Posts for DK64_MASTER

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I think I should state the obvious here for the umpteenth time (also cocks). JXQ made his commentary as a protest of how much he felt OOT was a bad game to TAS. It came naturally. It was a one time thing. Not only will making another one spoil the hilarity of the old commentary, it will seemlike JXQ actually wants to be affiliated with a game he dislikes. I HIGHLY doubt he wants to make another commentary either.
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Dragonfangs wrote:
Harry's parents die in 1981 (as seen on their Tombstone). Harry was one year old at the time iirc. He's seventeen during the course of the 7th book so... 1997?
Yes, either 1997, or 1998. There was mention of Dudely having a Playstation, in the year 1994/5. This was one year before the japanese release. So the time frame may be a bit inconsistent. I think JK started the time frame from when she first thought of Harry, back in 1992 on a train to/from London.
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Blublu wrote:
Like it would make ANY difference whether the wand was located in his hand or that tomb. Not. Stupid git.
I've always felt that Harry Potter wasn't the brightest bloke on the block. But yeah, one could make the argument that "absolute power corrupts absolutely." What was Voldemort's motive for turning evil. I don't seem to remember what it was. Did he just hate his father for abandoning, became a bully, and eventually decided to murder all non pure-bloods?
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Nach wrote:
DK64_MASTER wrote:
Was Snape ever revealed to be a pure-blood?
Was the half blood prince pure blood? Gee lets think about this.
DK64_MASTER wrote:
Voldemort hated halfbloods and he was one.
Tom was a full muggle and half squib son. Not like Harry who was from full blood and mudblood (hey at least she's magical), who were both heads back in school.
DK64_MASTER wrote:
I think the sorting hat stuck him there due to the combination that he was a pure blood, liked to talk about pure bloods, and that he wanted to be in Slytherin. But then again, not all purebloods have to go to Slytherin (Sirius).
You need to notice the book entitled "The Half Blood Prince" again.
Ah right, I was missing something obvious there. So I guess if you really wanted to be in a certain house (and if you had comparable magic potential), you'd be put there. Another great moment by Snape was during a flashback, when Dumbledore asked him if he loved Harry, only because he was Lilly's son, or did he really love him. He answers "always". Voldermort's reaction to the revelation that Snape was never on his side seemed very anti-climatic, so did the part when Harry first "died" Rowling spent too much time musing on how Harry had to face death, and had no more room left for plot. I could divide the book like so: 50% of Harry mumbling about finding the horcuxes / hallows 20% plot development 15% of Harry/Ron/Hermoine hiding from death eaters/complaining 10% of Harry's scar 5% of character development (mainly Snape) I would have liked to have seen more character development and less about horcuxes. But yeah, I'd read the series again. And again.
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Was Snape ever revealed to be a pure-blood? I think with all his actions during that flashback scene, he must be one, but then again Voldemort hated halfbloods and he was one. I think the sorting hat stuck him there due to the combination that he was a pure blood, liked to talk about pure bloods, and that he wanted to be in Slytherin. But then again, not all purebloods have to go to Slytherin (Sirius).
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Nach wrote:
DK64_MASTER wrote:
It pissed me off when they killed Fred, and not George. It's all or nothing.
I predicted a while back she would kill off one twin, it's more painful that way. I'm glad to see she had the intelligence to make at least one death seem like a loss. What annoys me is that she wrote absolutely nothing about how George ended up coping with it, or what happened to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes after.
Yeah, It is more painful... Except we didn't see George's pain. We had freaking Percy get pissy, of all people. I wanted to know what happened to George. I was predicting something along the lines of "And George ended up in St. Mungos, as he was never the same without his looney counterpart." None of the deaths (from book 7) seemed to have had an impact on any of the characters in the book, except for Dobby, which wasn't very entertaining to read. Dobby got a couple of pages of obituary, and Tonks/Lupin get 2 sentences. Way to give closure. Also, I really wanted to see the dynamics of Draco Malfoy and Harry after the final fight. They seem to be on good terms at the end, but what about Lucius? The best part of the book was when they said something along the lines of Snape being the most courageous of all of them, and then they mention that he was in Slytherin, yet had the courage of a Gryffindor.
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SPOILERS... It pissed me off when they killed Fred, and not George. It's all or nothing. Also, why the hell did they light Neville's head on fire. That was slightly disturbing. And he doesn't even give a shit afterwards. It's like they turned him into the terminator. Well, I'm not complaining, Neville is one of my favorite characters. Also, how they just killed off Nymphadora and Remus just pissed me off. No explanation, just a mention. Remus should have turned werewolf and battled Fenir head on. And how they just killed Picknose. He was under the Imperius curse dammit! A funny reference, I caught, which probably wasn't intentional is Molly Weasley sceaming "YOU BITCH" at Bellatrix reminded me of the whole YTMND Snape kills Dumbledore drive-by. And no mention of Charlie Weasley :( Biggest annoying plothole: Dobby rescuing everyone. If Harry had half a brain he'd summon Kreacher to do his bidding. They left him there cooking. Kreacher, obviously, is no pushover, he owned dungface, and dungface is supposed to be a pretty powerful wizard (he was part of the order, after all). I liked the series as a whole, but I felt this last novel was rushed. It was over too soon.
