Posts for Bisqwit

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In Linux FCEU, press F2 to activate cheat configurator.
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Randil wrote:
Blublu wrote:
I think you've been reading uncyclopedia too much. :)
Actualy, I haven't used Wikipedia for that information
Uncyclopedia is different from Wikipedia.
Post subject: Re: Merry Christmas!
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In Finnish: Rauhallista joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta. = Peaceful christmas and happy new year. Yes, there are sentences in Finnish that don't contain ä or ö.
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Yes, it'll freeze if you press up+down or left+right when shooting it. (You could have told that in your post, but you chose not to.)
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Warp wrote:
The site publishes about one movie per week or per two weeks or so. Judging it is not a big deal at all.
It is true we only publish a few movies per week, sometimes even less. We'd do more, but deciding which movies to accept (and especially, which ones to reject) is exactly the "big deal" you think it isn't.
Post subject: Re: Cannot record avi...
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Post subject: Re: I give up!
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Vidar wrote:
What does TAS stand for?
Answered in our FAQ. More precisely, in the Glossary linked by the FAQ. The ability to search for information is much more valuable than the ability to formulate questions to ask people.
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Your question is answered in FCEU FAQ (not maintained at our site).
FCEU FAQ wrote:
Why does Super Mario Bros. start off on level 0? This happens if you're using a hacked copy of the Super Mario Bros. ROM image. The hacked version is reading from uninitialized RAM, apparently to get the starting level number. This bad copy of SMB was likely extracted from a bootleg multicart, which would have had a menu run before the game started, initializing RAM and setting the starting level.
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krieg747 wrote:
it cant be the weapons box key, becuase i just found it...
It's a key to _some_ box. (I don't recognize the two kanji) The description says, "it's a key in a changed shape. But in the plate you can see a mark of an umbrella..."
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You need to check the WIP timing checkbox because this movie was made with an older version of snes9x.
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Guybrush wrote:
Bisqwit, are you suggesting that movie should end after the first level?
Unless you can do it cleanly without the movie feeling incomplete, no. I'm suggesting that you do something to prevent the movie from becoming boring after 1 and half levels.
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When a movie is published, it becomes a product that can be found somewhere in the world even after 15 years. In the AVI subtitles, it will read:
Legendary Wings Played by megaman
What good is this for anyone? You might as well submit it anonymously, if you use that kind of nickname. But I'm not a fan of anonymous submissions either, because if you are afraid of staining your name with something that you've submitted and thus don't want to include a name that identifies you, perhaps you shouldn't submit it in the first place.
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It lacks uniquity. There are thousands of people who are "megaman".
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Before even watching this movie: 1) I refuse to publish a movie and state that its author is "megaman". Choose another nickname. 2) Fix your submission message. Remove the spaces from the beginnings of the lines. (More information is at text formatting rules.)
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Highness wrote:
What if you could make the game beleive you just fought for example Air man the second time? At the re-fights I mean.
Well, to do that, you'd need to make the game think that you're in Wily5 (stage number 12). And if you can do that, you should make the game think that you're in Wily6 instead (the musicless stage), so you can complete the game faster...
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Omega wrote:
Has anyone found a way from Bubble Man's level into the fake Wily 4
Trivial. Note that the game handles ladder as water in this stage, and it's impossible to climb a water-ladder. (The movie intentionally contains a death.)
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Nothing really impressive/awesome on the global scale, but a fair enough movie for this particular game. My vote is 'meh', but as a judge I accept this movie anyway.
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DJ FozzBozz wrote:
I don't know if it's been discussed before (althought I'm pretty sure of it, since it's a logical thing to try), but what happens if you die in that overflown map data?
You will restart the same stage but still be in the extra portion of the map. The game keeps a stage number in a separate location, and it is only affected by the killing of bosses, not by moving around the map. The stage number tells which boss will appear at the end of the stage (which is marked in the map data). If you overflow from Airman stage to Wily2, the game will still think that the boss of that stage is Airman, and he resides in the end of the Airman stage. There will be no boss in the Wily2 map data, because your stage is still Airman.
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Guybrush wrote:
Here's 4th level done.
