Posts for Warp

Post subject: Movie statistics and rerecords
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Back in the day when I first got the idea for the Movie Statistics page, the vast majority of submissions had an actual accurate rerecord count. Nowadays, however, all the statistics about rerecords are useless. There are many submissions where rerecords do not tell anything useful because 99.9% of them are bot-generated, and in others the actual rerecord count has been either lost (often several times during the creation of the run) or, in a few cases, deliberately tampered with. It would be nice if the movie files were somehow able to keep track of bot-generated rerecords and human-generated rerecords separately, but that's not the case (and most probably it's never going to happen.) Those could be interesting and could be used for useful statistics, but as it is now, the rerecord stats are mostly just garbage. So what to do with the statistics related to rerecords? As much as it saddens me, I think I'll just have to remove them from the statistics page. As said, they serve little useful purpose anymore. However, I'm open to suggestions. (Note that currently I only have editor rights, though.) (This isn't unprecedent. Back in the day download statistics were actually accurate and interesting. However, after repeated tracker resets, and the advent of the youtube and uploads, they became just completely non-descriptive, so I removed them. Their individual pages can still be accessed, but they aren't in the main statistics page anymore.)
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Anybody feeling like uploading this to youtube or something? I don't understand what is it with nicovideo, but it always shows just a black screen to me. Never had any sort of problem with any other video sharing sites, only nicovideo.
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KennyMan666 wrote:
Also here's something someone said on IRC (names withheld to protect the innocent): "Did Warp just say "Fuck you" is a verb?"
Imperative tense, no less.
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I have hard time understanding how the "that's why of the pony in question" fits in the sentence (and how it's grammatically correct in the first place.) Also, even disregarding the unnecessary strength of the "FU", I don't understand how it fits in the list of "nature, self, destiny". Those are nouns, while "FU" is a verb. Also, it probably should be "the whole concept of ... starts making" (because "concept" is singular.)
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KennyMan666 wrote:
So here's the part that's only elaborating on cutie marks and it's about as big as the entire previous part
Btw, I think this sentence is a bit messed-up. It's probably not grammatically correct, or at the very least could benefit from rephrasing: "The entire problem lies in that the more esoteric and requiring of convoluted explanations cutie marks become to explain the true nature/self/destiny/fuck you, that's why of the pony in question, the less sense the whole concept of cutie marks start making as a whole."
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KennyMan666 wrote:
Oh, it's coming. It's just turning out to become pretty long. I'm almost done with the more in-depth look at the whole cutie mark/true self thing, and that part alone is about 1500 words now.
Can this be considered a dead project at this point? (A pity, really, because I was looking forward to it...)
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It's not so much a question of which video editor you are using, but which video codec. (Unless your video editor does not support third-party codecs, of course.) You need an editor or encoder that supports standard codecs (such as VirtualDub), a good codec (usually something supporting h.264) and then you need to set up the encoding parameters of said codec appropriately for the desired quality/size (and, if you want, encoding speed) ratio. Which codecs and which settings is a quite complex subject, and I think there's some page somewhere around here giving more details.
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I think that it would be acceptable, even for a "generic" bot, if it's given a specific condition that it has to reach in a game-by-game basis. In other words, it's told "in this particular game, when these memory addresses contain these values (iow. a game over state), you are done."
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So (whatever that game might be) playing with a certain style will get you permanently banned? Sounds fair.
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RGamma wrote:
Very high quality encode (886MB): H.264 10bit444 CRF 0, FLAC lossless audio!CI5GgTiR!Z4j91yUF8rZAxNI8EgwIxjmig2YRsUisByQu4yRnrIA
"Your browser does not allow data to be written. Please make sure you use default browser settings." Why can't websites today just give you the file you want, period? Why all the hoops?
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Derakon wrote:
but ultimately the timers would loop anyway, so as long as you're willing to wait it shouldn't matter.
It depends on the size of those timers. In typical NES games they are probably 16-bit so they loop over pretty quickly. However, if any game in some console used eg. 32-bit timers, and even if it incremented it on each frame (ie. 60 times per second), it would take over 2 years to loop over.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
the show's actual target demographic. Young children, if you can't guess.
What? Now you are totally making things up! ;)
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jlun2 wrote:
I know the reference is about a game with toads that battle, but what does this (partially covered) acronym remind you of:
It reminds me of nasdaq.
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No. Whenever something explodes, the sprites are rendered black in the video. Campfires have artifacts too.
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Hasbro should send them a katana with a letter that reads "NO CUTS".