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ShadowWraith wrote:
Actually I think he was talking about re-writing the game so that you don't need to emulate it.
Ah, I see. That makes more sense. I can't imagine how tough it would be to try to copy the game's mechanics exactly, without the source.
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Kabuto wrote:
(2) You can also reverser engineer the game's internal algorithms and rewrite them in a modern language such as C++ which will then run much faster than any emulation (and also allows you to cut away anything you don't need, e.g. your score). [...] I've already done (2) but be warned: it's very, very complicated.
Can you clarify something for me? I always thought that emulators/ROMS were written in some sort of assembly language, which is among the most efficient (but painfully slow) ways to program. Wouldn't programming in a higher level language hinder this efficiency? Perhaps I didn't understand the statement.
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Spacecow wrote:
Haha, I love that autoscrolling level that scrolls faster than Mario can run.
There was a similar level in Super Carlos World (made by Chef Stef or some of his buddies) that made this effect look even better. Imagine this, except you are under water :D. I posted an SMV back in the old hack topic while it was pooped on by funguy10. As for this hack... Looks too hard to hold my entertainment, although it was nice to see another super scrolling level.
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VANDAL wrote:
Soulrivers wrote:
AngerFist wrote:
Baxter actually solved Tetris.
I second this statement.
Ah, what the hell, I'll third this.
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alden (from the Tetris "Mode B" topic) wrote:
Oops, guess I should have said "any *more* bonus points would be overflow" :P The movie wouldn't be any faster if you still got bonus points when doing LDR, right? So are you going to take on the A game next Baxter?
I think a bit of role reversal happened here :D.
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Philippino inmates dance to "Thriller." 1500 of them!
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I loved the second one. I started watching the first one, up until you did the jax fatality. I had to catch my breath because I was laughing so hard!! "I GOT BLOOD SPEWING OUT OF MY FEET!!!!!" Yes vote, and I'm not even finished with the whole movie!
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This is the first time I've understood what Warp was trying to say.
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marioguy wrote:
The thing about TAS's, is that the viewer doesn't know it's not perfect until someone submits a new movie.
I think the fact that we have this submission thoroughly proves this quote wrong. Are you claiming that if a run is submitted, and accepted, the viewer will not be able to see improvements? Even if this is the case (and I'm definitely not saying this is), wouldn't it be nice to prove them wrong?
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Post subject: Re: How did you discover TASvideos?
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phunqsauce wrote:
I couldn't find something similar when i searched the forum index but I was curious as to how all the members discovered TASvideos. My journey towards hitting this site began with a speedrun of SMB 3 someone sent me which was rather impressive. Immediately I hopped on google searching for more NES speedruns which led me to Arc's page which had some really cool shit on it. Some of these runs were labeled as being on Bisqwit's site and then BAM! There I was on (now TASvideos) and the rest is history. edit: thank you baxter
Same for me. Although, I "idled" on arc's site for more than a year, then discovered SDA, and subsequently nesvideos.
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AKA wrote:
It has the same nostalgic value much like the 3 min ALttP run so it should be published mainly becuase of that.
I gotta get moozooh to add that one to the his list.
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mr_roberts_z wrote:
Myles (the guy from GFAQs)
I'm surprised you'd associate Myles with gamefaqs ;) He's widely well known in the speedrunning community for his mk64 prowess, among other things. What I'm getting at, is that he's a reliable source, like Weatherton claims. As for the blj spots... very interesting.
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Yeah, the fact that gba scrabble dictionary sucks hinders a scrabble tas greatly. Now only, if someone could hack the rom to include the official scrabble dictionary.
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Post subject: Re: #1626: Chef Stef's NES Tetris in 00:50.53
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NesVideoAgent wrote:
Many thanks to alden, who discovered that the blocks can be manipulated by pressing down, left, and right all at once (as opposed to pausing, the previous method of manipulation).
Off topic: I find it funny that the most popular online tetris site in this community (sprintgod's tetris) uses "down, left, and right" as a fast forward command on replays. On topic: I like this movie (more-so than the first one, which I refrained from voting on). Although we already have very nice tetris movie on this site, I believe that this one deserves publishing too.
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I downloaded it overnight (I've been meaning to watch it for a while). I did have a bit of trouble in terms of peers, but it all came through eventually. I'll start seeding when I get back from work (9kb/s upload limit, though :(). FYI, I liked the movie a lot. Also, sig change.
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Lex wrote:
Here's the original deviation by viperv6.
ZOMG!! It's VIPer7's ancestor!
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Maybe some of them wanted to vote on a submission, but then realized that newly registered users cannot post until a certain grace period/post number is reached.
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Seems like a graphically advanced version of this game: (At the current time of posting this link, the site was down...) It was up a few days ago.
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