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Kuwaga wrote:
If something similar couldn't have happened to you and if it caused only minor injuries, then it's perfectly fine.
What I mean is that is it bad, at a personal level, to laugh at people getting injured instead of getting feelings of empathy and compassion? Laughing at cartoons getting injured is ok because you know it's not real. Laughing at actors getting simulated injuries is ok because you know that they didn't get hurt for real. However, what about videos where the pain and possibly injury is real and accidental?
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Aqfaq wrote:
Scepheo wrote:
We really need to do something to get these great Japanese TASers to the site...
Yeah, this is more important than camera angles in a single run.
Accepting a run to encourage the creators to become active members of the site and keep making TASes may be a well-intentioned goal, but I wouldn't say it's a valid reason to accept the submission. (Btw, personally I don't have a problem with this being accepted, as I commented in a previous post. The choice of camera angles might not be the best possible in all situations, but I didn't find them too annoying.)
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Personman wrote:
Now that this movie exists, I'll definitely show it instead: I loved these new camera angles! And especially the zooming in and out in time with the sound effects! Why on earth do you need to see exactly where mario is going? The point is he's zooming around crazily and beating the game in five minutes.
You make it sound like sarcasm.
AngerFist wrote:
If this doesn't get published, then we should revert a few super mario bros (nes and N64) runs cause many of them improved prior runs by a few mere frames. Some of them actually had bad camera angles and bad "style" but still were accepted.
Do you have some actual examples to back that up? (Preferably examples of submissions which improved the existing run by just a few frames and where the "camera angles" were considered worse... or different at all for that matter. And I'm not claiming there are no examples; it's just that I can't remember any.)
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You can't compare chess with a fighting game. Chess is turn-based and the board and pieces are quite limited, meaning that the computer can perform an exhaustive search to estimate the best moves with effectively no time limit (except what is imposed by the timing rules, which are usually extremely generous compared to real-time games). The approach in a real-time fighting game where the computer has one frame of time to react to whatever the player does and where the size of the "board" is enormously larger must be completely different and a lot more heuristic.
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bzb95 wrote:
I have a question what if this run was submitted before the other 0 star? It would have been accepted correct? I highly doubt if this run had came first that anybody would be arguing to replace a quicker run with a slower one because the camera angles are(supposedly) better.
The question is a bit invalid because the 3 frames difference is not (AFAIK) caused by the different camera angles. Nobody would submit a movie which is deliberately 3 frames slower for no rational reason. Your question would be valid if it were the camera angles which made the run 3 frames faster, in which case there is no choice. The more relevant question would be: If someone submitted a run which was exactly as fast as this one but with "better" camera angles, would it replace this?
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Nach wrote:
If the answers to this line of inquiry is no, that's no reason to keep this from being accepted.
IMO the chosen camera angles were not even nearly as annoying as to warrant rejection, even though I like most of the "traditional" camera angles more. (For example, the "almost 2D" sections before the boss fights are better viewed from the side, as usual, rather than from the behind/front as with this submission.) Any possible future run should stick to the "traditional" angles.
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Kirkq wrote:
You can perform any set of movements at any camera angle as far as I know. The joystick positions are extremely dependent on the current state of the camera though, so redoing this is quite a time investment. If the camera is behind you, you might hold up and right, while if the camera is in front of you, you might hold down and left to traverse the map in the same fashion. 2 of the 3 frames saved in this submission are in spots where the camera was largely unchanged.
Crazy idea: If the movement speed is not dependent on the position of the camera, and thus any movement can be replicated in the exact same way with any camera position, perhaps the changes in joystick positions could be automatically adjusted for changed camera angles with a little script/program? (Although trying to do this might induce desyncs easily, but the possiblity could be worth researching.)
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Patashu wrote:
Since when did 'not enough frames were saved' become a reason to reject?
^ an improvement is an improvement, the site should always publish the fastest movie
I think that in this case the question is that if the movie looked the same as the existing publication, this could simply be considered a routine upgrade and there would be nothing odd about it. However, since this movie (at least potentially) changes the entertainment factor in a considerable way. and since the difference in time is so minuscule, the question becomes whether this movie is more or less entertaining than the existing one. Certainly if a submission is 3 frames faster but significantly less entertaining, it puts its publishworthiness into question. (And no, this was not an opinion on whether this submission is less entertaining or not.)
