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I bet he is thinking of the SNES and N64 emulators that people have set up to run on only slightly mod-ed out xboxes...
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Ah. thanks for the link, watching it shows why its slower. Props for a great run so far.
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You know that all this would do to a TAS community is force us to (instead of rapid-fireing 30 times a second) test out the threshold of how fast you can rapid fire without setting off the "tas flag" right? Also, you could jump on the second possable frame if it would prevent the game from detecting that it was a tas. I dont see that this would really change anything.
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There are PS2 emulators out there, but they run slow as hell. Even when computers are fast enough to run them smoothly, they will have even bigger problems then the PS1 emulators, that the game ISOs will be large sized, making them a pain to download or store.
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Im not sure, but I could have sworn I have seen a tas of PSS that finished at 12.3. Is that some reason that this method was not used? Wish I could find it so I could watch them side by side =O
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Im impressed. When you work on a run, you dont mess around.
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upthorn wrote:
(without luck manipulation).
Why not?
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An interesting sidenote: notice that the sound go to a static, "dog peeing into a paper bag" sort of nise. This tells us that the part of the cartrige associated with sound connects to the system via the disconnected pins. More to the point: suppose that we allowed CC runs, how on earth would we emulate/record such a run? As far as I understand it, the movie files read by the emulators are nothing but a small header, followed by a list of what buttons are down on each frame. They would need to modify the format significantly in order to even save information about when CC started, and by how much etc...
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No question that it would help, its more a question of if we want to see the puzzles mostly beaten as designed? or cheesed useing special abilites. That decision is best left up to the author.
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What abilities are gained by having him die? The only one I noticed was that belog can now jump.
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Good start, everything looks nice so far, but it might be worth looking into if and how the multi-tap emulates, for a 3 player version. That aside, this is one run I would love to see finished.
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The real question is why they made some of the other characters so horrable. Ever played Krunch? simply... horrable.
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I really hope this run makes it through to completion. 4 cups will make for an excelent tas.
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You could make Lemmings. Strategy that is reasonably openeded, yet really hard to optimize, then throw unbelievable lag on top of it, and you really have a headache.
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For those of you who dont know, "Crank" is the best movie ever made. The guy from transpoerter dies if he stops rampaging around the city. Solid ass kicking all the way through.
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its pretty good though should think about submitting it.
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I thought he was right, and that the article was funny. If you dont like to read negitive articles like this one, then dont. Its not hard.
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SMB1 (the newest version) is also probably perfect. and who said that many re-records is a bad thing?
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Blublu wrote:
a website not working in Firefox is the equivalent of a big sign saying "our webmasters are stoopid".
That goes a little far... I know of a few websites that are designed owned and operated by people with almost no tchnological knowlage (and consequently their shit only opens in IE), but that only makes the site itslf bad, not the value of their content. At this point I really dont see why this is such a big issue. There are several alternatives, all of which are free, work almost all the time and only have minor interface difference. It just doesnt matter all that much.
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I REALLY dont think that the brightness of the TV is the issue for me, or for JXQ, simply because I know that with the current brightness settings I have played hundreds of games over the years, watched TV and god only knows how many movies, and the brightness has been approapriate for everything. (i.e. things show up dark when they are supposed to be and vice versa)
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Hell yes.
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theenglishman wrote:
I'm currently only use IE7 because firefox doesn't work with many of the sites that I visit regularly.
IE7 is a shameful ripoff of Firefox in almost every single way.
except that it works sometimes when firefox doesnt?
Microsoft should be ashamed of themselves
because they have a product thats almost exactly like firefox, but it works on many sites where firefox doesnt? They should be commended for creating a better product.
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Agree 100% JXQ. I had many of the same issues with this game. What made the controls worse still compaired to what you mentioned was that you couldnt adjust the aiming sensitivity (that I could find). I tried to play that game after a long and involved halo binge, which I usually played on really high sensitivity, and scaling it down just felt painful.
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What made the least sence was when they printed darksteel colossus, then when they realized how powerful an 11/11 that is indestructable is (duh?) they go and ban every way to trick him into play, rather then just ban the card itself. Killing tinker and oath of druids in the extended format was the end of MTG as far as I was concerned. It was the death of the only format where you could play stuff like tempest block without dealing with the insanity of type 1, but now (unless they changed anything in the last year or so) there is no format to play old-ish cards (think rath cycle and urza block) and not be playing against decks like full english, keeper, parfait, zoo and microsoft. What I really want to know why they dont want people playing with cards printed more then just 3 or 4 years ago, at the longest? They never did sanction T1 or T1.5 tournaments, and extended rotates too much.
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Legends was awsome. It printed the right cards to energise the game at the time (mana drain was just what blue needed to get on its feet), and it created some interesting niche deck, like void. Magic is circleing the drain. The game is slower then ever before (anyone who has played with moxes and lotus, ritual etc... will know what I mean) and the new sets are all creature based. They dont have the stones to print cards that really define new decks the way they used to (stuff like oath of druids and fastbond come to mind). Cards like hatred are nothing but a distand memory. The tutors are falling out of favor, only to be replaced by overcosted new versions. Whats worse is that the decks that play well in T2 in praticular have lost any element of creativity on the part of the player. It was obvious when they printed wild mongrel, basking rootwala, roar of the worm, and circular logic in the same set that wizards had a really clear idea of what deck they wanted to see played on the tour for the next year. Torment had the same issue, MBC was a simple and obvious call. Every new movement was designed and engineered by wizards at this point, new combos dont jump out of the woodwork and change the scene (without getting banned of course (think goblin recruiters)). The time for creativity is passed and the game is nothing but slow moving, pre packaged shit. PS. Not that it matters, but someone on page 2 mentioned a wall that had banding, which makes absolutely no sence, seeing as how walls dont attack, and banding only matters on attackers.
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