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I want to say that I agree to replace the file and add feos as co-authorship Encode:
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It's just using the game glitch for TAS, it doesn't save or lose time, clicking down + A in the same frame if selecting an option if you're on the first one will select the first option and the bar will move and stay on the screen until the next option appears, it also works with moving to the second option, this bug is also possible on console because I tested it.
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Try setting Use Temp User Folder For Movies to false, you may have to delete the game data in the 3DS/User/sdmc/Nintendo 3DS/00000000000000000000000000000000/00000000000000000000000000000000/title/00040000 before re-opening TAS project
Post subject: Request to replace TAS file
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Good morning, I would like to ask you to replace the TAS file with this one This improved TAS saves 8 frames by optimising the movement when acquiring the second key
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Due to the game update to 1.1.6, I am sending a link to version 1.1.5 on Linux if anyone needs it 1.1.6 for this TAS have been tested and this version should not cause any problems with the current TAS from version 1.1.5 but in case you can download version 1.1.5 from the link, I don't know yet how about TAS true ending
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I have already seen it in User Files on tas-updates, I don't mind replacing this file.
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I'm back after encoding the video again with only libTAS turned on with the game and it synced the video, I feel that at the settings I have given and turning off all other applications is the only way to sync the video, I don't know if FPS can cause a problem in the later sections but it is possible that it can. I'm also uploading my settings in the Runtime I use for this video
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I just tested again but will still retest with programs turned off with just libTAS running with the game. As for the imputs desync it was different with me, at 10:09 it desync with me when I tried again, as I encoded this generic TAS video I had no problems with sync from the first try, at this point I have to test again at night, I will also mention that I browsed when meeting Red which caused FPS drops, as I mentioned I will still be testing As for the 3rd point I didn't know that this could cause problems, since Forest there were already problems but as I mentioned in another post, when I had minecraft running it could then in frame playback somewhere get desync, as for options I have everything as in the link only that in Wait timeout I have “Native waits” checked, Sleep handling on Advance time on main thread and XEvents at frame beginning and SDL events at frame beginning I have unchecked, Prevent writing to disk is also checked, I also used Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS in WSL2 if that helps anything, when it comes to in-game I have Internal Resolution on 2x and FPS Limit on V-Sync, Gamma 0.00 (in Project Kat too)
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Good morning, I am starting to re-encode for this problem, just want to ask one thing, at what point does the game desync in your case? Also, are you doing the same sync steps as it was in Project Kat and have clock_gettime() realtime set? Also, make sure you don't have another game running while you're coding, with me when minecraft was running it wouldn't play the imputs properly at random times
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eien86 Thank you for explaining to me, I mainly ended up with the frame of the exit from the game saves after the credits, because on the True End credits screen it's not possible to automatically get to the note from the developers, I can edit the frames for the version of the last imput before the credits if it helps anything else before accepting the TAS, I'll also remember next time to send these files to User files, for Paper Lily - Chapter 1 I'll also keep this in mind.
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I am inserting the correct file with the correct time, I have already embraced the removal of unnecessary extra end frames in the video
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McBobX seeing your screen the chalk is not in your inventory, try clicking slowly while taking the chalk from the board, it's strange that it didn't collect when you hold it down
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McBobX, do you use frame advance or do you normally play without it? Because you have to use frame advance all the time during playback, if you turn off the pause and play back like this it will play incorrectly, it is a bit of a pain but it is the only way to play and encode the video correctly
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Thank you for your comment, and yes, when creating a video file libTAS could sometimes crash the game at my place and the only way to create was to exit and fire up libTAS again, texts also for speed I had to skip and that was manually mashing without Turbo because I had to mash and hold X at the same time, entering the inventory to look through the notes because I mentioned that you can't leave the club until you look through them, pressing X at the right moment is harder to do because it requires frame perfect letting go and pressing X after the Kat dialogues, the time I wanted to get was from the speedrun rule, from selecting New Game to Dead End K2 text, the frame time of the beginning I got was 186, when checking Dead End K2 text I got in 6782, TAS was also not easy because I had to mash manually without TURBO and from having 5 FPS it gave very good skip text.