Posts for Warp

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This is another one of those "amazing shots" videos, but more elaborate. I suppose it could be considered tool-assisted, at least with respect to the amount of (literal) rerecordings (which probably rival those of an average TAS). Link to video
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Mr. Kelly R. Flewin wrote:
Um.. if length was an option, why did BOF3 get published with far LESS argument then this?
Because it was less than 8 hours long. You can't expect someone to spend a full work day on watching a movie, now can you, eh?
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klmz wrote:
Althought I was joking, I expressed that the icons should be made on a unified theme. A light bulb doesn't seem suitable.
I don't see any need for such a thing. Artificially constraining the icons to a specific "unified theme" is needlessly limiting.
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Wockes wrote:
This joke is so old it's almost funny again
I didn't get it.
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Bobo the King wrote:
I don't understand the argument here. All submitted runs-- published and unpublished alike-- are accessible via the search function. Here's Myst, Desert Bus, and Front Line. I could also link to obsolete runs and April Fools runs-- they're all here.
Unpublished runs cannot be rated, nor can you build a list of TASes (those pages which consist of the info boxes of a list of specified TASes) which includes unpublished ones. Also, they don't have a short description, category tags (which could be used to narrow a search), an obsoletion history nor other such related info.
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moozooh wrote:
Marking "firsts of their kind" is an interesting and a different idea altogether, as that is actually easy to define, and this way there is no heredity involved (on the other hand, it's totally retrofit-friendly). This should be useful as an exhibition of TASing history and particular milestones of its evolution.
I like that idea. Of course it would require some mechanism to describe somehow somewhere the reason for the mark.
idea lightbulb?
I like that as well.
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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde with new wrap-around bug. Unfinished (because luck manipulation in this game is a bitch).
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Personman wrote:
[tl;dr -- It is sad that TASVideos does not have room for quiet archival of things like this, and that so few users seem to feel that such a thing would be of value. Read on only if you really enjoy words.]
It has been suggested several times in the past that all games should deserve a published TAS (at least if it's technically without obvious flaws) because all games have value to some people, and at least some people would enjoy seeing a TAS of a game they once played, or are otherwise curious about the game in question (or about a TAS of it). The rating system is there for people who want to see the most "entertaining" and "technically awesome" TASes if they want to. Don't remove the fun from those who would want their obscure childhood game being TASed. This plea has always fallen to deaf ears, so the policy is not likely to change anytime soon.
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I assume you understand I was not being serious.
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DarkKobold wrote:
Note, PSXjin emulates CD load times, with an internal constant. This constant can be changed to be equivalent to the PS2's fast-load speed (24x instead of 2x). I am 100% sure that change would lead to a 16 page thread flame war about whether or not we should allow fast-disc speed emulation, for a PSX emulator. (Not a ps2 emulator). This would affect every single psx run on the site.
I disagree!
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This is what I think of SNES games as well... Link to video
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janus wrote:
How much longer would the run be if the main character's name would have been kept as "Ryu" instead of "A"?
who knows? I guess A is now my signature name, much like Darkkobold' Z
My point is, since the text is quite easily readable and actually adds to the entertainment of watching the movie, is it worth sacrificing the understandability of the text in order to save perhaps a second or so from a 7+ hour movie?
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Top 5 reasons why this should be published: 1) It's the first of its kind (a game in Chinese). Firsts of their kind are always good publication material. 2) There are more people (and hence more potential viewers) in China than in your country. (Unless you are Chinese, in which case there are as many people in China as in your country.) 3) The main character is a stereotype. Stereotypes are always fun. 4) TASes of quiz shows have always been well received. Heck, many have even got awards. It's probably the game genre with the highest amount of awards per publication, by a large margin. 5) The music rulez.
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A short summary (in this thread) of what is meant by "API" in this context (and what are things that can be done with it, with examples) would be nice, so that everyone will know what the subject is about.
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mmbossman wrote:
The description of recommended movies on the front page appear to have been broken by the addition of streaming video icons (whatever you call the pictures for, youtube, etc).
Thanks for fixing this, whoever is responsible.
Post subject: Re: #3165: jlun2's NES Friday the 13th in 03:00.69
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TASVideoAgent wrote:
Well, 6 years later, I got bored of waiting, and decided to make the "version 4".
5.66 years, to be exact (at least according to the movie statistics, position 35 or such). Good to see one of the longest-non-obsoleted movies being obsoleted.
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petrie911 wrote:
Warp wrote:
petrie911 wrote:
All sets contain themselves, so yes.
According to the Wikipedia page about Russell's paradox, not all sets contain themselves. The example of the set of all squares is given (because the set itself is not square).
Not all sets are elements of themselves, but all sets contain themselves. A contains B if all elements of B are also elements of A, which is distinct from B being an element of A.
I think the original "does the set of all sets contain itself" meant that the set contained itself as an element. The question wouldn't make sense otherwise. Like that, it makes sense: If it's the set of all sets, and it itself is a set, then one of the elements should be the set itself. However, if that element is also a set of all sets, it's one that does not contain its parent set, which is contradictory.
