Well, this would be the second SOR3 submission (that I know of), that will likely get rejected.
I urge you to try a 2P run if possible since that's the only thing that most people feel would be worthwhile for SOR3.
AtroCity did try a 2P run in the past, but never finished it (try searching for it). It had a LOT of potential, but other things got in the way (real life situations obviously). So, I can only support the idea, but you would have to be interested in doing it.
EDIT: Well here it is
Definitely be sure to look at the history, but in short, AstroCity completely gave up on the run and the latest update is in his signature (up to stage 5-2). At any rate, that's all I can do really, stake my interest in the potential for something on behalf of BK3/SOR3.