Well, that's not actually a wall: he shot the missile inside a morph ball tunnel :P
Bio does have a relevant video about shooting through things, tho.
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Haha. I don't have anything planned or lined up for now, so, will have to disappoint you on that dare.
That's clever what you did with the camera in the Sector 4 climb to scroll it faster. I guess you entered the water and did some ball jumping? There's that humorous 15+ minute camera crawl if you leave the cam un-adjusted which I'm sure you noticed.
Oh yeah, before I forget about this again:
Maybe a tiny timesaver? Sadly, I don't think it's possible to get past the door itself like this, cause the area doesn't quite work if you're using that kihunter... but depending on how quickly you can manipulate the eye door opening, it could be something.
Well, actually you _can_ recharge your shinespark in lava / water, by doing a Ball Spark, which gives you a frame to charge it. It's still nowhere near good enough. As a matter of fact, I'm not sure you can even get the first recharge in the lava without running out of shine.
And even if you got all the way to the PB room, with a full shinetimer (somehow), it still wouldn't be enough: just jumping up the steps and going through the tunnel will drain a full charge quite handily.
EDIT: Can get the first under-lava recharge. But that's it :P
Yeah it's blocked by red doors, but from what I checked, it should be possible to clip through each and every one of them until you're out of there.
EDIT: Actually, it's just the one red door blocking you, and that one you can clip using those fishes in there.
I forgot the sector 5 end doesn't have screw attack blocks. That's a shame though, since that's the only way to get to Nightmare's area early.
Well you can do this I guess.
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There's some early PBs you can get there too. Not in the Nightmare area itself (you're stuck there I believe), but if you just do the first clip you can clean house in the fish and water place.
Actually nvm, you're not even stuck in the Nightmare area itself. You can get out by doing the same thing you did to get there :P
You can use the 6->4 shortcut, if you wrap around the whole area. Dunno to what gain, tho.
Also, the 3->5 shortcut is usable in debug. But only debug, cause the room change makes it impossible to spark against a rising pillar in other versions.
EDIT: Overlooked something obvious, so here's an update. I don't like adding arbitrary restrictions, but what can you do :P
EDIT2: Overlooked another obvious thing (the Security Lock pad actually entirely eats up your shinespark no matter what). So uhh, yeah just get a spark there or something I guess, lol.
Oh, yeah, chrono is not allowed.
EDIT3: Finally all fixed up.
Nice, dude. So much stuff already, you work fast :P
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Here's the eyedoor skip to Nettori. Again, not sure if worth it but definitely worth a timing. I think you might be able to traverse the whole distance as a ball instead of unmorphed like I did, which should be a bit faster (compared to this) due to just general OoB movement as a ball. And I guess you'd wanna start the Nettori fight morphed?
Looking at some earlier TAS', this does seem like it's slower due to the setup time. Didn't manage to use the first Kihunter for this, despite best efforts to manipulate a proper dive out of him. Always a pixel too low or pixel too far from the wall :P
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Stumbled upon a fairly versatile method of ice clipping. Basically any ceiling corner will do, as long as it's not in a "stair" formation (so the ceiling ends after just one block).
There were some spots I passed by where this could also be useful, after the SA-X encounter in Sector 5. They require some timing and testing, tho, and I figured one vid is enough of a demo about this.
Btw, as sort of a funny note, the game actually has a perfectly set up tutorial spot for this. Right before Zazabi, there is an E-tank and a Kihunter cocoon. That Kihunter cocoon is at a perfect height for this, and acts exactly like a frozen enemy would.
Movie file (VBA-RR v24).
Also, taking a hit isn't necessary. It is a bit faster, tho.
Oh yeah, skipping the Nettori eye door is also possible. But again, needs timing, the set up for that one takes a bit and TAS eyedoors are really fast anyway.
Also apparently a "stair formation" ceiling also works. As in, in this very area, the Kihunter that is trapped in the vines can also be used for this clip using his original position.
I don't think you can get it out of bounds. The Core-X is bound by the room just the same, it can't just fly out of there. Also, I'm not even 100% sure you can destroy BOX while staying OoB, at least I haven't managed to hit it with anything.
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Something neat you can do with the BOX shutter clip. Very slow, though, so this isn't gonna be helpful.
One thing I noticed just now, is that you can actually go OoB to recharge your shinespark. If you spark to a side while out of bounds (even if just clipped inside one block on the floor), you get one frame of running which is enough to get a recharge... so maybe there's some opportunities for creative shinesparks.
Did a quick test of the first boss on Hard-mode, it has exactly as much HP as on Normal. 15 missiles (or rather, 14 missiles and 5 beam shots, cause that's as many missiles you get on hard up to that point). Enemies do seems to deal ~1.5x damage.
