Posts for Chanoyu

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In this case, aren't the rules working exactly as intended? Since there's no gamplay difference, English is prefered so the text is readable to a wider audience.
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I really don't quite get what's so bad about having seperate publications for fresh starts and save starts in fighting games (and racing games, and other games where the game is still played from a 'new game' state - but in an unlocked (hard) mode). I do get the concern of it needing to be clear, also in the obsoletion chain, of what the actual fastest completion is. I guess you would generally be mostly interested in the save start obsoletion chain (which could possibly include fresh starts as well). The problem in my mind is more that if, for a certain game, the save start is really competitive, and then someone decides to make a fresh start TAS that is, from an optimization standpoint, already obsolete. I would hope that such TASes, and taking the problem a bit broader, those TASes that are aimed more at getting a publication than showcasing the best of TAS, just don't get made, but probably that will not be the case. I can imagine the rules should give leeway for rejections in such cases, even if there is no previously published movie in that specific branch.
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Is any of these runs remotely interesting? Is this what the site is trying to achieve with the bizarre SRAM rulesets? Nobody has ever made any category for this in an actual speedrun of the whole MK series, so i have to guess the answer is no. I'm waiting for the rules to be set to decide if i submit these or not.
I don't get why you would make these runs and want to get them published if you do not think them remotely interesting? Who or what is forcing people to make every publishable run imaginable? Personally I don't like watching these fighting games, but I do think it's an interesting principle to see how fast one can beat a game out of the box from power on.
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Fun movie, and the (mostly) static parts are easily skipped, so they didn't bother me much. It's always nice to have such detailed submission notes as well.
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I think that in priciple Glitchless fits very well in standard, where we already have fastest completion and no major skips. In fact, no major skips seems weirder to me to include in standard than glitchless. I don't think there were great difficulties with defining no major skips, even tho that also requires some sense of intended gameplay, and what constitutes a glitch. Practically, I think starting with rough guidelines and then refining them as needed as we go through game by game would be best.
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lexikiq wrote:
Alyosha wrote:
drawing 14 contains an error. Between the T'rex's legs the background is the same color above and below the horizon.
This is addressed in the submission notes, by the way:
warmCabin wrote:
T-Rex (Drawing 14) Another fake-out horizon line.
See also:
warmCabin wrote:
Pterodactyl (Drawing 7) Even though there's a horizon line here, it doesn't go all the way to the right. The background is one region if you fill it.
It's a bit confusing since Drawing 7 does have a small bit of background above the horizon line (between the tail and the wing) that is gray instead of blue, but in Drawing 14 the bit between the legs gets coloured with the rest of the background. So it's impossible to have the bit between the legs be a different colour.
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
I have a bag of tiles. The tiles can be either blue or yellow, but you do not know how many are blue and how many are yellow. You draw 12 tiles without replacement: 4 blue and 8 yellow. Is the next tile you draw more likely to be blue or yellow? Does the answer depend on the number of tiles originally in the bag? What is the chance that the next tile you draw is blue?
I feel like my answer is way too simple, so I'm very interested in what else it could be. My idea is that you know nothing about the tiles other than they're either blue or yellow, and that you drew twice more yellows than blues. Therefore, you'd think the next tile drawn is more likely to be yellow, independent of how many tiles are in the bag, with the chance of drawing blue next being 4/12.
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I think this game neither rewards you for doing something right, nor punishes you for doing something wrong. It therefore, as Feos said, does not require you to do anything at all, let alone accomplish something. I also think this game, because it does not acknowledge success or failure, does not really have an end point. It's impossible to speedrun a sandbox; you can only speedrun a game you made up yourself in it, such as the 4-colour a dinosaur submission does.
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Sniq wrote:
Chanoyu wrote:
I think it would be extremely silly to publish it as a seperate branch just because of a version specific glitch. The visible gameplay difference between the ACE-TASes is not really significant; the significant part, from normal code execution to arbitrary, is completely invisible. Furthermore, I don't see a slower PAL run in a different category getting its own branch, so why would this one?
It's not slower, it's faster than NTSC by 30 seconds.
I clarified what I meant, didn't realise I worded that totally wrong.
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I think it would be extremely silly to publish it as a seperate branch just because of a version specific glitch. The visible gameplay difference between the ACE-TASes is not really significant; the significant part, from normal code execution to arbitrary, is completely invisible. Furthermore, I don't see why in a different category a slower PAL run would get its own branch, so why would an NTSC one here?
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Expanding on what Mizumaririn said, standard coordinates for monitors have the 0,0 in the top left corner, corresponding to a normal x and inverted y compared to a normal cartesian graph. Emulators follow the standard monitor logic. Why the top left corner was chosen, and not the bottom one, probably because now it follows the normal reading order?
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Nice to see this back again, very cool!
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I'd think those options would fall under the difficulty-choice rule, no? I don't know how that one is phrased, and now I can't even find it at all in the movie rules, but I think the general idea was that normal difficulty is always acceptable, harder difficulty if it is more interesting, and easier difficulty not really at all, but I'm not sure on the last part and that's the relevant bit here.
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Exciting stuff, thanks!
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Impressive as always, but any reason why the cycle skip isn't used for the boo roulette?
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Movie publications by system still talks about Moons (also in the urls), on this page It looks good elsewhere I looked tho.
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I liked the video, it's a good Tool-Assisted Showcase. It would be cool to have it somewhere suitable on the site. It's not really a good fit for the site as currently setup of course, even under the current more relaxed rules of the Playground linked above, as even those require the run to be reproducible by anyone. (Is there more required than an N64, the ROM, a TASbot, an input file, and the Triforce% github resources?) I think that means that the Showcase category should have a bit more relaxed stance about the verifyability of a run, and that's fine. Maybe even collect runs that you want to have in it, and then figure out what the rules tieing them together actually are.
