Posts for Dooty

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oh, yes, I forgot about that! (it will also skip one boss fight, I guess...) I'll try to do a test run using whatever I can from my run just for the heck of it. My test run failed... lots of desyncs :( but here's something from the test; * the lower path is a lot slower than the good ending route * there's too many Axe, Spear and Sword Lords to take care of * one of the bosses, Cloaked Sorcerer, have two energy bars... so, the fastest way to reach the bad ending is the good ending route minus the rescues.
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@ XYZ Um... There's another boss to fight on the Mine stage if you choose not to save the girls, so I think it will be slower.
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Gee, thank you guys.
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The screenshot is added to the submission text, thank you Dark Noob.
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You're welcome :) Um... Quackshot, really nice game. I already tried it a few months ago, but I couldn't spot any mistake on the run. edit: The "there's no mistakes on the published run" still stands for me, of course it may be possible to save one frame here and there planning different places to slide or jump. I don't know if he's still around, but you may remember maTO? (I miss him by the way) He is a talented Genesis TASer and I'm sure he would be more up to the task than me. edit2: a little update on my progress; the Headless Knight is out of my way, 172 frames ahead now. I couldn't manipulate him to jump twice in a row, but I'm happy with the new strategy on this boss fight. edit3: Maria Renard is out of Dracula's chamber, literally, 192 frames ahead now. edit4: I've managed to hit the Reaper twice with every axe, but it's a lot slower than the current strategy, so to keep it simple I recreated pirate_sephiroth's fight. I'm now 292 frames ahead. edit5: Too bad it's not possible to kill the Reaper before his rolling attack... anyway the run is almost complete and it will be submitted soon enough. edit6: sorry, not so soon, an item crash and the Reaper was defeated before his stupid rolling attack! 356 frames ahead now. Final edit: the run is done, 689 ahead.
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No, I'm more focused on improving, if it happens and save time, I'll redo the movie because it is very hex friendly. I'm where the "merman skip" happens (or "bat skip" as on the published run), 97 frames ahead now.
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Don't worry, I think it's ok as long as we post in English too we're not breaking any rule :) anyway, I'm almost positive I'm a dog chasing a car with that knockback thing, when/if it happen, I'll not know what to do with it...
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Thank you scrimpeh :) @ pirate_sephiroth about the free Portuguese translations, I think I'm the culprit for posting in the UMK3 thread this way. I'll go to the Portuguese sub forum from now on when I feel the need to speak in my own language, thanks. /back on topic I'm on the same room the knockback happened for the first time (the room with a cat and a yoyo-head skeletons), 56 (only???) frames ahead, so I'll focus here for a while.
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Yes, with these enemies I can do the "knockback" without much trouble, but I still haven't figured out how to make the other enemies hit me with a "critical" hit. (which would send me farther and faster) Sim, com esses inimigos eu consigo fazer o "knockback" sem muitos problemas, mas eu não consegui ainda descobrir como fazer para inimigos normais me acertarem com um golpe "critico". (o que me lançaria mais longe e mais rápido)
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No, that's not it. It's more or less what happens when the bull that chases you right before the first boss fight hits you. pirate_sephiroth and others said it is possible to use "normal" enemies to achieve the same result, and that's what I'm trying to do. Não, não é isso. É mais ou menos o que acontece quando o touro que te persegue um pouco antes da primeira luta contra um chefe te acerta. pirate_sephiroth e outros disseram que é possivel usar inimigos "normais" e conseguir o mesmo resultado, e é isto que eu estou tentando fazer.
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Oh, yes, that's a backflip (the annoying way to travel faster in this game), but I'm looking for the "knockback" thing.
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Thank you guys. The knockback seems to be the "holy grail" to save time on this game as the level of optimization pirate_sephiroth put on this is sky high! So I'll spend a good amount of my free time to look for it (recording and saving some back ups).
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I'm not bored at all, but I would like to try this game out too :) I'll try to find this infamous "Merman Skip" whatever it is... anyway, I'm on the first boss battle, 24 frames ahead.
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all of them is good, but I choose Sonikustar's.
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No problem :) The best would be to use frame advance always, but I know it's a pain in the ass... about manipulation, try pressing different buttons during a strike or combo, you can manipulate the opponent's next action that way. Sem problema :) O melhor seria usar frame advance sempre, mas eu sei que isso é um pé no saco... sobre a manipulação, experimente apertar diferentes botões durante um golpe ou combo, você pode manipular a próxima ação do oponente desse jeito.
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Cool! In this type of game speed is not what counts, but I noticed something that could give a more "pro" feeling to your movie; Use frame advance on the menus, and when you choose Shang Tsung pass through the closed box, this will save a few frames. Legal! Neste tipo de jogo a velocidade não é o que conta, entretanto eu notei algo que poderia dar um aspecto mais "pro" ao seu filme; Use frame advance nos menus, e na hora de escolher o Shang Tsung passe pela caixa fechada, isso economizará alguns frames.
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ais523 wrote:
why do you spend so long on the title screen? Also, how does damage work in this game?
You can press up and down as soon as the title screen appears, but you must wait a few frames to be able to press start, it can't be avoided. about the damage, collecting a heart powerup gives you the opportunity to get one hit and survive, I use it to kill enemies or bosses faster. After the boss is defeated Bomberman is invincible and in this case taking damage reduces lag.
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what boct1584 said. It seemed better in my head.... anyway here's the demo; tradução; exatamente o que boct1584 disse, eu gostaria de ver pelo menos em uma das lutas uma espécie de "luta espelhada", onde você e o oponente usam os mesmos golpes, mas apenas você acerta. O demo que eu fiz mostra mais ou menos como deveria ficar.
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Pretty good, keep it up! Something I would like to see in those fighting games, is a "mirror" match though, were you and the CPU controlled characters do exact the same movements, but you end up hitting them, I'll try to do a demo to show what I'm talking about.
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"Merci" to you all guys. The second of the suggested screenshots is my favorite.
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nitsuja wrote:
you don't say which version of Snes9x you used
Thanks, it's now fixed. @ boct1584; Well, I must agree with you about the game being kinda boring... The single player mode of this game seems to be the most appropriated to TAS, but I, personally, prefer its multiplayer mode where the game really shines.
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I'm in for the drama, Yes vote.
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YES vote, great job guys!
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I haven't watched the movies side by side yet, but here's some things that I think may be the reason; in his movie, Sotel6 manipulates the enemies a lot better than diman, he's also a killing machine, slaughtering the nearest enemy while diman focused on some enemies regardless if there's another one ready to be beaten.
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jlun2 wrote:
Sotel6 wrote:
Dooty i use 25% speed no frame advance
Why? =/ Quote from here:
Our runs are held to high standards, and only high quality runs will be published on the site.
So...yea, I'm going to vote no.
The currently published run have 44621 rerecords and was probably created using frame advance. But it's slower than Sotel6's run, so is it fair to vote No only based on the method he used to create his run?
I am old enough to know better, but not enough to do it.