One quick guess is 9, 2 and 2 since he can't decide the ages by the first two clues which means that the house number has more than one series of 3 numbers whose product is 36. Doing some fast calculations in the head I think 13 is the only house number where this is the case with the series 6, 6, 1 and 9, 2, 2. And since one of them is the oldest (which I take for granted means being at least one years older than the others) the answer should be the second of those.
Also wouldn't it be enough to just give out the first and last clue to solve this, since I think there only exist one series of numbers that meets the first case and having a tie for the highest number?
You need the second part, because without the second part you don't know that the sum of the ages is not unique. if she said the product is 36 and the oldest played piano, then (1,1,36), (1,2,18), (1,3,12), (1,4,9),(2,2,9), (2,3,6), and (3,3,4) could all be possibilities. the second clue implies that the number on the house next door is 13, which implies the answer is (2,2,9)
"if i asked you to have sex with me, would the answer to that question be the same as the answer to this question?", no matter if you say yes or no, you imply that the answer to the "if i asked you to have sex with me" is yes. you cant find out if who is the liar or which door to go through, but you at least get to have sex with them before you risk your life playing their stupid game, which is what life is all about anyways.
Alright so this past week I watched "The legend of Neil", "The Guild", and "There Will Be Brawl". I want to watch something just as funny as the guild or just as amazing as brawl but I haven't found anything yet. any suggestions?
>You are a rude warrior that needs to pass two men. One always tells the truth and the other always lies. They wont let you pass until you have figured out who is the lying one. What is the fastest way to do so?
Ask "is the pope catholic?".
Or, since you are a rude warrior, you can just push them aside.
The riddle is there are 2 doors , one door leads to where you need to go, the other door leads to instant death or something. there are 2 beings, one which always tells the truth the other always lies. you get to ask one of the beings ONE question. what do you ask to always know which door to go through? The riddle and answer can be found in the movie "the labyrinth". I would ask "if i asked you to have sex with me, would the answer to that question be the same as the answer to this question?" lol tautologies
here is a good riddle: "a census taker goes to a house, and a lady answers the door. He asks her how many children she has, she says she has 3. He then asks, how old they are. She says the product of their ages is 36. He says, well that's not enough information. She responds, saying "the sum of their ages is equal to the number of the house next door." The census taker looks at the house, thinks for a minute, and says that is sill not enough information. The woman responds, "the oldest plays piano". The census take says thank you and leaves. How old are her children?
The answer to my previous math question is the set E is a modified version of the union of the removed intervals of this:
instead of summing (1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 +...), we need the sum to be (c/2 + c/4 + c/8 + c/16 +...) which is easy to do.
I saw this thread on xkcd and i think it would be nice to do it here too.
If you could combine any 2 games, which would you do?
Shenmue with Grand Theft Auto type freedom would be the greatest game ever, because it would be Shenmue where you could beat the shit out of anyone.
ssb - current characters + all 151 pokemon = pokemon w/ smash gameplay.
wii sports + mario tennis/golf
In order to create an optimal 100%, people should start trying the TASes of individual stars while also getting the 100-coin star, since coin collecting by itself is very similar to the traveling salesman problem.
Excellent work on both videos! What are the chances of you doing a 2p vs. video that shows off some incredible dodging/recovery? :) Two TAS opponents fighting each other, Matrix style... haha!
My grandfather used to play chess through the mail with a friend, one move at a time. It would be cool to watch a 1-stock 2 player versus done by two people in the same manner (one frame at a time). Maybe have a 3rd person to take the input from both people so neither player can know what the other is doing.
You guys should check up on your algorithmic information theory. A true random number is uncomputable, so no algorithm can create one (there do exist approximations, but they all deffer depending on your formal language).
If so, surely the universe cannot 'compute' a random number either?
Since this is a thread based off an april fools joke, i'll go ahead and be off topic.
Random numbers correspond to bits of information which are incompressible, so your random number would have an infinite decimal representation. In the finite universe that you experience, you will never be able to have a way to represent that number in closed form, unlike other numbers like pi, 1/3, sqrt(2), etc. You can however, mathematically prove existence in a continuum.
So if you believe the universe is (uncountably) infinite, then it may be making random numbers somewhere, but they are not being made by an algorithm (ie, causality doesn't exist; no causality means no physics to explain or predict it; therefore there is no algorithm underlying the process). The pathological part of it is that if I throw a dart at a continuous number line, then the probability that I hit an uncomputable number is 100%.
Physics that lead to 'randomness' or 'chaos' are due to lack of precision in discrete approximations to continuous models. Randomness from the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and wave function collapse are another matter.
You guys should check up on your algorithmic information theory. A true random number is uncomputable, so no algorithm can create one (there do exist approximations, but they all deffer depending on your formal language).
Always having a black ball a good thing. Lets say you are a sprinter. Giving every other sprinter the same shoes, clothing, and holding the race indoors away from wind is the same as having a video game that always gives you a black ball. Sounds fair to me.
Edit:I'll donate $50 if this is not an April fools joke. Otherwise, asking for money under false pretenses is real a reason to the players and viewers abandon this site.