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Haha yeah I like that part too. But by far my favorite is of course the huge shortcut I take:
This level, plus Krockhead Klamber shows just how much I'll sacrifice the kongs to save time :P and I have more of those planned for later
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comicalflop wrote:
However, because I take a hit then there are two small shortcuts that Sami takes that I can't, because you need Diddy for the first and Dixie for the second due to collision detection size (I have Dixie and Diddy, respectively. Diddy has a smaller profile to try and get the first shortcut, and Dixie's hair makes her profile bigger so I can't get shortcut #2.) I don't lose much time not being able to do those shortcuts, so it's no biggie.
that's why. He has Diddy for shortcut #1 and Dixie for shortcut #2; I have the opposite. Those two shortcuts are only possible with the Kongs that Sami uses, and it's because of the collision detectors for each kong is different when spinning in the air.
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Oh sorry, I thought about that it could be related to the fact you played Dixie and Sami Diddy. Maybe I should read more closely next time.
Have fun with the boss.
Btw: I'll be gone to NYC for the weekend. Just in case you are really fast in Kremland: Don't forget Cranky!
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it's like it never ends
I'm not having trouble doing it (I'm doing lots of close-calls and a lot of endless rolls) but it's taking so long just to beat him.
Edit: I just realized that I've been hitting him wrong- wow, way back to the start this is why I HATE bosses, it is 2 in the morning and I don't even know if I can finish it before I go to bed
Alrighty I'm getting him the correct way now, just three more "rounds" (there's 6 rounds, similar to K. Rool Duel but he has 9 cannonballs) so I'm glad he's almost done. WIP when I finish
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World 3 done
Ahhhhhhhh finally done. That was one of the longest and most boring boss fights ever. K. Rool has a similar 3 round sequence followed by being hit, but he has a gun that keeps things interesting. And he requires 9 hits, so that will be longer (but that's still pretty far down the road, so I'll worry about it when I get there.
I try to be as entertaining as possible, by constantly moving and making extremely risky moves. I tried to show the extremeties of Dixie's extended rolling, as well as how close to Kudgel you really can get. I went right through him or stood practically inside him a lot. I had to restart this boss and I spent about 4+ hours on him, so I hope the results are good.
Krazy Kremland time! I need to know if Dixie or Diddy will be faster for this level, because I think keeping Dixie saves a few frames and Diddy does not have as much time to let his superior speed make use. Since I'm riding Squitter and Dixie has a few places to skip honey on the ground... we'll see
Btw, comicalflop... There is typo in your signature...
"Currently working on: DCK2 102% < The finished run will need Nitsuja's Modified Snes9x+9, with reset recording."
DCK2 = Donkey Country Kong 2 ? :P
DKC2 = Donkey Kong Country 2 ? :P
Sorry for making post for small thing like this...
I liked the fight. I appreciate you not doing "left, right" at 30hz during the waiting time, and also showing off lazy (or generous depending on how you want to look at it) hit detection. Finally, world 4 :D
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Hornet's Hole
In the end I decided to use Diddy instead of Dixie. It turned out to be a good idea- I don't get stuck on horizontal honey too often, and Diddy's speed was essential before getting Squitter.
Speaking of Squitter, in this level he was amazing. It was a veritable web orgy- I didn't have to create too many web platforms for horizontal travel like in Web Woods, and many maneuvers were really tight but he pulled through. (especially getting too close to bees but still killing them ,and getting bonus #1 in particular.)
I'm sure that getting the first two bonuses last is faster if you do it afterwards, because the time to take getting down from there is less than simply completing the level and doing a start+select.
I checked the SDA's in game timer- I have 0:28, whereas SDA has 0:35.
Coming up I have two easy levels- Target Terror and Rickety Rage- and one really tough one, Bramble Scramble before Cranky.
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bkDJ wrote:
I liked the fight. I appreciate you not doing "left, right" at 30hz during the waiting time, and also showing off lazy (or generous depending on how you want to look at it) hit detection. Finally, world 4 :D
actually in that boss fight I do use "left-right" (left one frame, right one frame during a spin) occassionally, but I try to use horizontal endless Dixie spins and jumping near/inside Kudgel more. I went inside Kudgel's arm/hand (the one not holding the club) inside the hand holding the club sometimes, soaring over his shoulders, and standing inbetween his arm and his torso (he gives good bear hugs.) I liked it, it took forever to make that boss fight but I hope it is extremely aesthetically appealing and entertaining.
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Bramble Scramble
Tried to improve climbing, even though I only get one vine to climb; Squitter, I'm actually good with him now unlike in previous versions at Hothead Hop so I'm giving him a fly for doing such a good job. Squawk's I kept letting defy the boundaries of being hit to not being hit by the thorns, and of course Diddy takes one for the team so that the long detour around the red bees is unnescessary.