I would have never guessed that it'll happen, but I actually like this movie. (At least the first 1 and half stages. After that, it starts getting boring.) Not the least because when I played it ~15 years ago, I couldn't even clear the first building. You also manage to use some rather unorthodox techniques playing with the elevators. What do you need to visit the red doors for, btw? I feel like you could use some better luck manipulation though. And, a way to finish the game cleanly immediately after stage 1, because it starts getting bored after that, despite the enemies becoming more active.
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xebra wrote:
Did you try using further special item glitches to traverse the fake level?
It's been discussed already. The fake level is just an overflown map data. It's still the same stage even though the player is traversing the map data of another stage. The level can't be completed unless you find a way to summon the real level boss into that fake map, in which case you'd still complete the stage you started from, not the fake map.
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daniayaw wrote:
Bag of Magic Food wrote:
It would be called Bag of Magic Trash
That's an intriguing name but I don't wish to put him on a pedestal :)
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I am locking this topic. The reception of SaberInBlue's idea wasn't all that good, and none of Warp's arguments were countered, and the discussion is going off-topic. This discussion is iced. Sorry. Edit: We will continue to use the term 'tool-assisted speedrun'. But I won't shun it if someone uses the term 'cyborg run' when introducing these movies on some other site.
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Here is (part) of the reply I sent to SaberInBlue over hearing this idea.
Bisqwit wrote:
Your viewpoint of the term "tool-assisted speedrun" sounding like a extremely over-politely-correct term had not occured to me (me not being a native English speaker might have something to do with it), and I had merely considered it a nice precise term that describes what the movies are about (me being a programmer might have something to do with that). Your idea, "cyborg run" is certainly much better than "timeattack" (or "emurape", for that matter) and indeed not necessarily worse than "tool-assisted speedrun". It's also closer to the original idea of my site (demonstrate mad superhuman playing) than the term "tool-assisted speedrun" (which implies that it's a human with improved tools, aiming to improve upon non-assisted speedruns).
I also asked for Warp's opinion (for he has been a strong voice favoring the term "tool-assisted speedrun"), but he wrote a complete message instead. I didn't send it that time, but I'll post it here:
Warp wrote:
We fully aknowledge the problem of people confusing a tool-assisted speedrun with a legit speedrun, and this is precisely the reason why we want to be as clear as possible when naming these runs. We do not want people to get confused, we do not want people to think that these are legit regular speedruns, we do want them to know that these have been made with an emulator as a tool to achieve almost-perfection. As you might know, it was common to call these runs "timeattacks" in the past (and some people still do). Since that term does not describe in any way the true nature of the runs, and moreover it is already used for a completely different type of run (eg. in racing games), it was quite confusing and people got the wrong idea. For this reason a much better term was needed. We did not have to look far for a better term. We actually did not invent the term "tool-assisted speedrun" because it was already in use for this exact type of speedrunning: If you search in the Doom speedrunning community you will find that there exist tool-assisted speedruns of that game. These existed and the term was used long before even the first tool-assisted NES runs were made. It was an already established term in the speedrunning community (at least in the Doom speedrunning one). Thus there are several reasons why "tool-assisted speedrun" is an excellent term for this purpose: Firstly, it was already used and established in other speedrunning communities. Secondly, it is very descriptive without being utterly long. Thirdly, it's much less confusing than basically anything else you can come up with (unless you create a much longer and awkward term). Your proposition of "cyborg run" is, in my opinion, not very good. It's confusing. People who see it for the first time cannot know what it means. Granted, some people might miss what "tool-assisted" means too, but I'm pretty sure there are less chances for that. I honestly don't understand what's wrong with "tool-assisted speedrun". It was not invented by us (but the Doom speedrunning community) and thus it was already established, it's quite descriptive and less confusing than anything else. I can't see any "political correctness" that you mention in that name. It is my honest opinion that if someone has a problem with that name, that's his problem, not ours. I cannot see anything wrong with that name. It is neutral, descriptive and honest, it doesn't try to boast and certainly doesn't try to deceive, but all the contrary. Also, most speedrunners know what it means, which is actually a huge argument against changing it.
Both of these views are valid. Therefore I think further discussion is welcomed.
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Flash, Bubble, Heat so far. So basically the same order.
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Okay what's this about?