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I don't think there is any grammatical problem with "Alternative" as a class name, since it is a noun just like "Standard" is. I'd bug me if one class would have "goals" in it and not the other, and it's cleaner to have both without. Would fit with the demo class "showcase" or w/e as well.
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It never felt right to me for the rules to have said both "we prefer (U) games and English language" and "we explicitly do not allow fan translations", so I don't really mind lessening the restrictions on them, but it's also something I'm not exactly keen on arguing for, if that makes sense.
I think it's worth something to be able to say of a run: this can be done on a real game on a real console. It's why playback files are required, and spliced movies are rejected, right? Official language options keep the run 'real' in this sense, fan translations do not. To have a tas author, or a judge, or whoever prove that there are no differences that effect this realness seems to me not worth the trouble at all (if they do, however, I see no reason to reject). To let go of the standard of realness for readable text seems to me not worth the trade, it's not like you can follow the story through all the text mashing usually anyways. Good submission notes are probably a better guide to understanding what's going on than a translation patch. (Gameplay patches provide more and different gameplay, and that gameplay on a superhuman level is the reason tases are made, so they are clearly of a different kind to aesthetic patches.)
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I think I can answer those two questions. 1) When screenscrolling to the left, you can pass an obstructed tile. Screenscrolling to the right, this is impossible and you get stuck. 2) In level 8, the dragon boss needs to be killed to open the door. And I have two questions of my own: 1) In the Money Making Games, you sometimes grab the left rupee. Would manipulating the center rupee to be the reward just take too long in these cases? 2) You can hit an enemy with both sword and wand at the same time, by pressing both buttons at the same time. Why is this not done on the Gleeoks in level 5, 6 and 7?
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I watched the encode with enemy turns and battle animations on, so I could follow the strategies a bit better and see something of the odds. It's very impressive, especially considering you can't manipulate the RNG too much, and not at all during an enemy turn if I understand it correctly. I don't particularly understand all the class changes, but I think the change from dragon-riding knights to horse-riders is because of the higher magic resistance? I'd have liked to read more elaborate chapter by chapter notes, but it was enough to follow the most important points. The 'extended' movie is, from the nature of things, a bit repetitive, and just doesn't entertain for the full 3 hours. I can't imagine getting more out of the shorter one tho, so for entertainment my vote is a meh+.
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I quite liked how you got Magus all beefed up to beat the final boss, and then promtly skipped getting him for the post-game content. The post-game content itself, mostly the Sanctum, is still pretty uninteresting to watch with all the backtracking and the repetitive nature of the apocalypse arm strats.
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I for one do not see the problem with having no branchless videos of a game at all. Not everyone would know what the 'baseline' is for any given game, and it seems to me that there is nothing to be gained from leaving videos branchless?
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Here are my ramblings. I hope I understand the current system right, which is as follows: - Standard, for movies with standard completion goals, i.e. fastest and full completion. - Alternate / Moons, for movies with alternate completion goals. Any goal that completes the game and is, in someway, logically part of the game is allowed. Usually this means there is a user-chosen limitation imposed: certain character only, reverse boss order, minimum coins/jumps/w/e, no major glitches. (TASes that complete the game are considered inherently interesting enough for publication, as long as they are not trivial.) The point of a Demonstration / Showcase category in my opinion would be for movies that do not fit in above, for two main reasons: 1) The movie goal is not to complete the game, but e.g. individual levels, or execute a specific glitch. (In a way, the need to start at power-on does not make sense as a requirement for the movie itself. It would be needed for syncing of course, but it would be similar to movies that need a verification movie to work) 2) How the game is played differs from normal play, e.g. with cheatcodes, with wacky input methods, or at the same time as another game. Another example would be that the game is played unoptimally to prove a point or demonstrate a technique, glitch or something else (again, my opinion). I think the main basis on which to discuss the topics of obsoletion, presentation, limitation and processing should be why you want these movies to be published at all. My answer to that would be something like this: that as long as they are tool assisted superplays that show an interesting facet of the game, or play the game in an interesting manner, they are important to the site goal and thus the site should do something with them. (I take as the site goal the mission statement, which talks only of running and playing a game, not completing it.) 1) Obsoletion: if the goals of two movies are not the same, what does it mean to obsolete? Especially with goals that are not about minimizing or maximizing something, but to demonstrate something, it's a hard question. Why would you even want to obsolete a movie that just demonstrates something anyways? Also, obsoleting implies judgment and limitation, so it may be better to get a grip on that first. 2) Presentation: Again it implies limitation, but I think there are definitely movies that deserve recognition like published movies even if they do not fit into the Standard-Moon mold (and are currently fated to Gruefood Delight at best). Discriminating on entertainment seems intuitive, since having every movie be published almost indiscriminately is just a bad idea. 3) Limitation: To limit these sorts of movies is I think a good idea. Otherwise what's the point in having them on this site? They should show superplay-quality, of course. Other limitations I'm not so sure about. Not limiting them means not publishing them (impossible workload) means they are just userfiles. 4) Processing: I can definitely see that allowing these kinds of movies makes for a lot more work for judges and publishers. Gain and effort spend should be in balance. I can imagine that it's a good idea to have submissions also apply for a publishing tier, where if you want to full 8K treatment you have to show why your movie is that interesting, and get some people to agree with you. (It is common practice that to get a motion even to table requires multiple signatures as well.) My leaning is towards an implementation that is a combination of Showcase as extension of Userfiles as a base (no judge/publisher workload), but with curation to give attention to what is most worth watching, and make it more available.
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The author of the vid has a commentated version on his twitch channel, which explains a lot.