Posts for Chanoyu

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I watched the fixed graphics encode, and that was amazing and fun to watch, so thanks for the great movie. Even so, I struggle with the non-fixed graphics encode, where it's all just so hard to follow, that I have no choice but to tune out. Best moments were the elevator rides.
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HHS wrote:
After thinking about it, I just realized that my previous answer is wrong, it has diamonds in it. Got to think about it some more...
Your minimum amount of heroes for each round (N = 1+ x + x(x+1)/2) is the same as mine, but that is with the assumtion the hero-counter-relation-construction is possible. However, this is not the case. For X=2, it is simply impossible to construct the counter-relations with N=6.* N=8 works though (a>b>c>d>e>f>g>h>a; a>c>g>a; b>e>h>d>f>b). I don't know about N=7, but I can't find a solution. *The six heroes are a, b, c, d, e, f. A counters two, it doesn't matter which: a>b & a>c. Because if a is copied, only d, e and f survive, d, e and f must form a counter-triangle: d>e>f>d. It could be the other way round, but it doesn't matter. Two of these must counter a as well, it does not matter which: d>a & e>a. Because e counters a and f, the remaining three must form a counter-circle: b>c>d>b or b<c<d<b. However, d already counters two other heroes, and cannot counter either b or c. Therefore, six heroes is not enough.
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On to the stuff I'm not sure about. Katanagatari is a contentious recommendation; it kind of fits the bill thematically (swordfighting, ninja...) but not at all stylistically (there's a fuckton of dialogue and not remotely as much action; the art style takes a while to get used to). But it's an amazing show for what it is, it's clever and has amazing soundtrack and animation, so it feels unfair not to mention it. People seem to really be divided about its ending, though!
If you're unsure, I'll second this recommendation. Keep in mind that the episodes are double the standard length (so 50 minutes). This means it may sometimes feels a bit slow compared to what you're used to, but I think the pacing is the better for it.
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I usually watch a youtube stream, either embedded in the published movie topic, or embedded on the publication page. But most of the time, for new movies, I watch the temporary encode in the workbench topic. I did sometimes download the encode for long RPGs for easier fast-forwarding.
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Lil_Gecko wrote:
Chanoyu wrote:
On waiting for satisfaction, how is the FFIX Perfect game coming along? I understood from the august WIP that there is only grind left (quite a bit of it), but since the TAS was started in 2012-2013, I can wait a bit longer.
Honestly, I don't think I am going to finish it in term of movie file. For the viewers, everything that can be done has been. The only thing left is maxing levels and getting enough Gil to buy 99 of everything. So couple hours of killing Yans and lots of hours of Chocobo Hot N Cold. Which is something I really don't have motivation for as of now.
That sounds entirely fair.
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Lil_Gecko wrote:
For the first FF7 TAS, I opted for the strict fastest possible but now that it's out of the way I'm 90% sure I am going to work on a No Slots run during the year to satisfy everyone. :)
On waiting for satisfaction, how is the FFIX Perfect game coming along? I understood from the august WIP that there is only grind left (quite a bit of it), but since the TAS was started in 2012-2013, I can wait a bit longer.
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Very nice to see this completed. It is a little boring to watch, impressive as the rng manipulation may be. It is most entertaining before slots.
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To me it seems logical from a completionist view to get at least one of every item, and then from the items limited in quantity, as many as possible. This would get you a complete inventory, and exhausts all itemsources that can be exhausted. I personally think that after this, getting 99 of every unexhaustable item is quite uninteresting. The same could be said for max gil, or max playtime, which also seem unneccessary to me.
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Aran Jaeger wrote:
So the inbounds rectangle is the same range as what is shown in the room's visualization here: Or in more detail, here is a screenshot from the game's editor: [. . .] To help your intuition: Just imagine Samus shot open the door-shell and enters the door, since in that case, Samus wouldn't have went further away from the boundaries of inbounds either in order to access the door. And the tile-structure has no bearing on the limits of the inbounds area.
