The rule exists to avoid version conflicts, because translators occassionally improve their work and it's not nice if we have here a movie for a three years old translation version. When the translation is superseded, immediately the movie becomes old and without meaning (the video content and timings all change), even if we still have the translation patch on this site, available for download.
Not to keep up the derailing this poor thread, but to answer you, there's a grand total of one complete Final Fantasy V translation on the net, and it was last updated eight years ago, in October 1998.
I understand the need for this rule in other cases, but Final Fantasy V's fan translation is well-known as being as authoritative and official as such a thing can possibly be. And I'd greatly enjoy watching a FFV run, but would have no interest in sitting through such a massive run without understanding any of the text.
This may be a silly sugestion, as I do not know the game that well. However could you not instead of leveling up for half an hour, which would be dull to watch, do some other side quests? Getting your characters back for example, or killing those optional, dragons was it? It would take more time I presume, but this run has sacrificed speed for entertainment before.
Just a thought.
This is a good suggestion. We have what appear to be two fantastic runs going on at the same time, and it seems clear that Erim isn't going to be going for the wacky glitches or unnecessary delays. There's room for some deviation.
I know it would be adding more work to an already massive and taxing job you've taken on, so I understand if you'd rather not. But I'd be interested in seeing you blow through the Phoenix Cave or Wrexsoul, with the added bonus of these extra levels pushing you ever closer to a climactic sketch glitch.
I realize you've comitted to the Maurader, but if you're concerned about repetition, perhaps you could switch cars for the second run through the next two planets? You can still switch back to the Maurader right up until you advance to NHO, and it would be a change of pace to see you play with missiles, turbos and mines for a few races.
It also might make NHO more varied, because the first run through the planet, you'd be driving a barebones starter car, with no handling even when it's not on the ice, against completely souped-up opponents.