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Heisanevilgenius wrote:
amaurea wrote:
I don't really understand these "I don't like the game" or "This game makes for a boring TAS" arguments for voting no. Shouldn't we just compare the alternatives and pick the best one?
Isn't that the entire purpose to this site? A TAS is designed to entertain.
What is boring to you isn't necessary boring to everybody. After all, the question is "should this TAS be published?", not "did you like it?" Personally I take the almost other extreme approach: In other words, if I don't see any glaringly obvious problems in the technical quality of a submission, I'm likely to vote yes. Entertainment is only a secondary factor, unless there literally is nothing going on in the run (eg. because the game is way too simplistic) or the game is way, way too repetitive. (Neither of those qualities can be attributed to a JRPG IMO.)
See, this goes against the whole "quality over quantity" idea just posed in the mission statement. Saying that we should just publish everything simply because we can and because it's not hard to encode it, goes against the entire concept behind this site.
I'd say the quality is about not publishing runs with obvious flaws and sloppy play. Just because a run is tool-assisted doesn't mean it's automatically publishworthy. It has to meet certain standards in order to qualify. Yes, sometimes a run may be technically almost perfect, but the game itself just isn't good TASing material. Whether JRPGs are of that type is a question of opinion. IMO they can be and are good TASing material.
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Heisanevilgenius wrote:
comparing a TAS of a Final Fantasy game to Citizen Kane is pretty bizarre.
I know that the film in question doesn't reach the high quality of FF8, but I couldn't think of a better example. There probably aren't many. I suppose I was just comparing ageless classics in two different industries.
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Warp wrote:
If someone doesn't want to watch an 8-hour run, then please abstain from voting.
I would like to clarify this statement of mine a bit, since it can be misinterpreted when taken out of context. What I meant with it was that if someone would want to vote "no" on a submission for the sole reason that it's several-hours-long and doesn't feel like watching that much, rather than for legitimate reasons (such as it having clear flaws), it's better to not to vote at all rather than voting "no" with the meaning of "I think TASes that are too long should not be published", especially if this person doesn't even want to watch the submission. As for literally sitting there, watching every single second of the 8-hour movie uncut, that's not what my statement was meant to be about. In submissions this long speeding up or even outright skipping irrelevant parts such as cutscenes (especially if one had already seen them eg. because of having played the game) is ok, if it doesn't deter one from judging the run in its entirety. Again: This is just my opinion. If someone wants to vote "no" regardless, be my guest. I'm just expressing how I view the practice.
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If I wanted to change my avatars periodically, I would simply launch a cronjob that changes the targets of the appropriate soft links. OTOH this is only feasible if you have access to a unix system (where your avatar images are stored) and permission to run cronjobs.
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Heisanevilgenius wrote:
What? Is there something hypocritical about me saying that?
I was referring to you voting "no" and voicing a rather negative opinion after watching a very small portion of the entire run. It's a bit like I watched the first 15 seconds of a new SMB run and thought "boring, I'm going to vote no". The general rule of thumb is that one should watch the run (in its entirety) before voting, and if someone doesn't want to watch the run, he should abstain from voting. (Yes, I'm pretty sure that even if you watched the whole thing you wouldn't change your opinion. However, this is a question of attitude and principle. At least have the decency of watching the author's hard work in full before shunning it.) The sense of immaturity in your comment is similar to someone eg. shunning a classic movie (such as Citizen Kane or Casablanca) after only having watched the first 5 minutes of it.
You know, there were a lot of posts here complaining that the last no voter wouldn't explain why. I explained why. Nice to know that you have the same attitude to people who actually give their opinion than people who just click a button and move on.
Explaining the reasons for a negative vote is commendable, but that doesn't mean that the reasons themselves are, nor that those negative opinions and their motivation should be free from critique.
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Heisanevilgenius wrote:
And no, I didn't watch the whole thing. I watched 16 minutes of it. Arrrgghgh, it's nothing but cutscenes! I was bored out of my skull.
The first 16 minutes of a JRPG is full of cutscenes? What a surprise!
Very mature, fanboy.
Look who's talking.
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petrie911 wrote:
All sets contain themselves, so yes.
According to the Wikipedia page about Russell's paradox, not all sets contain themselves. The example of the set of all squares is given (because the set itself is not square).
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Three questions: 1) Some of the sprites have garbage pixels on their right edge. Does this happen in the original console, or is this some kind of emulation bug? (This problem doesn't happen in the PSP version, although that's not surprising even if it does in the original PlayStation.) 2) Comparing the background music to the PSP version, it sounds like many of the sound samples are cut short (like they should fade out, but instead they are just cut). Does this also happen in the original console, or is it some kind of emulation problem? 3) How much longer would the run be if the main character's name would have been kept as "Ryu" instead of "A"? Edit: Compare, for example, the music in the TAS from about 1:46:53 forward to this.