FCEU - Recording good AVIs beats other emulators.
JNester - Decent if you can't get FCEU.
NNNesterJ - Decent AVI recording.
The DOS emulators - They should be called "Screw the guys with XP". (XP and DOS does NOT work good)
Kega - If only it had AVI recording...
The DOS emulators - Read above.
Gens - Ungh, lag all around.
One of these days, Bisqwit will learn what a repeated fuckface this guy is, and stop letting him rejoin. Until that day, I would advise everyone to not reply to his posts anymore, and perhaps a mod can lock his topics that are just demands for other people to do what anyone born before the dawn of the internet can do in a matter of seconds.
To officially call for the locking of this thread, I give you the insta-lock:
32002336 0002
What would that code be in a Action Replay for the GBA?
That's a CodeBreaker code.
Google that number. Second page down. Here's what it brought up:
Legend of Zelda, Link to the Past
25. Have Magic Mirror
Don't know if this is what you wanted, but there, I did it for you so you wouldn't have to.
I know what the code does. I wanna know what a Action Replay code that gives the Magic Mirror is.
Japanese RPG + Tekken.
That combination in fact makes so much sense that I really wonder why there aren't any (or more) of them. I have heard rumors of some RPG games where fights are done slightly Tekken-style, but it seems that those types of RPGs are a very small minority.
Think about it: As you progress and get more exp, you can really feel it in the fights. You learn new abilities which you can use (as keypress combinations) and your hits get stronger. There could also be tournament mini-games which could be almost like playing Tekken, so in practice you basically get two game genres in one.
One problem I find with the Tekken series is that they are too limited and too small. There's not enough variety, and the stories are really minimal. One small problem with (Japanese) RPGs is that the fights usually seem a bit abstract and detached. They are more like a turn-based board game than real fights (which in fact is the idea, but I think it gets a bit boring after a while). An RPG with Tekken-style fighting would solve both problems.
God. No.
There's enough fighting games, and they're all the same to me except for a small few, it's like I can't get into them, same with Metal Slug ANYTHING.
That's no excuse for not putting in any effort yourself.
If you want us to sympathize with you, then tell us that you've actively searched Google but still can't seem to be able to find the answers to any of your questions, instead of effectively telling other people to sod off.
I'm willing to help you, but I'm sure that there are many people who agree with me that you will not be helped if you are not friendly to the helpers.
Thanks, I apperciate a jerk that says he CAN help, but would rather agree with everyone else.
And what the hell? I _DID_ check google but here the only reply is "google it lawlz"
Okay, I used to go on a cheat-code website, had like dark-red, and mid-dark-red on it.
And had cheats for abunch of cheating devices for alot of system, older ones too.
What's the name of it again? I forgot.
If I lose the starting battle, does my pokemon still gain the EV point?
[Edit by Bisqwit: Post moved into the appropriate thread. Please do that yourself the next time.]
How did I miss that? And we still need a emulator for genesis that doesn't suck as bad as GENS.
I don't see how you can say that GENS suck, it the best overall emulator for the Genisis in general.
It's laggier then crap.
There's a dumb number that changes every milli-second on the screen thats unavoidable.
It's graphics are glitchy sometimes... Need I say more?
Hm? So videos I create using VBA and XviD with the AVI record button automactially sucks?
Nope, the quality is good, must be the way the emulator is coded if it has god-awful quality.
-Neo Shinryu
Um, since when was it hard to click a "AVI record" button? Doesn't GENS (which is really, really, really awful IMO, NESTICLE is better and that isnt saying much) have that?
-Neo Shinryu