Thanks for explaining. So if I get it right, the whole interior of the rectangle does not really matter for the In Bounds rule; if Samus was somehow hiding in the floor and still within the rectangle that would be allowed?
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Aran Jaeger wrote:
The banned types of exploits are: 1. Use of Out of Bounds (the exact way as I described it near the end of an older post here that defined it since then: ). 2. Use of the Golden Torizo debug code. 3. Use of Memory Corruption / ACE (normally still accessible via Spazer+Plasma beam combinations even if the above restrictions are fulfilled).
If you don't mind my asking, could you elaborate on why glitching through a locked door (at 23:59) is considered In Bounds? It seems unintuitive to me.
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Nach, I have a question for you. I think it fits better in this topic, as it is based on the SMB judgment. The question is what you think of the following. It's based on three quotes, two of which are yours. One important assumption is that the PAL SMB submission is, in every relevant way, faster than the NTSC published movie. 1) In this topic, you say that "If this was regarding Super Adventure Island or Lemmings, we probably wouldn't be having this conversation at all." 2) In your decision tree - which is very clear, so thanks for that - the relevant part is that "having a non-original replace a perfectly valid original seemed lunacy to me". 3) The judge guidelines - Managing game versions/ports on multiple platforms - states that one version is preferred, based on originality (or, age of publication), popularity, or superiority. I think it is clear that the preferred version for SMB is now based on the popularity of the American version, which is perfectly valid. That is why Lemmings is not relevant, because popularity would not be considered a good basis for choice of version. Since there are few games as popular as SMB, there are few games that are potentially relevant, and even less games that have a version difference. One that may come close is The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time. In its publication history on this site, the version used has changed from JP 1.1 to USA 1.0 to JP 1.0. Surely this is because of the glitch-potential (so superiority) instead of originality or popularity, even if it is a popular game. So there exists a precedent to choose something else than popularity, even for a popular game, as the basis for the version to publish. Therefore I think that the judge guidelines, as the OoT example shows, provide opportunity to at least soften the "lunacy" of obsoleting a "perfectly valid original". Furthermore, as MrWint explained, PAL SMB is not just a port, but also a sort of 1.1 patch applied at the same time as it was patched for 50Hz screens. The reason given to prefer originality is authenticity. I do not think it needs explaining that a later revision by the creator is no less authentic than the so called original: after all, the original only happens to be (coincidentally, as it were) published first. In question form: what is more authentic, a modern game with or without its day one patch? Therefore I think the preference of originality (which American SMB has over PAL SMB) is problematic, as the whole idea of preferring the first-published is an arbitrary preference. I think the guidelines do not dictate a rejection of PAL SMB, nor do they require an obsoletion of NTSC SMB, as they say: "we generally preferred one version of a game." To adhere to this preference for one version only, and have this version be based on its popularity is therefore a valid judgment, but not necessarily the only valid judgment.
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I sse it's 50 seconds faster than the USA version currently published to vault, but, even after watching, I cannot see where the fifty seconds come from. They both use the same strategies, there does not seem to be any new trick. Is anyone able to explain?
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Publishing this movie alongside the NTSC branch would clutter the site with a mostly redundant run and potentially set a bad precedent. Obsoleting the NTSC branch would nullify the version of the game that most of this site's users first played.
I'd like to expand on this a little. As a European, I played PAL versions of games, Super Mario Bros. included. I think that if the significance of SMB's status as a classic is in any way important, and obviously it is, this classic status applies as much to the NTSC version as the PAL version. I think it'd be a bit of a shame that, if the version of a game I played was different, that difference would be a reason to make a TAS of it unpublishable on the primier TAS videos site. In other words, as long as "my" and "your" games are the same, the version doesn't matter, but when they're not, I'd like to see "my" version too.
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Thanks for posting that video ruadath. The countermagic strats are very nice to see. And Infamous, that run uses math skill starting at Germinas Peak.
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Yes, the extension port was never designed for human input, but it was still designed for input.
The Exertainment exercise bike is a human input device, isn't it?
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Impressive time save.
