Posts for CoolKirby

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I also like the first one.
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I love the publication screenshot.
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niamek wrote:
I think this run should lose the tag 100% because it's not really a 100% run. It just completes all levels. It doesn't collect all the emblems.
You're right, not sure why it was given that tag. It has been removed now.
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Weatherton wrote:
My goal is this year.
That's great! I'm definitely looking forward to it.
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Nach wrote:
I think the following 3 logical movie classes should be added: Executes arbitrary code. Skips majority of the game via glitches (uses warp does not imply glitches, nor should it) Skips the final boss via glitches.
I also support these, especially "Executes arbitrary code", as that's notable and unique and several movies can be tagged with it. Like feos noted, the second one should probably be shortened to something like "major warp glitch". The third one could possibly be condensed to "skips final boss", as long as it's clear that the final boss isn't supposed to be skipped. (I don't know of any game where beating the game without fighting the final boss (assuming normal/best ending) is intended behavior.) The class might also have to cover cases like this, where the final boss fight is entered and exited early.
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More entertaining than the previous run (which took too long to start executing code in my opinion) and half the length! Yes vote, definitely obsolete the current one.
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I got a little dizzy watching that. I think that movement is just bad enough to go without, even if that would likely be a little slower. 27-32 seconds is a lot, but we don't want viewers to get headaches or nausea.
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Enjoyed watching your WIPs. I didn't think it was possible, but the ring stages are actually somewhat entertaining when TASed, and the indoor levels definitely are. It's too bad about the excess lag, but it doesn't hurt the run that much. Yes vote!
NitroGenesis wrote:
Should the game be referred to as Superman 64 or its official name (Superman: The New Adventures)?
Probably its official name. We can refer to it as Superman 64 in the movie description.
solarplex wrote:
Next TAS I wanna see if people like the idea of it: "Hey hey hey! it's time to make some crazy money! Are you ready? Here! We! Go!" Crazy Taxi! on hardest mode with shortest amount of time.
YES. That would make a great run!
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Looks optimized so far, good work.
Samsara wrote:
Speaking of lag frames, I suppose constant ground-dashing would remove those frames at the cost of probably making this section of the run impossible to watch without feeling sick, so I'm making the decision here to not bother in the slightest out of respect for anyone who watches... Though I'll go back and redo that section tomorrow if people don't mind Superman blazing back and forth 5-6 times a second to save a few lag frames here and there.
I think I'd have to see what this looks like before making that call.
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It's great that you're finished already!
solarplex wrote:
TasVideos time explained to me was 59.7275005696058fps
That's the frame rate for the Game Boy line. Note that frame rates vary between consoles, and according to that page, the N64's is just about 60. I tested one of the published N64 movies (SM64 "120 stars") to see how the site calculates the time and got: 290491 frames / 60 FPS / 60 minutes = 1:20:41.5166667 ~ 1:20:41.52 ...which is the time the site displays for that publication. So it seems the site calculates using exactly 60 FPS after all.
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I also found it entertaining. Definitely keep going!
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What jumped out at me the most about this run is that it really looks superhuman. The seemingly split-second decisions the seaQuest makes, the speed at which it gets the divers, and the obvious planning put into building up the score as fast as possible all set this clearly apart from the real-time run. The information in the submission text makes it even more apparent how technical this run is. So I have to say I was entertained. Yes vote!
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YushiroGowa wrote:
and the little girl who actually gets KILLED by Mario? Not that there's something wrong with Mario I just didn't expect that in a Nintendo game.
As pirohiko said earlier:
She was a ghost. She was looking for a playfellow.
And considering that this is a Nintendo game (as you said) and each character is alive in the cutscene right after you defeat them (except obviously the ghost), it would be logical to conclude that none of them really die anyway.
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Wow, that ground slide really is fast! The rest of the testrun looks really good too, and I laughed at how easily you fooled the beams. Good luck on the polished run!
Post subject: WIP vbm and encode
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Here you go! And here is an encode. In the minigame where you whack away the foosa with Melman, the fastest way to clear a foosa is to have it hit Melman (though this can only be done 4 times without dying). Also, I got to use subpixel optimization for the ledges in the Melman's Sneeze Jump level. Didn't expect to have to do that in this game.
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The run has been slowly progressing as both YoungJ and I have been busy with school. We are at the beginning of Lemur Liberation now (which is somewhat hard to optimize, but it should be smooth sailing after that), after which we'll be about two-thirds done with the game. Now that it's summer, the run should be finished in the next few months. Just ask if you'd like the movie file or an encode.
Post subject: Levels 1-3 WIP
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I resynced the run on DeSmuME 0.9.9, made the first level more entertaining without losing any time, and finished the next two levels. Here is the WIP. I'm not sure if I'll continue this right now. There are quite a few runs I want to do, and this feels more like a nice side project.
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Actually, if he didn't explicitly say he used another program, he might have used Dolphin to make those. He gave his laptop make and model (which someone wouldn't do if playing on a modded Wii) in the description and he very well could have used lots of savestates and just dumped and encoded the videos he uploads (in which the load state messages wouldn't appear). If that is how Call of Duty plays on Dolphin (perfectly), I'd say there's nothing stopping a run from being made.
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feos wrote:
The example above is about routines that are parts of the real ending. Marking the stages beaten is not part of Rockman's ending, they are just marked so because it's part of the gaming process, and they are beaten separately. In that case, I consider the ending "broken", but legit.
I agree with this. Rockman doesn't do anything special when the game ends except roll the credits. The stages wouldn't be marked completed unless you actually went and beat the bosses during the game. (Though I'm assuming Cutman's stage was marked completed sometime during the ACE.) I think this should be published, and as a separate branch from the really cool currently published run.
adelikat wrote:
The difference between the glitch used in this run and the glitched prominently used in the 12 minute movie is what?
The difference is DelayEnding. This run uses it, executes arbitrary code and warps to the credits, while the other run uses many comparatively minor glitches to skip a few stages but ultimately play through everything until beating Dr. Wily. Someone (maybe feos?) said recently that ACE TASes are in a whole different category from other types of runs, and I feel this is one of those cases.
Post subject: Re: Superman
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It's really nice to see you taking up this game, and I'm glad you found some cool and useful tricks already! I'm looking forward to your progress.
Samsara wrote:
I'd love to find out exactly where the hitboxes are
There's a lot of good suggestions for finding hitbox positions and even displaying them on screen in this thread.
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I just caught up on all your WIPs and they all look really good so far. You did a good job choosing which rings were the best to skip in ring stages and the indoor levels are fast and entertaining and look optimized (and I really enjoyed the wrestling move finish on Darkseid and punching that guy at the end of Parasite — both were hilarious).
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Seconding Anon's very old post's suggestion of Pocky & Rocky. I think a run of that could turn out to be both fast-paced and entertaining (and fairly short too).
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Ah, okay. Thanks, Patashu! I'll check that page every so often so I'll know when they need testers.
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That's great! Looking forward to seeing the development...develop.
Toothache wrote:
Would be helpful for us to get on board and help build this thing up to scratch
I can't help with the programming (at least not right now), but I can test new revisions if they need someone to do that.
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bihan wrote:
Also should I move on to 4.0 now?
It's generally a good idea to use the latest version available when you start your run. If you've already started on a 3.0 revision and want to switch, you'll have to decide if the newer version's changes are important enough for you to have to redo all your input.