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Rickety Rage
another boring level. I cannot in fact do a goal switch at the goal even though I want to, instead a backwards switch occurs. Hmmmmmmmmm, too bad I can't figure out why.
spockybiemmichab I did remember to get Cranky Kong- he is Cranky because I visit him so late :P
Wow 4 Krazy Kremland levels in one day, and not because they were done sloppily but 2 were extremely easy, Bramble Scramble wasn't hard to do suprisingly and Hornet Hole was the only really intensive one...
Target Terror I don't remember being THAT slow. pushing forward doesn't speed it up? :( I don't really have any comments on the others. as I don't watch these in frame advance, I really didn't see any mistakes that slowed you down.
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Pushing foward and Y does not speed it up, it only helps for when you are jumping in the air to hit a target or go to the next kart. The level really is that slow, you can check Sami's. When going uphill or just plain horizontal movement the Kart goes so slowly, but when going downhill it speeds up like it should in real life.
I've also made a little change- I do a switch at the goal of Rickety Rage (not a goal switch) so that I start with Diddy in Mudhole Marsh to save time for him to do a double roll.
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Mudhole Marsh
Nothing too special here. Did a bunch of team-throw glitches in bonus #1, and overall things went smoothly.
However, I finally get to go to Klobber Karnage- I have been waiting for a month to play in that level, there is so much room for showing off and entertainment that it alone makes up for the boringness of Target Terror and Rickety Rage. I'll probably dedicate all of tomorrow to make it as fun a level as possible.
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I recorded this while I was working on Bramble Scramble, I forgot to psot it but here it is
Weird jumping on vine glitch with turbo
By using turbo for jump, you can get stuck on the vine and scale up and down it. Too bad it has no real usefulness, but it was funny as I made it.
mudhole marsh:
right before bonus 1 it looks like you are too far down and you get slowed down by the boardwalk edge. just an illusion?
right before bonus 2 with the canonball, I don't see why you have to be so slow. in the time it takes to jump form one platform to the next is there really no way to avoid the barrel? would jumping on the barrels and dropping the ball and picking it up again still be slower than just waiting?
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bkDJ wrote:
mudhole marsh:
right before bonus 1 it looks like you are too far down and you get slowed down by the boardwalk edge. just an illusion?
nope, I get hit by the boardwalk to avoid getting hit by the mini krow. I have to jump that late and get slowed or else I am down one Kong
bkDJ wrote:
mudhole marsh:
right before bonus 2 with the canonball, I don't see why you have to be so slow. in the time it takes to jump form one platform to the next is there really no way to avoid the barrel? would jumping on the barrels and dropping the ball and picking it up again still be slower than just waiting?
Yes I unfortunately have to wait, there is no way to avoid the barrels at all because then I'd drop the cannonball, and have to pick it up again which wastes time.
I said I'd finish Klobber Karnage tomorrow, but I just couldn't wait and had to get started. I finished, and I think it's very good. There are a few parts where I think I can improve in speed and entertainment, but I'll release a WIP for Klobber Karnage V1 and tell me what you guys think.
Klobber Karnage V1 (will probably improve later)
Haha. that was great. It's been a while since I played myself so I don't remember what your options are when you play as diddy. did you test those long stretches between dixie barrels to see if diddy's speed makes up for switchign twice in the level? Also why did you do a normal switch rather than a goal switch at the end of the second roller coaster level
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bkDJ wrote:
Haha. that was great. It's been a while since I played myself so I don't remember what your options are when you play as diddy. did you test those long stretches between dixie barrels to see if diddy's speed makes up for switchign twice in the level? Also why did you do a normal switch rather than a goal switch at the end of the second roller coaster level
I tested using Diddy and when getting to the first G barrel he is frames behind. So right now I'm making a V2 of the level keeping Dixie.
I did a normal switch at the end of the roller coaster for the miniscule reason of having Diddy to start Mudhole Marsh. I CANNOT do a goal switch there, it only results in a backwards switch. I switched to Diddy then so that I could start Mudhole Marsh with a double roll.
So far I've skipped one of the barrels in Klobber Karnage and am currently testing the extremities of what is possible for showing off with the G barrelseven more.
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Klobber's Karnage V2
96 frames saved
in V1 the G barrels go off 55 times, in V2 the G barrels go off 59, plus some of them in V2 look way more risky IMO, plus it's faster due to removal of mistakes and bonus change
Edit: just saved by redoing the bonus again, Klobber's Karnage V3
An additonal 88 frames saved
I am not redoing this anymore, it is good I think. 184 (96 from V2, additional 88 from V3) frames saved from the original version makes me feel done for the day. Thoughts on the new V3 Klobber's Karnage?