Posts for Renalia

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comicalflop wrote:
It is not very improveable- only minor mistakes. Minor mistakes in such a long run that is already highly entertaining and still submitable quality merited my decision to submit this, take a much needed break, and not work on V9 for a while. Plus, V9 is not even done with world 1, and will take very long to finish. Hope that convinced you.
Understandable for sure. This was an amazing run, and could probably stand up to anything that anyone else can throw at it for a long time, even if you don't end up improving it. I watched it again, and it's a definite yes vote from me, although I'm not sure I can vote yet. :)
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I've watched most of this run, and can't wait to go watch the full run tonight. The only thing that would hold me back from a yes vote is the fact that you have stated yourself that it is very improveable. Why not just finish V9 and submit that one?
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Aren't ALttP Link and LA Link the same Link? At least, that's how I thought it was supposed to be.
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56k Warning, Dual Screens :P I play too much WoW. :P That's my dead body on the stairs there.
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How many "re-records" does it take for something like BisqBot to get an optimized stretch? I'm sure the brute forcing there is in the thousands, if not much much higher.
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I'm sitting at work right now, but I have that exact adapter at home, and it works like a charm. I'm in the middle of the "It's War" chapter of Conker's Bad Fur Day to be exact. (I freakin hate those Tediz.) When I get home I'll edit this post with how I have it setup, and see if there's anything different.
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Does anyone know how to convert an N64 movie into a Screensaver? It would be perfect. :P
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Along with his elite group of sorcerers he uses this weakness to march a never ending horde of demons into the earth and doom its inhabitants to eternal darkness. Have a nice day.
I giggled. If I could vote I would vote yes. Only thing I would have liked to see would have been a Pit Fatality and maybe some other crazy stuff. I'm sure it can be done faster with different characters, but it's amazingly fun to see all the characters. :)
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Aha. I was assuming that the default Snes9x+ v9 had reset recording built in. I'll pick up that version. EDIT: Dang...
mySQL: Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' on line 5 in /home/filexoom/public_html/includes/mysql.class.php
I'll try it from home, maybe work doesn't like me. :P
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I think I'm stupid, but I can't seem to get this to work. I have Snes9X v1.43+ v9 for Windows. I have Donkey Kong Country 3 - Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (U) [!].smc It doesn't seem to be recognizing the reset. It follows through the full intro, when they're hanging on the twirly music box thing. I see in the input that you try to do the LRLRLRLR code, but it does nothing. Then it puts in AAAACC for a name and runs around on the boat for a while. Is there something I'm missing?
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If I could vote, this game would get a big huge YES. These are the types of runs that drew me here in the first place. :)
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FODA, I'm watching your run, and I'm only at the beginning of Pumpkin Zone 4, but man, I hope you don't pipe glitch the entire game. It's immensely unentertaining to watch, at least in my opinion. I'm gonna watch the rest of the run though, there may be more things you can do with it. But just falling through some bricks then beating the level? While fast, it's not interesting. EDIT: I've been thinking of doing a TAS of anything, and I'm currently searching for a game to do. If this run is either on hold or done for, this might be something I might be looking at. Would a Mario game be too ambitious for a first time TASer? The Mario games on this site are incredibly high quality, and it seems like a big project to take on ANY Mario game.
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This is my first post on these boards, so I figure it might as well be in an epic thread about such an epic TAS here. I'm only about 2 levels into the movie itself here, but all I have to say is wow. I mean wow. Anyone who's done Heatman's stage without Item-2 knows what a pain those appearing blocks are, and this TAS just blows it away. With the zip at the beginning of that screen, it amazes how fast that was done without Item-2. I just want to say that it's all these Mega Man runs that got me into the TAS scene in the first place. I've watching nearly every Mega Man video published, and am constantly impressed by what you guys can do. Keep up the AMAZING work. EDIT: Just watched Wood Man and omg. :) That was awesome. EDIT2: I can't get over this run, my jaw has been on the floor since frame 1. :) (Quick man's stage is mind-blowing)
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