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Is it wrong to laugh at videos of people accidentally hurting themselves?
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I don't know if the youtube player is embedded into the movie submissions automatically or manually by someone, but it's scaled too small. I don't think there would be any harm if it was scaled larger. Currently there are three options: Watch it in postal-stamp size, which is awful, watch it fullscreen, which is quite resource-demanding (at least some videos start skipping several frames when I watch them fullscreen here), or watch it on youtube (at least the player offers a direct link on its context menu). However, I think it would be nicer if the embedded player was simply scaled larger so that it could be watched as-is.
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p4wn3r wrote:
Eat that Mathematica!
Perhaps if you report it to them, they will enhance the engine to be able to solve it properly.
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Bisqwit wrote:
Patashu wrote:
If you got four NESes and four NESbots, could this be played back on real hardware? :D
Actually just one is required; the same input could be replayed on all four games in succession. Assuming the nesbot has the led input-showing feature, playing the videos simultaneously would still show that the same input is used for all four.
One nesbot could play four NESes, but it could prove difficult to reset them all exactly at the same time. Perhaps if their reset buttons are wired all to the same physical button...
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DarkKobold wrote:
They really can't, seeing as you can sufficiently navigate the real 3D world with 2D vision.
Actually our brain is so good at deducing depth from mono vision, by deducing from geometry and how it moves, that one could almost call it 3D even if you look only with one eye. You can actually try this: Play or watch eg. an FPS game with one eye only: After a short while you will actually start getting depth perception which you don't see with both eyes open. It works with (live action) movies as well. The effect is rather cool. (Rather ironically, when you look at a 2D screen with both eyes, your stereo vision is kind of working against you: Thanks to the (true) stereo vision, your brain can see that it's just a 2D plane with an image on it, even if that image is moving. However, if you look at it with one eye only, the brain loses this extra information and gets fooled into thinking it's actual spatial geometry and starts adding depth perception based on the geometry and how it moves.)
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There's definitely something special about this run in particular because for some reason the internet is taking notice of it.
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It seems that some game companies are quite keen to sabotage their own PR with the fan community: If a fan-made version is in development, keep quiet about it until its almost or completely finished, and only then send the cease-and-desist demands, pissing everybody off. Way to go. Given that the game was already distributed in its final form, are there any alternate sites where it can be downloaded?
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I feel old. (Got my MSc 7 years ago.)
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Is a video container file format forced to have the same framerate throughout, or can you change framerates?
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I don't know exactly why, but I somehow don't like the idea of a TAS of this game that abuses bugs (at least memory corruption bugs), as those bugs may well be fixed in a future release. I like ais523's principle of not abusing the bug in the future run.
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This sounds like a great opportunity to improve emulation quality to better match the real console.
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Blackpearl wrote:
Sorry for horrible BUMP.
There's no need. This forum doesn't have that idiotic nonsensical rule.
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ais523 wrote:
I think it's actually possible to use the cream pie bug (applying a wielded cream pie corrupts memory) to glitch a ring of regeneration into the Amulet of Yendor within the first ten turns or so, and without ever moving from the upstairs.
It sounds very strange that they haven't fixed such a bug (given that the game is open source and all). (Btw, you probably want to remove your repeated posts.)
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"Who knows. Only God and the guy who made this video." It seems that no matter how much time passes and how much knowledge about emulators and tool-assistance is widespread, even 50 years from now people will still not understand that you can take the keypress file and check it for yourself. You don't have to take it on faith.
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It would be nice to see more movement synchronization between the games in these multigame TASes, but I understand that it would make it more difficult to proceed in and finish all the games (at least at the same time), so some kind of "one game interprets the input at this frame while another doesn't" abuse (as well as "this game interprets the input completely differently from this one" abuse) is often necessary. I'm still hoping for a two-game gradius-type multi-TAS with extreme synchronization... (More than two would also be ok, although with more than two it gets pretty confusing for the viewer, and probably harder to maximize synchronization.)
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Should animated gifs be banned from tasvideos forum avatars? (Yes, I know I can press esc. I shouldn't have to.)