I did a 100% playthrough of it a month or so ago, and I really enjoyed it. The link to my playlist is http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC8DA3A3D251097DF&feature=plcp if anyone wants to check it out. Note that I've never played the game beforehand so there's a lot of stumbling around, just so you're aware =P
There are a couple of bugs, though, that may require you to reset your emulator, such as Koopa the Quick glitching in a couple of levels and a boat not showing up when it's supposed to be for a star - but overall it's a very good game, worthy of a TAS (100% at least) in my opinion.
I'll be eagerly waiting for a TAS of this game.
That game reminds me of all the chess games I'd play on my computer when I was a wee kid - except they're faster. Right now, I'm going to have to say no due to bad game choice.
The video might be a bit more tolerable if you sped it up maybe by 2x or even 3x the normal speed. Of course you'd have to add an annotation stating that.
Just an idea.
This has been done before. It was abandoned due to constant desynching. No matter how many times you play the video, it always desynches at random points. You'd be REALLY lucky if you could play the video all the way to the end without desynching.
People publishing runs might have to do a lot of runs with recording JUST to get ONE perfect copy. It can suck up your computer hardcore. Or you could just do it yourself and then upload a run of the game that can be uploaded to a file server for everyone to view and enjoy... that is, if you can even run it all the way to the end without it desynching.
It's just too much of a hassle from what I've seen. I've made a short run (non-tool assisted) of Tetris Attack and it desynched constantly for me. :/
Still, I'd LOVE to see a full Very Hard CPU run of Tetris Attack.
I have a really funny feeling that funguy10 is trying to lock this thread too by trolling in revenge.
Of course I could be wrong, but it's a possibility.
Honestly, I think this topic should be locked 'till there's actually anything worth updating.
There's no need to keep a topic devoted to a hack that nobody has any interest in up.
This thread hasn't even slipped off to the second page, so there's no need to bump it if you don't have any info to contribute.
Your thread isn't better than anyone else's.
But this hack is popular if you dony't belive me( And you'd better belive it if you don't!) Check out the thread at ACMLM's board and then talk to me about unworthy!
You have to understand that Acmlm's board is all about MAKING hacks while TASVideos are all about SPEEDRUNNING games. That's two very different things.
Besides, right now the Second Reality thread in Acmlm is all about "how do you patch this" "where's the right ROM" "how do I do this and this". You've bought up the TAS question, but it was pretty much shot down anyway. And they also suggested that YOU do the TAS. Even here and on Acmlm's board, nobody has developed any interest in doing the TAS other than, oh, you know... YOU.
Doesn't that tell you that Second Reality isn't even worth speedrunning at all? If you want to see a speedrun of Second Reality so bad, do it yourself. Nobody else is going to.
Also, FPI, the creator of the hack, clearly stated in the thread that he needs some more work updating the game. And Bisqwit has stated several times that the hacked game has to be 100% complete (as in, everything is flawless and does not need further testing) before it can even be considered. There's a chance that the hack will be better after the update and people are more willing to run the hack. Who knows? Just wait it out 'till it's confirmed from FPI that it is indeed the last version.
You pretty much have only one option available: do the TAS yourself. That's all.
I just saw the run, and I must say that it was very impressive.
I would've never thought of doing many various stunts you have pulled in the game, and yes, I've finished the game 100% a few weeks ago.
And you typically grow to appericate certain runs if you've done them yourself, just like this MvsDK run.
A YES vote from me.
I'd rather see a walkthrough of how to beat every exit the intended way, because I'm sure some levels (read: jimsfriend and fort house) can be beaten in other ways.
Also, are you sure there are no capes at ALL (I'm not talking about unreachable capes) in the first few worlds? If there is an unreachable cape (you need a cape to reach it), then it would be awesome if one could reach it.
You actually get a cape in Twilight Fortress, but you have to lose it shortly after. And you can't start+select out of ANY level in SCW. Twilight Fortress is probably the earliest you can get the cape, but you can't bring it out... unless we find a way, but it's doubtful.
funguy10, we get it already. You've stated your opinions in the Second Reality AND SCW threads. There's no need to harp on about it. We made a topic about SCW so we wouldn't infect your beloved Second Reality thread.
After playing SCW up to World 3 Fortress (got stuck at the point where you had to fly with the key, I haven't mastered it at all yet), I do think that SCW would be an excellent TAS. I had to be creative with many of the levels just to pass them, such as the Yellow switch place, where you had to pick up 2 P switches at once (that's what happened to me anyway) just to process through the place.
If anyone could do a full, 100% run of SCW, that would be amazing.
I agree with Fabian.
It's best to ask if the hack is approved before you do a run of it. Else, don't expect it to be published at ALL.
Super Mario Demo World is an expection because it's an excellent hack, while many other hacks out there aren't as good or absolute crap. AIR is a good hack because it clearly shows all the glitches and bugs you can abuse in the various NES Mario games, so it's educational... to a degree, anyway.
Lately I've been noticing that there's a lot of topics about hacked games. It'd be great to see speedruns of these, but keep in mind that this site show runs of OFFICIAL games, not unofficial ones. I'm pretty sure Bisqwit doesn't want to change the site drastically and keep the focus on the official games.
Just my 2 cents.
Wow, the game is certainly near-impossible.
The 20 seconds you are given at the very beginning of the game to escape the colony is really... well, let's say that if you get hit even ONCE from falling derbis or steam, you won't make it. After like 25+ tries I finally made it with about 34 milliseconds left.
And even the turbo feature in ZSNES isn't fast enough for the bomb jump to work effectively. Everything else was blocked with Super Bomb/Missile blocks, and the only way would be to go up from Samus' ship, but I didn't feel like it since my finger is so sore smashing the bomb button.
If anyone would make a speedrun of this, it would be certainly amazing because it's just SO hard.
Hmm, I know I had shade at 9:99, but I never got that... maybe it even then a rare animation...
Spells only maxes out at 8:99. You only get 8 Mana Seeds throughout the game, so you can only get up to 8:99.
Halamantariel wrote:
These look incredibly fake to me. I mean, just look at the HP of the characters in the 2nd set of screenshots. Their HP is above their MAX HP, which obviously shows that he used cheat codes to get there. Therefore, it's very likely he used cheat codes to make that Shadow Zero spell appear or something.
Actually, their HPs are right on. It's just like that when they are lv 99. I have a lv 99 save file on my Secret of Mana game - and I got there without cheating (yeah, I was a very determined kid back then).
I'm not sure but you can use the up-firehammer in air. So you won't lose much time, I think.
And yes, against moley the attack should be very useful. Before the boss fight you'll meet a hammer mini-boss, so...
Any other good abilities:
-I don't know the name, but the fairy which can fly and shoot with its bow. It allows you to fly, similar to Ufo.
-Sword: can attack fast, has no lag (if used in air)
-Meteor: Allows you to travel faster
Unless I'm mistaken, it is possible for Mario to dodge literally every attack. Some are just easier than others. But even that, if you happen to have to get hit, there are Boo's Sheets and Bow's Hide ability.
If that is true, then it's possible to zip through the game and only fight essential enemies and bosses.
And the "Danger Mario" build would be recommended to be able to kill in minimial time.
The cut-scenes will be annoying, though. :P