So, yeah there wouldn't be much difference between normal and hard I feel.
Also, recovery amounts of the X-parasites are 10 hp per yellow and 2 missiles per green. So, normal numbers.
Yeah but like, I meant for any%. As in, would something like this actually be the fastest way to traverse the room. I doubt it, like, I actually think it's gonna be a fair bit slower than the bottom route, but uhh, yea.
Actually, doesn't any% pick one E-tank, tho, for dboosting? I mean, could potentially substitute whatever one is picked up for this.
Oh, yeah. I was looking at an older TAS, I guess the current one does to left through that room, huh. The older one made like, a detour for these items.
You might wanna time how long it takes to go through the room using this method anyway, if you skip getting the PB tank. I'm thinking the E-tank pick-up wastes too much time for this to be worth it, but worth a check anyway. Also, I'm not sure I got the fastest block spawn there, I might've missed a spawn cycle there.
Nvm. Didn't miss a cycle. So I guess the block spawn is the hard limiter.
There's one really easy OoB at Sector 3 (3block wide room too, so yay for memco again). It's that room with an E-tank and a Missile tank to the left of that long heated room, with a railing you can grab at the top.
You just clip inside the pillar on the right using Screw Attack as it's rising, then perform a spinjump left. Done. I think I'll play my JPN-save up to this point to check if it works there as well.
Non-functional on JPN. Clipping inside the pillar works just the same, but the pillar doesn't actually turn solid until you leave the space it occupies... so it's basically like the gates in Zero Mission.
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For hundo.
Also oddly enough, this is actually doable RTA as well. Dunno if it's a timesaver unassisted, but here's the breakdown anyway:
1. face right in morph ball form.
2. when the block respawns, push up.
3. 5-7 frames of jump.
4. release jump.
If you hold right during the jump (it still needs to be a neutral jump), you gain an extra functional frame, giving you a 4-7 frame window for the jump.
Once you're in the wall, morph into a ball and just hold jump.
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Made it work, boys (and girls).
Also, unlike in the video, you'd actually wanna just keep going right, through the wall, instead of popping up through the top. Dunno why I didn't do that but whatever.
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Another 3-block wide room for memco. This location was included in Bio's OoB video, but not the full shabang. You don't need the frozen enemy to perform this, the crumble block is the key. When you're under it facing right (or you are unmorphing to get inside of it), the input is:
- 1 frame jump
- 1 frame left (turn around)
- 1 frame A (respin)
- 1 frame right+A
- 1 frame right
It's doable unassisted, but really tough. There's no leeway whatsoever.
The interesting thing about this is, that done this way (with the frozen enemy to get under the crumble block), you don't need to respawn the block. So, this method also works for the JPN-release.
Actually, this is a bit more doable unassisted that I thought at first. Once you get the correct position for the enemy (those flying bat-things also work), walk forward to get inside the block in standing animation. At that point, all you have to do is make a 4 frame high (yeah, exactly 4 frames) standing jump facing right, and hold forward.
Nvm. Apparently ice clipping doesn't even work in the JPN version, so, can't do this either. Also wallball doesn't seem to work. What a boring version -_-
Ok, you CAN do this on JPN. Gotta freeze a bat on a proper height so you can just run inside the block. Not really sure why the geemer-dude doesn't work but whatever. Also, once you're inside the crumble block, you can turn around to get inside the pillar itself. From there, you can do a right-facing straight jump, and 5 or 6 frames later hit right to make the clip. So, a whopping 2 frame window, which is, well, quite nicely doable. The frame-window for freezing the bat on a proper height is also 2 frames.
Also, both of Kirbymastah's suggestions are worth timing. Space Jump is kind of slow in the end, cause you need to fall for 13 frames to activate it again... wallball can re-jump in 2. You couldn't do it all the way up the pirate shaft, but, well, it's still a decent distance you can cover. Not to mention, you should be able to kill at least the first pirate above you.
You can kill both pirates blocking you with a charged spinshot, released during the setup. So, yeah that's the full distance for that climb, it should easily be worth it.
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Debug Rom. But that's the climb.
For the first suggestion (the ripper room), it's also worth testing just a regular door jump. It's gonna be a pretty tight frame-war between the methods I feel.
How does the early PB compare to grabbing it during clean-up? You could possibly get that tank, along with the E-tank (grab it immediately after BOX), and save a bit of backtracking.
Since this method is kinda slow, maybe it won't save any time. But, worth making sure, I think.
Well, maybe not. The TAS can grab the two items in like 22 seconds or so... don't think that's enough time to even get the PB tank :P