... completely unnecessary topic.
Read the FAQ @ the newly redesigned site.
Check out How to Make AVI from the FAQ. :)
edit: please search the site before posting needless topics in the forums.
Also, Techsmith makes a video-capturing/conversion program... Camtasia. Snag-It, as far as I know, is for pictures.
oh yeah, btw... welcome to the board
The server handles all the peers (clients) connecting to it.... All multi-seeding does is make it acknowledge ONE more client PER TORRENT you are running.... so, in simplest terms, not more than normal.
The biggest strain for these videos is keeping consistent seeders, for which (@ the wiki), the Helping page was created
AWESOME!!!... i was settling for half-time from the "slowdown" key option under settings (toggle button usage). Slowing frame emulation isn't as elegant as % of base speed, but it still helps.
Thanks for all the info.
.... So are we to understand that the video is made... but the audio track (overlay) for additional entertainment is not decided-upon yet??
Why not just show the AVI as is with video footage and see how it runs, then decide on a song??
You know you could also have an original recording made for it.... A whie ago, a site i frequent had some guy do "theme songs"... they were hilarious.
I believe renaming isn't necessary as long as CRC or MD5 of the ROM is known... and anyways, that's not the problem of the vid creator :)
Overall, I'm very happy with how the Genesis section has branched out. (Bisqwit, you rock) By summer's end, i expect to see a much more varied movieset being exhibited.
Thanks for all the input and community support.
Well... PSX afaik has no plugins which create a *.PMV (naming convention used for ease). Having the plugin use - as you said Xerophyte - a logging mechanism to capture controller data would be much better than a raw AVI capturing plugin for easy distribution of "movies".
I think PSX movies might be the limit for ease-of-use... considering generally the closer to now you get with videogames, the longer they have become.
(Credits to -Eric C. (The Master Treasure Hunter), from whose guide i took the following statistical information)
--==Items: (Name) - Cost - Location
***NOTE: Neko makes everything cost 2x what is in towns
Barrel - 900* - Only from Neko or from monster treasures
Faerie Walnut - 500 - Item Shops in Matango, Kakkara, Todo, etc...
--==Monsters: Name - location - Common/Rare Treasure
Basilisk - Ancient City - Faerie Walnut / Cockatrice Cap
Blat - Gaia's Navel - Candy / 20 Gold Pieces
Dark Funk - Fire Palace - Candy / Faerie Walnut
Emberman - Emperor'sCstle - Faerie Walnut / Chocolate
Evil Sword - Pandora Ruins - Candy / 120 Gold Pieces
Fierce Head - PalaceOfDrknes - Faerie Walnut / Unicorn Helm
Goblin - UndrgrndPalace - Candy / Faerie Walnut
Heck Hound - Tree Palace - Royal Jam / Faerie Walnut
Kimono Wizard - Ancient City - Faerie Walnut / Royal Jam
LA Funk - Ice Forest - Faerie Walnut / Cup of Wishes
Ma Goblin - UndrgrndPalace - 60 Gold Pieces / Power Wrist
Marmablue - Moon Palace - Faerie Walnut / Cup of Wishes
Mushgloom - Pure Land - Chocolate / Barrel
Mystic Book - Ice Palace - Chocolate / Faerie Walnut
National Scar - Tree Palace - Faerie Walnut / Amulet Helm
Pebbler - Moogle Village - Chocolate / Faerie Walnut
Polter Chair - Elinee'sCastle - 44 Gold Pieces / Barrel
Silktail - UpperLndForest - 158 Gold Pieces / Chocolate
Specter - Ice Palace - Faerie Walnut / Cup of Wishes
Steamed Crab - UpperLndForest - Faerie Walnut / Candy
Tomato Man - Pandora Ruins - Faerie Walnut / Cup of Wishes
Wizard Eye - NorthtownRuins - Chocolate / Faerie Walnut
Zombie - Pandora Ruins - Medical Herb / 96 Gold Pieces
As I just played through SoM and it is in my mind, SoM would be interesting at the least to play through as a video. Faerie Walnuts are relatively easy to get as drops (as seen above in the chart i pasted... which includes most relevant monsters -- except for substantial Equipment for selling or usage)... compared to buying them off Neko for 1K GP or in towns @ 500 GP. Luna's "MP Absorb" spell is quite useful, but what I find is that not levelling would hurt you greatly unless you also went for monsters which dropped heaping piles of gold in their treasure chests... From what I remember, killing enemies with magic does not give you GP.
Also, each of the spellcasters gain MP each level, and as such would need - I think - more than the allotted (4) Walnuts between saves/refuelling. That is of course barring some ability to make the Barrels last between each objective. Keeping only your main character out of a barrel means two uses. With jumping over chasms with the Whip, the barrel is used up - and must be re-used to keep the "Invincibility" effect. Now I'd have to check but I don't even think where it is feasible to have them, that it helps much. Sometimes, I remember I could dodge the monsters well-enough without them... Come to think of it, i never actually used a Barrel throughout my run. What I did use alot was the "Rewind" function in ZSNES ... another reason I choose ZSNES over SNES9x, but back to the topic at hand.
Having a complete video would be nice, but with the estimated 20 hours to beat it... not fun... I mean, c'mon it IS an RPG. Now I know Dragon Quest 1 is up here... and it is quite[/i] the accomplishment. The fact still remains I don't think making a complete video would serve purposes other than to see what is entailed in the absolute minimum in completing the game.
