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What should appear if you have already rated a movie? Would rating still be restricted to those who are logged in (in order to avoid spamming/abuse)? If yes, how would this be much different from the current system? With the current system you can simply click on the "rate this movie" link which jumps to the rating page for that movie. The new system would simply remove that one extra click. I don't see that as such a huge saving.
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You don't have to make it all at once. TAS the first few levels, post a WIP and ask how many people would vote yes on a full run. Then you can decide if you want to continue.
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Kuwaga wrote:
Why not use xml and .xml for the text files?
XML is really verbose for such repeating data as a keypress recording file. What would be the benefit? In theory XML makes it easier to parse the file from a third-party program, but in practice this is not the case when the data is as simple as a keypress file (there isn't much variation nor data types, nor is there any need to have an abstract way of encoding unicode characters). A simpler and easy-to-parse text format probably doesn't require significantly more code in the average programming language than embedding a full-fledged XML parser and then traversing its resulting data tree. A data file akin to CSV would be the diametric opposite of XML. Compact, easy to parse, still text-based. OTOH it's less flexible (because if in a future version more types of data is stored in the file format, a program parsing the CSV-like keypress file is probably going to break). OTOH, the latter problem can be partially solved by versioning the file format (iow. make it have a header section that tells the version of the format so that programs reading it can see if they support it).
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Lex wrote:
I disagree with Warp's statement. The quality of ratings on TASVideos is currently relatively low when compared to some other sites due to a relatively low sample count.
We are using different meanings for the term "quality". You are using it to mean "reliable" (in terms of statistics) while I was using it to describe the motivation people have for rating (in other words, if someone just tosses ratings to random TASes in order to get some visible counter up, those ratings do not necessarily reflect the quality of the TAS, while people who rate because they truly want to will more often do it with more thought).
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
But what about everyone else?
You forget that it's a kids' show. Complex social interactions with a myriad of characters is boring; kids don't dig that. But if you want to handwave it: The interactions happen off-screen. We are just shown the most interesting parts of their lives.
Post subject: Re: Text / Binary Formats - Same or different filetype?
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Brandon wrote:
.tas, .bkm
Will people finally stop using three-letter file name extensions? They make no sense and haven't been relevant for over 15 years. They only make the file type more obfuscated and cause association collisions (because most systems, most prominently Windows, distinguish between file types solely based on the extension). (Kudos to lsnes for daring to break the pattern and use a 4-letter extension. Slightly better, although still needlessly small.) </rant>
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I think it's better to rate movies because you really want to rather than because of trying to achieve some cred. If the latter is encouraged, the average quality of the ratings may suffer.
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Acheron86 wrote:
if the primary goal was speed, with maximum coins secondary to that, then dying is off the table, I think.
It cannot be like that; it has to be the other way around. If it were like that then the run would have to be as fast as the current "any%" record, while collecting as many coins as possible in that time (which would make the runs almost, if not completely, identical). A "maximum coins" run would have to have the collecting of coins as primary goal and doing it as fast as possible as the secondary goal. A "no-deaths" rule is mandatory for the run to make sense.
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HappyLee wrote:
I don't know if we really need a maximum coins branch of SMB on TASVideos. Since we've rejected my lowest score TAS, I guess maximum coins doesn't stand a chance, unless it's extremely powerful and entertaining.
I thought TASes are done for the art rather than for the recognition.
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Derakon wrote:
I find the concept of Nach being a doctor to be profoundly disturbing.
"Doctor" is an academic degree, not a synonym for "practicioner of medicine". (There's some overlap in "Doctor of Medicine" ie. MD, though.)
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HappyLee wrote:
I bet hardly someone would like to spend more than half an hour just to watch Mario get a lot of coins.
Yeah, it's not like 100% completion speedruns are popular or anything.
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arflech wrote:
I'd personally prefer showing off the equations of fluid dynamics relevant to today's episode...
Just because she's an astrophysicist doesn't mean she knows anything about fluid dynamics... :P
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feos wrote:
Max coins vs. All coins. The winner is obvious. Just compare the routes each time.
Agreed, collect the maximum amount possible of coins. And if two mutually exclusive routes produce the exact same amount of coins, choose the one that's faster.
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Mothrayas wrote:
Isn't it possible to make Gruefood Delight more edit-accessible, i.e. by making it editable by all players or maybe members? That way far more people could provide their input to Gruefood Delight.
Isn't there a danger that almost all rejected movies would end up there? I think the idea is that it's supposed to be some kind of (semi-humorous) "best of" list of rejected movies.
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Ok, it's official: The creators of the show are nerds: Random vaguely mathematic-looking gibberish? Nope, real time dilation equations. I'm officially impressed.
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Would it make sense to make the inverse run of this? In other words, a run that collects all coins as fast as possible?
