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you know this may or may not be helpful but in a CT speedrum for optimising the best results in battle marle is very essential once you get "haste" i'd try to get it as soon as possible and then just mash on the enemies so quickly that you'll kill them so fast. just a thought, sorry if you already knew this or have implemented it.
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super turbo's on the playstation
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I"m with bisquick on this one, the only rpg runs i'm gonna watch are games i've played through already. if i want to know the story, i'll play the game myself!
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acmlm will you use this perhaps for an updated dw1 run? dragon warrior 3 i was messing around with, i can't figure out how to manipulate ANYTHING
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god i hated that game, it's so ridiculously hard because you can either use the shitty powerglove or just have shitty controls. i'd love to see a run that made this look easy.
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i'm abstaining. pom's video is far more entertaining, this is faster and is therefore the fastest current video of this game. one part of me says it should be published, but i would HATE for pom's run to get obsoleted by a more blah looking run. i personally think there shouldn't be any new smb1 videos until someone breaks to 4:59 (rounded to this time)
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the most impressive glitch i've ever seen for a speedrun is getting into the ceiling using the magnet beam in mega man, that simply made the run insanely good and fast.
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it should be allowed it any game that you can do it with button presses, such as metroid, the zeldas and whatnot
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making chaos run? that would mess up the game, no? would he go through his entire disentigration process? that's sort of a scripted event, that killing him starts, how would it work if you made him run?
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nice, nice, although i know next to nothing about the game, i did play the hell out of the 1st game in the series though and am really clamoring to see a speedrun of it. hell i'd just love to see someone BEAT it
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there's a lot of randomness in this shitty, shitty, shitty SHITTY game. i'd love to see the completed run just becuase this game is a hard piece of crap that no normal preson can beat due to the randomness, poor controls, bad design and insane difficulty.
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i agree though, the game is so damn hard, that this run really is amazing
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that's awesome news, and thanks for the heads up on them being different, i never did play big nose freaks out
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how about instead of using the polling features of the forums just have people vote by posting? that way it's non anonymous, a bit of a pain to count them up, but people won't vote without taking responsibility for it.
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i heard that they're pretty much the same game engine, different levels. i remember a long time ago that the first big nose game wasn't emulated well, but that might have changed? it's a cool game the ONLY thing about doing a run is some of the levels repeat with different palletes and enemies.
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i'm one of the rare breed of people that liked this game, and i was entertained by your first run, this one's even better
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this reminds me why i hate the nes strider....ugh
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i don't know anyhting about the game but it's a cool looking run, there's room for improvement but you'll at least set the run to beat, y'know? so i voted yes
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yes but they are REALLY easy to beat, and you might be able to walk past them if you do it right
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i totally suck at this game. i mean wow. i beat quest of the avatar but could never get much done in exodus, so a run of this game would be REALLY impressive. you reminded me of another trick, it's not quite as amazing, but it might be doable on the emulator, dunno. you can create a bunch of characters, 14 is the max i think, and then have them all give their stuff to the hero, sell it all, dump the characters and create new ones, repeat until you have a nice metric ton of money to spend on good equipment.
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i absolutely adore dragon warrior II so if you go and do that next, and manage for it to be a good movie, that would kick SO much ass
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one thing is at the end of the game, with 8 characters and full avatarhood, high level and such, random encounters happen VERY often. and it's time based, you can't avoid them like in dragon warrior. you can have your guy sitting there doing nothing and eventually you'll be in a battle! a solo run is the only way to do this i think and i'd say the knight or paladin are the best choices, i had a blast with this game back in the day, i'd love to see this run. you also cannot run from battle unless you want your valor rating to go down, which can make you lose avatarhood, which is necessary to the game. it might not matter once you're in the final dungeon. there's no last boss either, i think you can go through the last dungeon avoiding all enemies
Post subject: here's a request, a speedrun i'd love to see
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (71)
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pretty obscure game, but i'm sure some of you have heard of it, called big nose the caveman. it was a non-liscenced game so there was a bit of controversy about the company that made it, and some other games, this was the most high profile one i believe though. it was in a weird gold cart with a hole on the underside with a switch on it, dunno what that was all about, but because it wasn't 100% compatible with the nes sometimes it was a bitch to get working. i never beat this game, i did manage to get to the last world but it pretty much would destroy me and it took me forever to get there. the music and graphics are pretty good for an nes game and the game is INSANE hard, so a speedrum that makes it look easy would be REALLY impressive, at least to me. there was also a sequel called big nose freaks out but i know nothing about that the only thing is that some of the later levles are "repeats" so that might get a bit irritating.
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i look foward to seeing your next run, it sounds like it's gonna be even better dragon warrior 2? that game has a LOT of would be a long movie no matter what, it would take something REALLY special for the movie to be worth it. i do want to see more rpg runs though, the first 2 ultima games for nes, final fantasy 1 and the like that'd be pretty cool.
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yeah since you have to buy keys anyway that makes sense, and with the right manipulation to get criticals, goldmen aren't so bad
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