame advance to flap every other frame and sometimes I do it at 12% speed because flying with him is so long and really hurts my fingers, because I'm holding 3 buttons then two then three.... I might redo it but I did so well on the bonus with sqauwks, I'd hate to redo it Redhot ride is my favorite Crocodile Cauldron level (next favorite is Jungle Jinxes, followed by Lava Lagoon) I saved 17 seconds on that level I believe. It might even be a full minute faster than done on SDA, but I'm not sure on how to check that. V7 has a way better Crocodile Cauldron than V4. If only I could get a Kleaver's Kiln fight with Arne's method (Damn those hooks on the fourth cannonball hit!!! Arne help plz!!!!) than I'd be happy, because (hopefully) no other bosses will give me similar trouble. If Arne and I can find a consistent way to do a backwards-switch, then all castle levels will be completely raped.
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can't you use turbo for optimal flying?
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Yes, but I don't know how to use those functions. I know what it does, just not how to use it well. I might just redo it with frame advance, and go slowly so my fingers don't ache. Edit: I was just noodling around with it and yeah turbo does seem helpful, so I'll use it. but how many frames could I save with the optimal flying? it seems that hitting B every other frame is still as fast as when I press B as fast as I can at 12% speed
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There's that key lock function enabling you to hold as many buttons as you wish. So just lock the two other buttons on to it while you flap.
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V7 Sqauwk's Shaft improved Oh boy Turbo sure is fun. I don't need to lock the keys, but I redid the section of sqauwk's shaft and not only was it faster to do, and easier on my fingers, but I improved 37 frames. I try to flight straight up more and improved the bonus to get the coin faster and hit the bees slightly faster. Overall so far 35.4 seconds faster than V4. On to Kleaver's Kiln (again) my suspicion is that in order for the hooks to fall at Cannonball hit #4 you have to hit Kleaver backwards and have foward momentum to trick the game into thinking you're on the other side... correct? or is it frame dependent? I know cannonball placement is frame dependent (either it's close or far, so easy to manipulate) but how to get those hooks down? (no more profile pic changes I swear, this one rocks yay moving DCK avatars)
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Still no progress on Kleaver's Kiln... I didn't get to really work on it over the weekend. Over the week I'll try it again, but unless I get a nudge in the right direction it's going to take a while
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use imageshack instead of tripod for image hosting. your avatar is just a big tripod ad.