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- Primary encode (with embedded subtitles).
- 512kb encode.
- WebM (mark II) encode.
- External subtitles file.
Regading atlas encode. Reading camera coordinates from memory is no problem (the existing memory watch scripts do display it, as it is useful for avoiding post-boss scrolling).
However, the following things seem pretty hopeless (and would be needed for automated atlas encode):
- Reading current level number from memory.
- Reading which events are currently active and where those are (looks like coordinates are not on pixel granularity, unlike Jazz coordinates).
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chaos wrote:
Unfortunately there are only windows builds and I tried for hours (actually registering here took me longer) to build it myself but I can't even build the required compiler version.
G++ 4.7-4.9 shoud do (enough support for all sorts of handy constructions appeared only in 4.7). I don't know if recent Clang would do, haven't tried.
Some other software needed:
- Lua 5.2.X
- Boost (iostreams, threads, regex, conversion) (any semi-recent version should work)
- Wxwdigets 3.0.X (Haven't had wxMac work, only wxGTK, 2.8 support has probably gotten busted).
- Portaudio 19.X
- Libsamplerate (could be disabled, causes audio dumps to be of lower quality).
- Patched Bsnes v087 (included in another branch in the repository). Unpack to subdirectory bsnes.
- Patched Libgambatte (included in another branch in the repository). Unpack to subdirectory gambatte.
- Zlib (any semi-recent version should work).
- libswscale (any semi-recent version should work).
- libopus 1.1.X (could be disabled, would lose commentary track tool).
Here's config file I got a build with (might require some adjustment):
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ars4326 wrote:
I really jumped the gun on this and feel that I've wasted everyone's time by overlooking this :/ It's a 376 frame improvement that I don't want to leave uncorrected...
FractalFusion, can I go ahead and cancel this submission?
If it takes a long time to correct (or has serious effects further on), then yeah, cancel it (otherwise request replacement).
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solarplex wrote:
Hmm.. im at like what 12k now or something within 4 minute? lets see 21 million in fares will take..... 3k/min, 116.6 hours.. that math is probably way off
Well, even if it is order of magnitude too large, that is still way too much.
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Dimon12321 wrote:
Maybe because of containing russian not english letters in the derectory!? Some software can require this!
Yeah, I have seen software that fails (on Windows) if any parent directory of some file to open/create contains any non-ASCII character.
Basically, the problem is that normal Windows filesystem functions can't handle such things, one would have to use some exotic Unicode variants (and these aren't using any sane character set either).
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PCachu wrote:
Yeah, sometime after posting (because Zarquon forbid anyone should stop and f***ing think before posting on the Intertubes) I realized that's what had to be happening, given the sync issues in previous runs. If the choice is between "auditory nightmare fuel" and "audio runs way ahead of video", I suppose this one works better overall.
The problem is that Dolphin sometimes only emits 160 (I think) samples in a time when it should emit 168 (numbers may vary by game).
I think this is caused by some kind of emulation error in sound DMA handling.
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Tub wrote:
Any other suggestions? Emulators are obviously acceptable, open source preferred. I've only found a bunch of commercial ports or "free" demos without quicksaving, are there any others?
Maybe too obvious (and thus already checked), but Retroarch?
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STBM wrote:
Also, what framerate does TASvideos use for GC games ? This is (I think) something like 58.7fps... is that right ? I thought it would be closer to 60 ?
It is 60. But from controller frame count, not video frame count.
The true GC framerate is unknown. Dolphin targets 60fps, and gets very close to 60fps (some rounding effects change it a bit).
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Zowayix wrote:
Does jumping into Open Bus depend specifically on a running chuck? I.e. I'm guessing a jumping chuck gets a goal orb while a running chuck gets a Lakitu Cloud; is that right?
Eating a running chuck is unavoidable jump into open bus (it gives you lakitu cloud, and routine triggered by collecting that points to open bus).
Eating a jumping chuck gets you goal orb. I have no idea where that one jumps to (I presume it jumps somewhere).
Zowayix wrote:
Dwedit wrote:
If this is relying on Open Bus, I'd really need to see this get console verified before I make any votes on this run.
What exactly is Open Bus? I still don't get what's happening here.
Open bus is range of address space where no device (Work RAM, Cartridge ROM, CPU registers, PPU, Sound processor, etc...) responds.
As consequence, if CPU tries to read from that address, no device will place anything on data bus (causing the read to give what happened to be on data bus before).
What is on the the data bus changes in response to reads from non-open bus (since responding device will write to data bus) and writes to any address (even if open bus, since CPU will write to data bus).
There is possiblity that if data bus is not used for anything for a while, various parasitic conductances will drain the parasitic capacitances, causing the value that CPU would read to change.
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Derakon wrote:
So, any opinions about having a movie published to Moons that is currently obsoleted by a movie that's in the Vault? In other words, can we have an obsolete movie show up in the official "current publications"?
Well, I didn't quite parse that, but technically the limits are:
- A run can only be obsoleted by one run (not multiple)
- One run can obsolete multiple runs.
- Obsoletions don't need to be in time order.
- Obsoletion chains need to be non-cyclic.
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McBobX wrote:
I have a question:What is interlacing?Is it like deblink?
What is the defferent betwen interlacing and deinterlacing?
Interlacing is old technique for reducing analog TV transmission bandwidth (basically only sending half of the lines, alternating between even and odd).
When digital revolution came, it should have been taken out and shot, but apparently wasn't.
Basically, if you can avoid dealing with it, avoid it.