EDIT: However, from reading some guides, I can see a way to minimize excess GP usage, but it still would make quite an un-entertaining video. Also, getting the legendary "Mana Sword" appears to be possible, however it hasn't been working for me.
Wait all this talk of Zelda 2.. I didn't even realize the Link's Awakening was both for FDS and NES...
I could only spend 10 mins. on this game on the NES,partly because I.. well got bored somehow with the sidescrolling parts once you encounter monsters. I didn't even get to explore this map, but now that I know it's got as large a map as ALttP, I might play though it again.
As far as this thread.. can we move it to a console-themed forum?
I know it's been skirted all over the forum, but I wanted to make a topic where people could talk about their gamepad / joypad experiences on emulators.
Honestly, I think it's awesome that electronics manufacturers have enhanced the capability and longevity of (old) console systems to be able to be played on the PC/Mac ... usually via USB.
Actually, I must admit, I was thinking of getting a gamepad for the PC... for emulation, but then I realized that I had all these extra PS2 controllers about, and wanted to know what - if any - controllers are used by the gaming niche of the board.
Well, as I'm currently playing Secret of Mana for the first time.. I can say this, it doesn't appear that getting perfect fighting for the least amount of time would be difficult to do without pumping up the rerecords, at least in ZSNES, because of the "rewind" feature.
However, that poses an interesting dilemma... Once re-record is announced for ZSNES officially, will those movies be accepted as well, or will only Snes9x movies be allowed for the SNES section?
Back to SoM::
Although there is the probability system for critical/normal hits, for both enemies and yourself... it would only matter for bosses I'd imagine, since you don't need to level up substantially... except for gold, in which case you'd have to be able to finagle the first couple of enemies who drop chests with insane GP to buy sufficient armor.. or just have the enemies who drop the armor in chests as your first encounters (Ex: Guantlet). This however poses a problem... based on the "levelling" mechanism in SoM. You need to kill monsters to level the weapons, which allows you to kill the monsters faster - in one attack.
Aside from that, I'm not sure that any video completed in a "fastest time" category would capture the sheer joy (that at least I find) of RPGs... making new levels... getting new magic...using new magic - over and over and OVER again.
EDITed for clarity.
Indeed, alphabetizing can help unknown games ... However, on the new site layout, it will be interesting to he how that plays out.
Personally I loved the idea of feeding a personal blob... it's like a pet rock. :)
... I have a better idea, what was the first game on computer?? (Just ideas: Was it Pong, or Adventure, or ...)
Then again, are the computer games what spawned video (console) games or was it reversed...
That's at least a better topic for a forum then the 29th game... and as stated before, that's an inane question.
... hostile tone has sparked emotions and will soon culminate in a massive flamewar which will soon envelop the entire board.
Don't get too self-aggrandizing. I forsee the moderators abating flames the same way firefighters do.
Oh yea, I find it quite interesting this thread for talking about Bisqwit's GFX turned into a critique for http://www.speedruns.org
Personally I don't mind the layout, and that's what all of these are - opinions.
To the person tongue-and-cheek spitting on SpeedRunner's hard work, I expect no less, so you don't disappoint me, but it saddens me that there are those who simply can't get around the fact people create differently... Art is varied, and yes I am saying wedesign is an art. Granted it's generally a practical art.. where e-commerce comes into play on practically every banner-click , but its still creation.
How's that for a whole $0.25?
As for the topic at hand... how about a contest creating a replacement graphic for the standard phpbb forum picture? Currently: GIF format, 7973 bytes, 200x91 px
...Have patience. I'm thinking Bisqwit's new front-end... which coincidentally will follow (no idea when) after the upcoming replacement for the back-end... will include stuff that will surprise you.
Reference link Top of this post (Honestly, I find that entire topic to be interesting, but I highlighted Boco's post because I can)
Boco's post: here
Whole topic : here
Edit: changed/added URLs
If I'm not mistaken there's already a thread here for snes9x rerecord.
The availability of a Linux port is great to hear, but I'd actually contact the devs (Nach cmoes to mind) to see if you're doing double work. I mean seriously, no need to re-invent the wheel. Also, I'm sure if your method is innovative/ >= the way the devs decided to implement it... you might even be added as a contributor :)
Thanks for the info, and as usual, free links are always welcome.
Edit: verbosity and spelling (since the edit counter appears to be broken)
At least flabber didn't try that crap the person who suprnova'd you, right? (Purposeful methods to cripple servers should be punishable by ban, IMO)
As far as referring though, isn't exposure good? Oh yea, I think any links should have the "main" page as-well-as "whyhow" since we're all wanting to disclaim up the wazoo ;)
Indeed, the WIP build from 05/31 has changes conducive to rerecording :)
(changes follow - from CHANGES.TXT)
Case-fix for YASM [ipher]
Enable stereo sound by default [pagefault]
Work around a 1.36 ZST bug [pagefault]
Fixed savestates with older versions [pagefault]
You can now start recording in the middle of a movie [pagefault]
Fixed bug in appending movies [pagefault]
Fixed a frameskipping bug in the dos port [pagefault]
No worries, that sucks about joblessness... Thanks for the update ;) Just make sure you're happy with the result. Don't feel pressured into banging a run out right quick without the proper refinement you know it will take to have a run last for any substantial amount of time :) Good luck on the attempt.
There we go, the first expresses reason FOR the wobble. All hail the wobble! Those who make the run have full freedom to include any "time-wasters" they feel like doing. All hail freedom!
BOO! <pokes BombAHead>
I think all these style videos coming to our attention are awesome. I say, "Keep it up!" to the makers please... don't take my entertainment away.