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creaothceann wrote:
Emulators could record input by default and save them often as one big timeline
I don't think that's a good idea because those files might get large. A better idea is that if the emulator is recording, it very visibly shows that (eg. with a blinking "recording" symbol.) That way if you are not recording, you will clearly see it.
Post subject: Re: Vault runs getting Moon
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FractalFusion wrote:
The criterion for initial placement of previously published movies was an entertainment rating cutoff at 5.7. adelikat never said that any rating cutoff criteria are currently enforced or that they should be currently enforced.
I have to agree that an automatic tier placement is not a good idea. While it would certainly be easier, I think that it's better if the tier of each run is decided on a case-by-case basis.
Keep in mind that there are 68 Star publications, 689 Moon publications, and 469 Vault publications.
I wonder if that's too many moons. If there are too many, it kind of muddles its meaning. (Unless "Moon" is meant to be "your average, run-of-the-mill TAS" and "Vault" is meant to be "those that would otherwise be rejected under the old system." I'm not sure I would agree to that kind of categorization, but that's just my opinion of course.)
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Mitjitsu wrote:
I know when you're working out projectiles at school you're always doing it without factoring air resistance. Does anyone know how to factor it into calculations?
Pages and pages of complex equations being simulated by a supercomputer. And even then it's just an approximation.
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SineSwiper wrote:
1. Make it really think ahead, like 10 seconds ahead.
The problem with that is that for it to be feasible, you need a really good pruning algorithm to discard search branches that will (most probably) result in a bad result. You can't test all possible combinations (because of exponential explosion.) This is actually a rather difficult heuristic to come up with (especially if you want it to be generic.) Sometimes if you go a bit backwards, ie. away from the desired goal rather than always towards it, the end result can be much better than if you just blindly always go towards the desired goal. Sometimes sacrificing something in the short term will give a great benefit in the long term.
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Can something be done about the rendering errors in the encode?
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This run seems to abide to the zen philosophy that the best way to win a fight is to avoid the fight altogether.
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If you have a spinning wheel, time passes more slowly for the outer edge of the wheel than its surroundings, as a consequence of relativity. This is related to the consequence of relativity, that if someone were to travel far from Earth and then come back, he would have aged less than people here (the reason for this having to do with acceleration and changing frames of reference.) There's nothing that would stop this from working at a smaller scale: If you are standing at the end of a football field, and a friend runs to the other end and back, he will have aged less than you (even if it's just by a staggeringly small fraction.) We can make the setup even smaller and have just a spinning wheel: Every point on the edge of the wheel will travel farther and then closer. Therefore the outer edge of a spinning wheel will age slower than its surroundings. So my question is: How fast would a wheel have to spin in order for its outer edge to age, let's say, 10% slower than its surroundings? (In other words, for every 10 seconds that pass, the edge of the wheel only ages 9 seconds.)
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p4wn3r wrote:
and the other is that some speedrunning "spirit" makes this run and any other that abuses game skipping glitches equivalent to cheat codes, which is problematic.
Not so much a "speedrunning spirit", but simple viewer entertainment. The most usual reason for someone to watch a speedrun (tool-assisted or not) is to see the game played through at incredible speed. Skipping to the end just isn't. It's a simple question of pragmatism.
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By the way, some people on the higher ranks have in the past entertained the idea a couple of times that perhaps gamegenie/whatever cheats could perhaps be allowed. This whole debacle shows why that would be a really, really bad idea. Pokemon Yellow happens to be a very special game in that after a bit of meddling around, corrupting saves and whatnot, you basically gain the ability to use any kind of cheats without having to use any cheating device (emulated or not.) Thus this demonstrates really well why legitimately allowing cheat devices on all games would be a really bad idea: The entire idea of speedrunning would be completely destroyed. If the goal is to finish the game as fast as possible, and a cheat device would allow you to make the program do anything you want, the only possible use for it would be to make the game immediately jump to the extreme end of the game, because that's the goal. Thus there would be nothing to watch, really, except possibly a "the end" screen. This idea can be reversed: If we don't allow cheating devices, one of the reasons being that it makes the whole concept of "speedrunning" completely moot, then why should we allow glitch abuse that effectively amounts to the same thing? Just because it's doing it by abusing bugs in the game doesn't render the end result much different. There's still no "speedrun" to speak of, just a jump to the very end. What's there to watch? Technical prowess, sure. Entertainment? Not so much, I'd say.
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Spikestuff wrote:
If you're trying to figure out where it came from
I still don't get it.