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moozooh wrote:
A 17 y.o. person can be underage, but calling them a child makes no more sense than if they were a 30 y.o.
It's not only the wrong usage of the term, but the reason why many people use it. They make it sound like porn involving a 17yo is exactly as bad as porn involving a 7yo. After all, they are both "children", so they are both "child porn", aren't they? In actuality there's an enormous difference.
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Kuwaga wrote:
If you find 17 years olds sexually attractive (as an adult), you are a sick and have committed a felony in your heart.
The logical followup question is: What makes a 18 years old so different? (Also, unlike most people seem to think, age of consent laws are not universal. They vary quite a lot, all the way from 14 to 21 in different countries. There's nothing magical about precisely 18 as the "right" age.)
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CoolKirby wrote:
Right. I guess I was rambling a little bit. I'm not sure why an 18 year old person is considered an adult either. Were you talking about the difference between pornographic pictures of a 17-year-old "child" and an 18-year-old "adult"? I don't see a difference either. Yet possession of pictures of only the former example is illegal. It's a difference of a year or less, so they should either both be illegal or both be legal.
I was not questioning the legality per se, because you have to put the limit somewhere. It will always be arbitrary (especially since people grow psychologically at different rates, and what's someone fully consensual act at 16 may be another person's big mistake at 20), but the limit just has to be somewhere. What makes me cringe is the usage of the term "child" in relation to these crimes regardless of which age the alleged victim actually is (as long as it's less than 18). There's certainly a huge difference between eg. pornographic pictures of a 16yo and a 6yo, and bunching them into the same category is trivializing the issue to the extreme. (At least law usually uses just the term "underage" rather than "child", so it's a lot less ambiguous, as "underage" is clearly defined in law.)
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I think arflech's post was distasteful and highly inappropriate.
Post subject: Re: Priest sells his Nintendo DS, forgets to delete child porn
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CoolKirby wrote:
I think it's based on the law that says you're an adult at age 18. In the U.S. at least (and some other countries, I assume), someone who's 18 can legally do anything - vote, sell items to pawn shops, buy stock, etc. It gives a person a lot more freedom. So I guess that's why turning 18 is such a big deal. Of course there are adults that act like children, and probably always will. If there is a mental switch in people's minds, it might be the person making a resolution: "I'm 18 now, I should grow up and be more mature from now on." Not many people make that change right away, though, and usually you'll notice a person has grown up by his or her mid-20s.
I wasn't really talking about psychology but about terminology. Calling a 17yo, or even a 15yo a "child" is quite a misnomer.
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Pointless Boy wrote:
The "model reader" of The Time Machine would be a contemporary of H.G. Wells, who would not have the benefit of the 115 years of scientific endeavor we've experienced since the book was written.
Speaking of which, one novel that's often praised as one of the best pieces of sci-fi literature but which has always bothered me a lot due to its blatant physical inaccuracies is Jules Verne's From the Earth to the Moon, even taking into account it was written in 1865. Even back then one should have understood that you can't simply shoot a projectile from a giant cannon at a significantly larger velocity than Earth's escape velocity (which is needed due to atmospheric drag) and expect people inside to not to be squashed to goo, or that you would be able to safely open a window in outer space for a few seconds, or that the projectile would somehow drag objects behind it in vacuum. This is probably also the original source of the misconception that in vacuum things that are in shadows are completely black (ie. completely disregarding that the vast majority of light reaching shadows is being reflected from other surfaces, eg. the ground, and that air as extremely minimal effect on this). One could argue that the novel is intended to be humorous, not to be taken seriously, but I'm not so sure that's a good excuse.
Post subject: Re: Priest sells his Nintendo DS, forgets to delete child porn
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theenglishman wrote:
Jim Sterling wrote:
67-year-old Rudolph “Rudy” Carl Bullman admitted using the Nintendo handheld to access gay porn sites, but claimed he only ever visited pages that clearly stated the models were of age. After agreeing to let detectives search his computer, they found images of kids as young as twelve.
I have always wondered why a person who's 17 years and 11 months old is considered a "child", but a month later he's suddenly an "adult". Is there a switch somewhere in people's brains that switches positions exactly at 18 years, 0 months, 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds?
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Nach wrote:
glibc isn't being discussed here, and is unrelated to GCC, libgcc, or libstdc++.
I was explaining why I made the assumption.
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Nach wrote:
You need to read this:
The GNU libc library is definitely LGPL (well, at least according to wikipedia; I can't for the life of me find this info on the FSF's own website), so it's easy to assume that the same holds for libstdc++. Finding the actual license for libstdc++ and libgcc seems to be particularly hard (I don't really understand why, given how adamant the FSF is about licenses). I think this quote I found somewhere in the entrails of is rather descriptive: "Hopefully that text is self-explanatory. If it isn't, you need to speak to your lawyer, or the Free Software Foundation."