Posts for DeHackEd

Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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I think it's generally a user-interface thing. There isn't really a technical limit, but having unlimited savestates means you need some way of selecting a slot from an unlimited list of possibilities, and your keyboard only has around 100 keys. Lua allows you to have thousands of savestates (for internal use only for the mostpart) and I hacked snes9x to have a slider control for my savestate select ("previous" and "next" selections with no limit in the forward direction) when playing exclusively on a joypad.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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Warp wrote:
Question: Are the ponies in the show really 100% vegetarian? ...
Interesting question. They're shown harvesting eggs as part of that Sisterhood Social race, implying that they do use the eggs. There's strong implications of drinking cow's milk and at least one instance of eating cheese. Other arguments have been made before. They've been seen eating tomatoes which is actually poisonous to real horses. Though they were intended to be "like real ponies but modified" said modifications are open to interpretation; apparently that includes making them able to eat some human-compatible food to help us relate, but they still eat hay to remind us they're equine. Also, just to blow your mind completely, the Apple family raises pigs. Presumably for the benefit of the occasional carnivorous griffin coming to town. And griffins eat apples, because that's what lions and/or eagles eat. Wait, what? I think the MST3K mantra applies.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Yup, it's official. Youtube's run by bronies.
We know. (Also gives you an idea of how long this has been running for, which may or may not be a surprise)
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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I suggest reading a book or something about Lua. It's very extensible. It has Object-Oriented features. Also check out a site like Luaforge. You can import any Lua module you want into your emulator and Lua script. There's a gui function for generating screen shots (may vary by emulator) which is easily handled using the `gd` library. As for a debugger, I have no idea. All my code just works the first time. I think it's Mountain Dew.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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Indeed. Doing all my custom stuff in C++ (that is to say, direct emulator hacks) got annoying. What language do you want exactly then?
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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CPU: 1st generation Intel Core i7 940 @ 2.97 GHz 
Cores/Threads: 4/8
GPU: GeForce GTX 260
HDD: Intel SSD boot disk (also raid-1 read cache) 
     + software RAID-1 1TB
     + ~6 TB usable in the NAS (RAID-6)
Post subject: Re: #4020: Flip's PSX Warcraft II - The Dark Saga "Orc Levels" in 1:32:51.75
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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TASVideoAgent wrote:
Mothrayas: Judging.
Well that didn't take very long.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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Winzip has been obsolete for a decade. Windows makes zips natively. Besides, doesn't 7zip make zip files? The 7 means it supports 7 different formats.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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H264 software decoding of the 10bit444 video takes a decent chunk of CPU, but my core i7 (first generation) is more than up to it. Hardware h264 decoding works but not for 10bit video. 720p youtube plays fine. I usually avoid 1080p on youtube for bandwidth reasons. Not testing the embedded video in the OP because is slow right now, and noscript.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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Any client that CAN'T detect hash failures I would call defective. 90% of the space of a .torrent file is checksum data. There are a few known scenarios where NAT routers would modify traffic in transit which could cause data corruption. It would render it impossible to finish downloading as everyone you try to download from would cause the same corruption. Furthermore you shouldn't be able to connect to a remote bittorrent user who's downloading the wrong file unless their system is broken as well because the file identity is tied to said hashes and the other user should have checked theirs first. Someone should independently verify this failure. Sadly I'm calling Not It right now.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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All Lua numerical types are double precision internally. So that's already covered. There isn't a native way to convert an IEEE float (4-byte) to Lua. Even internally it's using 8-bit doubles. But you can use any add-on library you can find at, say, Luaforge. Does that help?
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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I think I should have waited a little longer. It's been about 9 hours since the youtube video was uploaded and it's STILL not ready. Come on, google!
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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I have a full set of encoded videos ready for uploading assuming this gets accepted.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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I require a format spec to add support. I need to be able to tell if the input is a bizhawk input and how to get useful stats out of it.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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I've noticed something. Each season of MLP has had 1 shitstorm each. S1 before it started (OMG MLP is for girls), S2 had it in the middle (Derpy!) and S3 had it at the end, or rather leading up to what happened at the end. What will happen in S4? (If you didn't hear, the show was renewed for another 26 episodes, there will be a 4th season
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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The list of features a good torrent maker needs is pretty extensive. Off the top of my head:
  • Trackerless mode support (list DHT nodes instead of trackers)
  • Multiple trackers and failover (more annoying than useful)
  • Private mode
  • Directory/batch torrent support
Not that it's a huge list, and for what you have would probably suffice. If you want to make it remotely feature-complete for general purpose use, these are next. Also, you might want to update the topic to "CLI torrent maker" to be more accurate. I thought you were going to ask what to use and I would suggest rtorrent
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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Based on body (specifically, face) shape Spitfire should be female.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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Super Mario 64 *120 is the one I gave my first "I saw it and I still don't believe it" award to. But that would have been quite some years ago now. Other award winners:
  • Mega Man 2
  • Mega Man 1
Wow, that's actually kinda telling about me.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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Unknown value search in the cheat function. Do an Equals search over time without moving, and either a greater-than if you're moving "forward" or a not-equals search if you don't know which way the game considers forwards or backwards or if you can't keep a consistent motion going. Once you narrow it down enough, try watching the values continuously and see how they respond to your walking around. Something like that should get you your X values. Then try looking at nearby values for possible Y candidates, or just repeat the process.
Post subject: Site downtime
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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The site will be inaccessible for a few minutes at 8:30 PM GMT tonight (4:30 PM Eastern, 1:30 PM Pacific) for some OS maintenance.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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DHT == !private
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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Speedrunning or tool-assisted speedrunning? The former is easy. Just play the game normally. Tool-assistance allows abuse of any emulator feature that doesn't change the way the game runs (cheat codes, ROM hacks, etc). Have you checked out the resources in the main Wiki yet? Maybe try starting at this page?
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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The colon: is for calling a function, not making a function. You probably want something more like this:
Language: lua

-- File to write to local outfile = assert("value_mem.txt", "w")); local function onMemoryWrite() outfile:write(memory.readbyte(0x00c7500f) .. "\n") end memory.registerwrite(0x00c7500f,onMemoryWrite)
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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Alternative form:
while true do
  for _unusedvar=1,60 do

So many people forget that you can call emu.frameadvance however the heck you want. Doesn't have to be done once per infinite loop.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Site Developer, Former player
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How the heck did you get a ping time of 15ms to I'm not allowed to be that lucky. It's like some kind of cosmic rule.