If the goal is to beat all stages as quickly as possible while using ACE, then I would say that this run is greatly suboptimal, considering all of the things you could do. Limiting to just changing the speed in levels would in generally be a quite arbitary ruleset for this goal. Will thus vote no based on these two factors.
It sort of reminds me of the 100% Majora's Mask TAS using ACE, where the general 100% say that you need to get each item from its general source. Once the ACE setup starts, it's just warping around to get all the required items. As seen here:
I suppose something similar would also be possible here. As soon as one level is beaten, you instantly warp to the start of the next one, if the goal definition is to "Start and finish all stages". Then again, the definition what start and finish is would be debateable as well, for an ACE definition.