Posts for SlayerM

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If dear devs already fixed LOST FOCUS BUG... so it is great! =) Another complain - this list doesn't include 32x. Bug or feature? Another thing - every time i trying to load 32x game BH ask me which file inside archive it have to load, but there are always only one file in archive (with .32x extension, i mean ROM). Maybe it have to load it automatically? Do not know why but BH is loading 4x times longer with Direct3D (Display Method) than with OpenGL - 8 seconds vs 2 seconds?
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I'm totally cold (but alive!) dude :) Ready for discussion :) Why BH now lost it's focus?
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I noticed a bug - when click on File/Open ROM emulator opens it's own directory (not configured in Paths folder with ROMs). Because of that i have to use "Always use recent path for ROMs" option =( Also i very mad about "lost focus bug". Step by step: open Bizhawk, open any ROM, alt+enter (fullscreen), then ctrl+o, open another ROm and that's it - emulator lost it's focus somehow and hotkeys for fast forward and rewind doesn't work (actually non of controls work at all). To regain control player must CLICK on the screen (and it's not possible when playing from the sofa on big TV for example). VERY annoying.
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I like Vulkan women! :) Beside jokes - i like Vulkan because it's opensource crossplatform low-level API, potentially it can be equal or even better than DX12. Honestly i do not like W10 and will not install it just for DX12, Vulkan will work everywhere and emulators and other soft (games mainly) will get some significant benefints from this situation. I hope so... zeromus - thank you, it will be great to see in BH.
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Thanks everybody about Vulkan explanation, if it useless in BH will be waiting for Dolphin, Xenia, rpcs3 and other new systems emulators for support it. I tried to use snes9x_next_libretro.dll in BH, game runs but i can't figure where it can be configured (i want to use SuperFX OC) in BH?
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Post subject: Vulkan and SuperFX OC
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There are much hype around Vulkan API and it's realisation in emulators (of modern systems mainly). What about implement Vulkan in BH? It make sense or not? Also i have seen some game videos with overclocked SuperFX in SNES9x libretro versions. Will be OC of SuperFX available in BH in near future?
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Most CG shaders (not all) do not work with latest BH i dunno why. Can post some working and some that shows nothing.
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So it's new for this version of BH... :( Will be good if someone will upload archieve withh all existed shaders compatible with new BH. I made shaders myself not so long ago (source from here - and now do not know where i can get same quality (my favourite is 5xbr-v3.8a) shaders instead them.
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Post subject: BizHawk 1.11.2 doesn't support shaders?
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Weird thing - can't use my shaders with new version of BH (1.11.2). For example this one (5xbr-v3.8a - works perfectly with previous version (1.11.1) but crashes new version in startup, here it screenshot:
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Good luck pals. Maybe later you will understand my vision :)
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First of all - picture above contains many romsets, but not all. PSX/Saturn romsets is too big and not everyone have 8TB HDD to store all this stuff in one place. My solution giving ability to fast access to all emulated roms from one place no matter where are they on user's hdds/ssds, it is convinient and rational. Second stuff - i'm using computer (PC) since 1998, i'm a IT professional in RL. Also i'm chief editor of my own hardware/mobile/software (and emulators too :)) website for 5+ years. My advices for improving software (interface, usability, etc.) use big companies and they pay me money for it, because i see something (usually not good stuff) they do not. Right now i give you good (at least i think so) advices for free, if you don't need it, i'm outta here. Anyway thank you all for great emulator hope you will impove in all available ways for everybody in Emu world ( (not only for TASers for example :))). Have a good time. p.s.And give ppl with fresh view ability to see inperfection in your work. That will help BH a lot, i promise.
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Roms are seeding via torrent client so i can't change their locations.
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Ok it can be not "rom loader" (it can slow down emulator you're all right), it could be fast and easy to use rom folders change in "rom open" dialogue, something like this: How about implementation of this?
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Emulators like Dolphin, MAME, Project64 and many other use roms lists. Honestly i don't see a problem in implementation of this idea, it is very convinient if realised in right way (in first place - configurable). Optional or not :)
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I'll pay $10 to one who will made this wondreful thing to BH and make it more cooler :) There is no sense for ROM Path option for every emulated systems with no ability to fast open these paths. My logic is perfect! :)
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zeromus - thanks a lot for mouse cursor auto-hide! Will be waiting for stable release (not using GIT builds usually). I undertand about mess in BH's menus, thank you again :) ISO is in the past for me, i rarely use this file format for game images, i just wanted to be sure about BH's team policy. Another question - are any built-in launcher planned for BH? Like ROMs list in VirtuaNES (very effective way to choose roms i personally think!). When emulator works with many systems there is the sense to have something like this to not mess with multiple folders to choose rom/image every time. It could be looked like this:
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I understand about TG16 (and ISO :)) but what about SNES and other systems which also affected by this issue in BH? Btw about ISO i found this in options: I suppose it is outdated or something like this?
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As i can see the same thing with SNES and some other emulated systems? The situation will be fixed somehow in the future builds ot it is not currently planned? Other question - why BizHawk doesn't work with ISO image format (for CD-based systems like PSX and Saturn)?
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Thank you adelikat. Mouse cursor can't be hidden in any way (have to move it in corner of the screen to particulary hide it) and it's very annoying, if somebody will implete auto-hide i'll be very glad. Another question: why aspect ratio with identical graphical settings is different for NES and TG16 (for example). A use this settings: In NES games screen is wider on fullscreen, in TG16 is identical with "Use 1:1 pixel size" and "Use system's recommendation" i think it's kinda weird.
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Post subject: Few questions
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First of all - thank you devs for your hard work, BizHawk is one of the best emulators a use for last 17 years (i mean since i use emulators :)). Right now i have two questions: 1.Is there an option to autohide mouse cursor in fullscreen mode? 2.How i can use my collection of NES cheats for FCEUX or VirtuaNES, is there a way to convert them in BizHawk compatible format? Also i wanted to ask about shaders but already find ideal for myself - 5xbr-v3.8a.
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