Sorry to bump up such an old thread, but I have a question that maybe an experienced TASer can answer.
I was shooting Sir Richard Rose one day, like 7:20 in this video, but with Cormano, and somehow I managed to kill him in about two seconds. Not just destroy the balcony that's protecting him, I managed to completely bypass his second form. The problem being of course, I have no idea how I did this, and I can't recreate this.
P.S. If you're wondering why I'm asking this question, yes, I'm going to do a speedrun of this game fairly soon.
Well, I think it's clear what caused you to kill Richard Rose in very little time instead of destroying the balcony as usual : there's surely some pixel-precision place on the balcony, surely very near of Richard Rose but not "at him", from where if you shoot diagonally down-right, your bullets will be shooting at him instead of at the balcony. And since you're shooting a point-blank range and with many bullets, you kill the boss as fast as gamely possible (like if there's a limit of one bullet damage for every other frame, and this boss has 50 HP, it would take 100 frames which comes down to 2 little seconds, just like the time you said you took to kill him).
I watched entirely through your new version of this Run Saber TAS, and one word comes to mind : Amazing!
Because it's better than I could dream of for a TAS this game, and I did already see your first try at it. I put a yes vote for all your great precision and all your efforts to be entertaining, like those mad "very fast saber-hit left then right" near the end :D.
And about the desyncs problems, you don't have to bother encoding and uploading a video, because I already did so and put it on FileFront on my account here ( ). I hope it helps, and I can tell you that you did the most well-made version possible for a TAS of this game.
I'm sorry everyone, but my connexion will be out in a few hours because I'm moving elsewhere, meaning I won't be able to see your posts until something like one or two months, the time I get my connexion back. So post everything you might want to say, but know I'll read/answer it in one or two months from now.
What I saw is that you had to destroy the firing monster, and I thought that not having to do it would necessarily be faster ; are you really sure your way was faster ? That's true it was fast, but if it's the fastest it's not really obvious.
Edit : I looked at it more closely and it does seem to be faster/speedier. Good point then.
Well this treasure room looks very nice, but I think it's not in the Genesis version, because I read somewhere that when you get immortality you get like 20 lives, so this place should be in a way or another, accessible just after you beat the last guardian.
The guides I found and read were already all quite complete, but you are right there are a few things I know that's written nowhere. That's the advantage of TAS-making, you have all the time to test things and find everything :).
In the crypt room I jumped for a very good reason : it prevents the firing monster from spawning ! Otherwise how would I take the mosaic piece that early and with no damage ;) I added it to the submission text now.
Well. I for one love Gods. And I am voting yes on this one.
Even though there are frames missed, and not every single piece of treasure is collected, this is still rather entertaining to me. :3
Quite some thanks to you Kitsune, it's nice to see someone liking this game as much as I like it. I'd just like to be sure you did put your yes vote, because there should be 3 yes votes now. Or maybe it's Upthorn who forgot it.
Man I put myself much in a movie and you really aren't recognizing it. Why can't you tell me what did I missed ? Or someone else. I watched my movie like 3 times in detail and I didn't see what did I miss.
I really do not know what treasures I could have missed in that game, I searched everywhere for guides, founded some new things and did them ; please tell me anyone if you see one missed thing I did not explained.
@Aqfaq : About the fact I can't collect the two diamonds near lightning bolt, that is how the game works and you have to accept it, really. It's quite nice that the game rewards you for not taking a super-weapon.
In all of my guides, none ever talked of a "super-secret" in the final level. So I do not know where it is. Also can you please tell me how did I "really" lost any time, is it like 2 frames here and there or what ?
@Upthorn : Yes I'm sorry about the so many edits I'm making, but don't worry I will be finished in little time and then won't touch the submission text again. And big thanks for your yes vote. But there should be 3 yes votes, so either Kitsune or you forgot to put it in.
Well, things have changed in my mind, and I'm canceling this submission because I decided myself to re-do it with the Genesis version, and to make it truly/completely 100% Treasures collecting.
One advantage on Genesis is that the invulnerability shield last much longer (2 times as much) and it's very useful in some places to gain time. You can go see the thread of my new TAS here.
@LagDotCom : That's the desync I talked about in the beginning of my submission text. Normally you do a save at 2-3 when score is near zero and everything keep syncing. About the SNES/Genesis differences, well it makes for a more challenging-looking movie, and I really prefer the SNES sound :), so I don't think I could re-do a TAS for this game with Gens.
@Aqfaq : The point of my movie is to "show all of the game". I used all the money collected, so that wouldn't be changeable for example. I resolved all puzzles in this game, like I said in the middle of my submission text, and that's what should be very interesting with this movie. And also showing much Quickness/efficiency, a thing that only this game have up to that point. But maybe it's not obvious to see. Maybe it's only obvious to someone who have made the game entirely, like me. In any way, I seen most of the movies here, and this one is no less entertaining than the middle row is. And the middle row is already rather high. I'm saying that in all objectivity, really. I'll add to my description that it resolves 100% of the puzzles.
