Posts for THe-Tekno-Project

Post subject: Hells yes!
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I cant wait to see pics from it. If anyone lives in the states I would love to have one in the US. It seems that most people on this site are from either Finland or other parts of the wetern hemisphere, so Im not sure just how many people would be able to come to one here. If anyone was interested I would love to arrange it. If you guys are looking for a DJ to perform at the one in Finland, I would gladdly come perform and do sound for it (not to mention it would be AWESOME for the promotional video) K (Remixes to old NES and SNES games make great for events like these!)
Post subject: Wish I could
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If you could get at a more central location I would be able to make it. I dunno about enough space for lots of people either. I know plenty of people that would want to compete in games, for time attacks and for games that are DM or fighting. If you get one in the US lemme know.
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Ok, so today was the final day at E3, and I was able to get some photos wil my Digi Cam in my Cell Phone. Some did not come out in great quality, and some came out in a low resolution. ENJOY! K Outside Expo Atari Booth (for cell phones) Max Hulliung with Nokia Girls E3 taxi drop off Me with Nokia Girls PSP booth New PS3 model Square Enix Booth Me with Link and Zelda Nintendo Wii booth (3 hour wait in line! Pai off though :P) New Nintendo Wii Another Wii Photo PS3 Booth (badass music and HUGE screens with demos) New Zelda game (PLAYABLE on the Wii!)
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So far no one has replied so i guess not too many people on this site live in the LA area (nonetheless the US). If anyone is still interested by tomorrow morning call my cell (480)254-1593 K
Post subject: FREE E3 PASSES
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Alright, if you live in the Los Angeles area and are free tomorrow morning to tomorrow night, I have 1 extra pass to E3. You have to be at the Staples Center by 8:00am, and we will be leaving at 6:00pm. Its first come first serve. K PS Its first come first serve, so the first person to reply saying they will go PLEASE BE POSITIVE that you will make it.
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Being a huge metroid fan I have to say I was totally psyched about this hack. While the difficulty has kept me on my toes, I seem to be losing interest pretty fast as the game progresses. (I aswell) seem to keep finiding myself not knowing where to go next. I must say that due to the large maps, and hard to kill enemies, I find myself trying to just stay alive most of the time, then trying to find passages. Super Metroid is a breeze for me, but this game brings new meaning to what difficulty is. (kinda reminds me of the original metroid). All in all, I will probably keep playing this game over time, or until I get sick of trying to find out what to do next. Somone SHOULD make a TAS for this. It would make playing it ALOT easier.
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I checked out pit fighter, and I must say its pretty badass. I will change the list a bit tonight and re-encode the video for pit fighter. I am also gonna take out either Rygar or Bionic Commando. If you have any other suggestions please let me know.
Post subject: Game Line-up
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Ok, so here is(as of this moment) the list for the games that are going to be played on the DVD. Battletoads In Battle Maniac Blaster Master (Personal Favorite) Castlevania 3 (JAP) Chip N Dale 2 Contra Double Dragon 3 Bionic Commando Megaman X Metroid Rygar Mario Bros. 3 Mario 64 Super Punchout Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ninja 5 (JAP) If you have any other suggestions that you would like to have on the DVD please let me know by tomorrow.
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The videos have spread throughout the internet already and if you change them from TAS, people will start to get confused. A bit late to do so. It would be like changing Mp3 to Wa3. Thats just my opinion.
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not to shabby. The person running the switchboard for the audio must've been a little high when he was trying to switch to the star music, but the crowd still loved it. I must say out of a 1-10 I would give it a 10 for creativity, 6 for sound, and a 10 for originality.
Post subject: similair problems
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I have had similair problems in the past with the same error message popping up multiple times for just clicking on the files. I think its mostly in the h.264 codec required movie files. After dowloading most of the codecs off the internet I have had the problem go away.
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I like the idea of re-capturing the videos. I have good success in all of the NES videos that I am going to have displayed. I will post a link to the ISO of the DVD when I am finished if anyone wants to burn themselves a copy of the video when its finished. I am adding an intro to the DVD explainig what Tool Assisted stands for. If anyone has any suggestions or comments feel free to E-Mail me perosonally at
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I will give them a try! Thanks for the help!
Post subject: Bisqwit Promotional Video
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Hey, I have been an avid gamer for a while and the speedruns on this site have kept me captivated for hours and hours on end. I have been telling people about this site and there are people who I work with in the studio that dont have access to a computer to watch these amazing runs. I felt it was time to make a promotional DVD containing some of the speedruns from this site (totally free of charge) and having people see the runs on a DVD. I have hit a total brick wall though, in the fact that the actual video files for some of the better runs of movies such as "Mario 64" and "Megaman 3" are all encoded as Mp4 files. I have a way to decode them and play them on my computer, but my video editing software and DVD burning software does not allow importing of Mp4 files. I have spent 3 days looking all over the net to see if there is a decoder/re-encoder for free that exhists that can convert them into standard .avi files that arent encoded with the h.264 codec. Does anyone happen to have the original .avi files of some of these movies, or perhaps know of a shareware encoder that does not leave a watermark or time limit of video creation? Thanks (PS, if I have posted this in the wrong place, please feel free to either move it to the correct part of this forum, or delete it if nessecary)