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For optimal FFT tasing, the NA version is a little different (e.a. it has a weapon duping glitch) and faster because of it: the segmented WR is 3:33:15. Even with timing differences which I am not sure apply in this case, the ending cutscene is about 6 minutes in the nico TAS, though parts of it are played at twice the speed, so the segemented run should still be faster than the TAS. edit: NA has exclusive weapon duping, but JP has an exclusive secret hunt glitch which I forgot about and which allows you to buy all items from chapter 3 onwards. Together with faster text, this should make JP faster.
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Very nice, congrats on the improvement! Let's hope a run that is 18 seconds faster with a less entertaining strat won't show up this time. I have one question, though. You say that "We have build up a save outside Narshe with Terra/Locke party and events from the beginning of Narshe", but I did not see you leaving Narshe. Shouldn't it be "inside Narshe", or am I missing something?
Post subject: Re: #5236: Lord Tom's NES The Legend of Zelda in 22:17.53
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Radiant wrote:
Ah, it has an interesting screenshot. Are those three Links I see on screen? How on earth does that happen?
Two of those are darknuts that got hit.
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For the purposes of the "arbitrary code execution" category on this side, this run is decidedly different from the other FFVI runs, and the fastest of its sort. The site doesn't even have a category for sub-frame resets. I think it is silly to keep an old, known to be suboptimal in its category, run, and reject a new, different, not known to be suboptimal in its more specific category, run. If you want a strict interpretation of the rules, you could accept this run in the non-vaultable ACE/demonstration category. As the runs of Super Mario World demonstrate, it is possible in the current framework to have a "game end glitch" and a slower "arbitrary code execution" category.
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This looks well made, and was fun to watch. I have only one question, and that is what effect the run recently posted in the FFVI thread, which is 31:29 long, though by no means as entertaining, has. Since this movie is entertaining, it can be accepted even if not the fastest, but it feels like a shame to not have the fastest run as any% TAS.
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I think Odin hits all enemies, so 1) you wouldn't need Vivi's Death, and you can switch him with Eiko; and 2) you wouldn't need Quina. If this is right, I'd suggest figuring out how fast you can get Odin'd battles to go by. Then, if it's the fastest (the animation takes 30 seconds so I'd think so), you should probably switch her in as soon as its feasible for her to end the battle with one summoning. That's 99 ores, and then she needs at least level 20 ([99/2]{ores}-72{Yan's level}=23, I don't know her magic stat). You know how difficult it is to get lucky, and how much % you need to realistically get the OHKO. So, keeping the battles up as you do now, until you hit 99 ores, you need to fight at least one battle (without virus'd or dead people) to get Garnet to level 24. (exp needed is 30,786, 3*Yan gives 32k to 4 people). The first party to get leveled should beat this asap then. There are two spots taken by Zidane and Garnet, two spots are left. Freya's Freeze, Amarant's Death and Quina's Sleep are the important options (Vivi's Death has no chance of hitting yet). Quina is the safe option, but Freya and Amarant might be faster. I see in the Monster List Yans can cast snort, which could be useful: more experience to Garnet after the battle, I think. If this works, it's Zidane and Garnet all the way, and switching members three times. Use Virus Powder on Zidane and Garnet to regulate which members get faster experience and thus less AP. Alternatively, if Freya Freezing/Amarant Deathing/Steiner Heating/Zidane shattering is the fastest, it might be worth it to safe Freya's and Amarant's leveling for last, and have a slower start with Garnet.
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Attacks with Added Status do not have such a target level modifier (simple base chance, that's it), and Amarant's Avenger's Death (15%) may be useful, and maybe Freya's Ice Lance's Freeze (10%). Info comes from the Battle mechanics FAQ.
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If your Steiner is still level 27, I'd guess the formula comes down to 0% in the end, just like using Odin. The formula: Chance = Status Accuracy + Lvl + [Mag / 4] - Target Level. So 30+27+mag/4-72 would be the chance to hit, andd depending on Steiner's Magic, it might be zero.