The last thing to say is, this game definitely needs a second movie showing the 2/3 of the game that the other doesn't. About the level 2 Dragon, not using the gem will make him move too much and me having to follow him and losing time, and with the screen scrolling only 2/3 to the right, I won't be hitting all of him often enough anyway.
I would want to know what did you vote and why, if you can explain it with the english words you know.
LagDotCom wrote:
I'll watch this shortly.
So, have you been able to watch it ? What are your thoughts about it ?
I edited the description and objectives of the movie to make them clearer and better explained.
Well I understand what you're saying, I didn't precisely got everything but still very nearly. I thought it would look speedier and make the TAS rather more entertaining. Another good thing is that this way there is like no money left after shopkeepers. Or if there's it's all needed later (2-3 -> 4-2). To me it's better nice-looking this way ;).
Anyway I think the best is to wait for the judges to tell us how important it may be and to see if that would make much of a difference.
@upthorn : There's no way this TAS is made to obsolete the Aqfaq's one, it just needs a second category. Isn't it really quite obvious ?
It's a 100% Treasures run, why do you say it "should not" obsolete the Genesis run while there's no reason at all it could do so >_<.
@Ferret Warlord : I'm finding the scream and the skulls funny too, and we are no sadistic ever ;). IMO they thought to make it funny because it has quite many more uses than in any other game. So why making it souding/looking painful ^^?
@Neophos : I'm happy I could make you see/like again and entirely a game you played in your childhood. and for the boss fights, that's true it can't be helped much unless you can show off by being very near of the boss (which I quite do at 1st and 3rd Boss :D ).
@Naohiro19 : I didn't know there was that many versions, thanks for the info. Maybe this game is somewhat well-known after all.
Yes that's true. Though for this time it's not a problem because it helped me much to know the game really well, and now I can just nearly "breeze through" the game again and finding 100% Treasures.
I'm TASing this game and finding all Treasures and I have a question : at the start of level 2-1, I push the button to open the trap and then use the thief to get the treasure key, after that I take the door and when it teleport me to the upper section I don't see the grey key anywhere (blue key is here). And I can't find it anywhere in the level either. I can only find the keys for the blue and the yellow chest. Is it because of the game or just me who is "blinded"?
Ok that's nice then. I checked the MD movie there do are some little gameplay differences between this version and SNES, like at the World 2 boss' room, the screen does not scroll all the way right, but only like 2/3. Which means I can't always hit all of him with the spears, making the battle longer. The colors are a bit different too, and the music is much better on the SNES. At the start I can't skip the logos at all like Aqfaq does.
Oh shit, I'm really sorry I didn't think to take a look at the Genesis section, it's just because I never played Genesis when I was little, and also didn't wanted to interest me to the TASes on this console before I saw all the ones on SNES, because that's SNES I know the most from when I was little (and somewhat all nintendos too).
Well then, I canceled the submission, and I think I should try doing the "100% treasures" I said at the end of submission, I know where all of them are and anyway it would be nearly the same description.
Sorry again that I did not think to check the Genesis section before submitting this movie. Still, I investigated myself much into this movie, and it is my first TAS, so that was a good start after all. I'm happy on that point, and I'd want to get a use at all the things I got to know about this game in a somewhat little time, by doing a "100% treasures" TAS if there's any possibility it gets accepted. I can tell you what I mean by that if needed. Or tell me what would it mean if it's a clear thing for this game.
Ah, to be a young and impressionable newb again. It's just so easy to believe everything you read on the interwebz these days.
Well, I'll try reading through the Super Metroid thread anyway, but I'm not sure it's that important of a problem, I just tried something bc it was totally unclear what was going on, voila. And now I'll stop posting I think ;).
I deleted my last post only bc I haven't read the post by "upthorn" before posting it, so don't worry it's not someone else ;).
I really don't like/can't stand that two people can't try to discuss in pm and stop to do dumb/annoying things like those, but I don't know the precise problems here and who is on the wrong side anyway. It's just too bad to stay in a mood of conflict, for both sides as much.
Why aren't you answering clearly to Saturn? Can't you say "no it's undoable" or "it would require too much frame-precision"? You look like you have a little something against him.
I'm happy now, it looks so much perfect, and you saved much time with just two levels, I think this is done for a long time.
Now you just have to submit your movie (zipped before, with 7-zip or something else) by going here , and put in your real name (if you want) and a comment of explanations for the movie. It should be all you have to do.
I just saw Stage 4 and it's great how you remade it, you saved time on the flames geyser part, but are you sure that on the "long ceiling going right then down" part you shouldn't have ceiling-dashed all the way and above the creatures up to the next part of the level ?
So had you been able to see if the dash-ceiling trick saves time ? Tell me what it gives once you tried please.
If there's any need for Hex-Editing, they did a guide here just for that :