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turbofa made a 1:58.28 TAS of this game and posted the .wtf in the Syobon Action thread. He didn't submit it because it wasn't as fast as the nicovideo run of 1:55.xx. 2:10 is much longer.
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Ha, you guys live in the same city. You could meet up and work on it together IRL!
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Well, it's a shortening of his name, Andrés Delikat. "A" is pronounced like you would pronounce the letter, as you would when reading "A. Delikat".
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I always type 2 spaces after a period because I think it looks nice. Like Dada said, it's a typographical style choice. Even though I know this forum eliminates extra white space, I maintain my style in my typing.
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partyboy1a wrote:
Edit: the fine-tuning from Vit produces a result without any visible artifacts when played back at Youtube, here is the Roadrunner clip with the code from nanoglyth and vit
It looks like all this hard work has paid off. Great job, nanogyth and vit!
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I agree with Flygon.
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That looks great. It makes the blinking happen on every other frame (15Hz in a 30Hz video)! This is probably the best we can do.
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Woah, Worms Armageddon. How unexpected! Do you play (online) often?
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Mukki wrote:
My own opinion is that the universe is probably largely deterministic (though, having read Dada's interesting post, I may need to reinvestigate the evidence, if any) and I agree that quantum fluctuations would not affect the implications of this in regards to an individual's thought process. However, I believe that I make my own decisions, therefore I could be said to have an illusion of free will. This illusion, however, is my only frame of reference as to the definition of free will, and so is indistinguishable from true free will from my own perspective. The way in which I interact with the world will not differ if this perception is actually free will or merely an illusion and so, for practical purposes, I proceed on the basis that I am wholly responsible for my actions, though this assumption may be erroneous.
We share this opinion, and it's all that needs to be said on the topic. :P
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09:01:24 <NachPlus> LexSfX: WHAT? 09:01:36 <LexSfX> you're an administrator 09:01:38 <LexSfX> you're also cool 09:01:44 <scrimpy> YOU HAVE TO SPEAK LOUDER, SON, MY HEARING'S NOT WHAT IT USED TO BE 09:01:50 <NachPlus> you have angered me with your list 09:01:53 <NachPlus> I'm leaving 09:02:05 <LexSfX> okay 09:02:08 <LexSfX> feel free 09:02:21 * NachPlus has left #tasvideos ("Konversation terminated!") 09:02:31 <scrimpy> you could say, this Konversation 09:02:33 <scrimpy> *sunglasses* 09:02:35 <scrimpy> was Mortal 09:02:38 <scrimpy> YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAH
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Warp wrote:
I think I was pretty concise, considering this is a subject you could write an entire book about.
You could, but that book would be very boring and repetitive. This topic doesn't merit much discussion. It's pretty obvious how we perceive things to work in the universe. Things we're sure we'll never be able to perceive can be simply ignored as futile wastes of thought. More examples of such things are: the existence of deities, the origins of the laws of physics, the events preceding or following the existence of the natural universe as we know it. Speculation on such matters is useless.
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I remember a DOS game in which you control Snoopy and walk from left to right, into new screens. I was extremely young when I played it, but I remember it making me very happy. Edit: I found it. It was the DOS version of this game: The DOS version (or my computer) wasn't super-laggy like the gameplay seen in that video, so it was surely more fun.
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Are you thinking of Snake Rattle 'N' Roll? I know it's an NES game, but everything else you described fits.
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tl;dr Be more concise. Verbosity sucks.
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It does, actually. My consciousness is a result of the laws of physics. Edit: Knowing this, I still consider my will as free as my brain is. Although I can't change what I choose, I did choose those things with my will, as determined by the laws of physics. As a result, my avatar in this universe ("I") feels free to do as he chooses.
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Because the electricity in my brain interacted how the laws of physics told it to, I typed this reply.
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Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada By the way, ferrets are weasels, just as squares are rectangles.
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There are still some ATMs which can't read the chips. The magnetic stripe will surely be abolished when such ATMs eventually phase out completely. It requires infrastructure work, which isn't universal or instantaneous.
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I think if you can TAS it and it's interesting, go for it! Whether it would be accepted on TASVideos is a matter that should be thought of only after the TAS is complete. None of my TASes are acceptable on TASVideos because of their format, but that didn't stop me from making them and perfecting them because they were of interest to me. :) I would personally be very interested in a TAS that was faster due to achieving bonuses from playing another game up to a save point. That's a really cool idea.
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I want to watch a movie but I feel like I might have to go to the bathroom in 20-30 minutes, so I don't want to start it and have to get up in the middle.
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I got upset because someone on the internet discussed temperatures in a format I'm not used to. Edit: Aww. This is on a new page. It refers to the previous post, so it's funnier with that post visible. Edit: I just realized the above is also a first-world problem.
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DrJones, that parallel doesn't work. Each game only has 1 optimal way to achieve its goal (outside doing entertainment tricks that don't waste time). Finding that optimal method is TASing. Magicians have many ways to entertain their audience. There's no single trick they must do for their performance to be complete.
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gia wrote:
I had decided not to submit to tasvideos but at the same time knew members of it would want to have it. Then there's two big problems with posting the vbm: 1. I publish on youtube and provide a movie file. Then someone else submits for me to tasvideos and the movie gets published.
This is where you're completely wrong. If you had posted your movie file, p4wn3r wouldn't have needed/wanted to reproduce the input and the TAS would have been considered your work only (especially because p4wn3r wouldn't have made his own copy).
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Why do you even post videos of your TASing if you don't want your TAS to be seen and analyzed by others? You should probably quit if you don't want your TASes* to be public and you don't find private TASing rewarding. * Input files are TASes. Decimated videos of those input files being played back are not.
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Also, Mario is badass because he can fly, shoot fireballs, grow huge, ride a dinosaur, jump super high, run really fast (fast enough), jump off walls, do tons of acrobatics, etc. Sonic can run super fast and jump while flipping. He can't shoot fireballs or turn into a statue to hide from enemies. The "best" Sonic games have him with only 2 non-directional controls: jump and spindash. He can't even pick things up.
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