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In utk I tried op.3 and ended at 4:49:38 (2 non-lag frames faster than LeChatMG as it appears to be) in the latest version of desmume.
Is it just less lag? If not, then tumors were cut more optimally.
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feos wrote:
For a Vault run as the current one is, you can even turn all sound off completely if it saves time. It's already in vault! Only a few people enjoy watching it. And then, all actual time-savers should be applied, since entertainment is already lost, and you can't save it by not turning off the music.
You've got a point, from that point of view it is better to turn off the music if the run goes to the vault.
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Kiske wrote:
mtvf1 wrote:
What's about turn off the music? The less lag.
I never tried ... But it must be more boring without music, I believe
And, He was replaced the movie? Because I see the same time and re-records... just I say.. I said nothing ! :/
I agree, turning of the music will make this run more boring while not being a notable improvement.
Nice improvement, yes vote. (Using delete was ingenious, saving 1 lag frame per unit built)
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Zarmakuizz wrote:
On hardest difficulty, you need to kill at least 1 unit and have at least 1 survivor to have two scores maxed, then the time is taken into account. As he never kills ennemies, one score is at 0 and the others at 100% so B rank at best. I don't know if deleting an ennemy via the editor mode counts as killing, but anyway it wouldn't bring much entertainment to get the S rank.
At least this is what I deduced from regular play (I got 100% at Strength while killing only a couple of ennemies in hardest difficulty, another time I got 100% at the 3rd stat I forgot the name with only a couple of units surviving).
Also I might talk for nothing as I don't know if the tas is on hardest difficulty.
Actually, winning in advance campaign by surrender glitch gives you an S rank. This was a normal campaign run.
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By the way, the PWASE remains active as long as the torch effect is active (I mean, you don't need to use a torch every time you want to use the glitch).
Good to know, although it will be tricky to get a new enemy to land on the same square if my units are advancing.
What about the same enemy? You use a bait (cleric/monk) and another unit so you can kill the enemy when it becomes useless (for the TAS not for performing the glitch)
I noticed an increase of lag frames when a unit grays out in a PWASE. I don't know if you noticed that too.
Perhaps the added lag is what allows the glitch to occur?
That's the point!! If there's another unknown way to perform the glitch is knowing how to induce this lag when an enemy/green unit greys out.
To perform the trick, you need two things. An enemy that can attack your unit, and a unit who cannot counterattack. To activate the glitch, you must end your turn, allow the enemy unit to attack your ally, then AFTER the HP bars vanish, but BEFORE the foe greys out, hard or soft reset your game.
The bit about counterattacking is inaccurate. All that matters is that the targeted enemy gets greyed out on the PWASE, which means you can hit the enemy without killing it. The stated timing is also inaccurate since you can get the glitch to work even slightly after the enemy’s greyed out.
That's correct but I'd like to add that it is not necessary for the foe to attack you, it just have to end it's turn on that tile. (you probably knew this, but just to be sure...).
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I believe have to clear some things out:
You can control enemies covered by FOW (when you place the cursor on a FOW tile you can see, if you have unit window option active, you will see the window showing enemy's life, you can also press R).
By the way, the PWASE remains active as long as the torch effect is active (I mean, you don't need to use a torch every time you want to use the glitch).
I don't know if it's faster but you can buy a torch on serafew (I think you can't do it in the chapter but you can do it in the map after beating C5). Maybe you can kill Novala faster.
I watched Rolanmen's Ch 18/19 in FE7, It was amazing, better than I expected.
I noticed an increase of lag frames when a unit grays out in a PWASE. I don't know if you noticed that too.
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I could test that CEG can also be done with torch staves. Was this already known?
EDIT: I also tested that it works on FE7 as well.
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Retomando lo que dijo samurai goroh hay veces que por G motivo, el porgrama no chequea la velocidad del personaje en H condición (a pesar de que hayan limites de velocidad son cosas que el programador ignora) en esa H condicion se podria superar la velocidad maxima permitida por el programa (por ejemplo hay casos en los que la velocidad negativa no tiene limite de velocidad como en Mario 64).
Ese es un caso, los programas por lo general conocen la pocicion X Y Z fotograma a fotograma, con lo cual la velocidad del personaje puede llegar a ser lo suficientemente alta como para atravesar una pared (ya que se esta en un lado de la pared, y, a causa de la alta velocidad, el personaje se encuentra al otro lado en el proximo fotograma) o en algunos juegos que la carga de un mapa es lenta se puede pasar por lugares donde la pared todavía no cargó.
Estos son ejemplos, espero que te ayuden.
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FODA wrote:
I have another question.... What if I'm traveling at 66% of c and someone else is traveling at 66% of c in the oposite direction? I will see him traveling faster than c?
let's assume i'm on a spaceship travelling at c and I start to run (about 10 Km/h) someone from the outside will see that I am not moving because the time inside the spaceship will be stopped from the point of view of the person outside the spaceship.
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No estoy tan seguro pero creo que tambien se incluyen.
manipular la suerte es facil o dificil dependiendo del juego y como sea su manera de cambiar el RNG y como lo utilize para influír en el juego.
El RNG puede o no ser alterado/salteado/retrasado por las acciones del usuario (oviamente en el juego), dependiendo de como este cambia normalmente (puede cambiar naturalmente en cada frame o no cambia, a menos que el jugador haga algo que lo modifique). La alteracion del RNG, depende del juego de como los necesite gastar.
A) Todo afecta al RNG: cualquier accion va a tener un efecto en la modificacion del RNG (a veces incluso el input y el avance de frames), es muy dificil de predecir y/o comprender aunque ayuda normalmente a que casi no se demore tiempo en el TAS (se utilica el metodo de fureza bruta que supongo que es prueba y error).
B) El juego usa un (o unos) RNG por frame lo cual implica que si haces la misma accion en otro momento, los resultdos varian.
C) Acciones accesibles modifican al RNG: el RNG esta fijo a menos que el personaje del juego haga una accion como disparar, o mover el cursor de forma diagonal en caso de los Fire Emblem.
D) El juego no modifica al RNG salvo en unas acciones determinadas no accesibles como eventos.
Al manipular el RNG se puede ,en determinadas circunstancias, controlar el comportamiento del enemigo
Espro que te ayude a la hora de hacer el TAS.
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Felipe wrote:
puedes hacer otro con otras condiciones, por ejemplo: el de no usa una habilidad especial o de superar el juego al 100%. No se como es este juego pero la idea es que no hagas lo mismo que el otro.
estoy de acuerdo, podrias hacer un TAS 100% (aunque te aviso es son arduos esa clase de TASes) solo asegurate de usar todos los fallos/trucos que se conozcan hasta ahora, asi tambien como la mejor estrategia para poder terminarlo lo mas rapido posible (sin perder el factor entretenimiento).
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Well to make things easier I've made a little sketch of OW training areas.
Area 1 will only be used once (unless a better strat tells me I'm wrong) and It'll be when I first enter that area (from the left) and enemies 1 & 2 will be killed.
area 2 as first entrance I'll kill everybody out there the way I did in the WIP an the same in area 3.
now the main problem will be the best cycle to gain XP faster (with heavy weights)
I can kill enemy 3(in area 2) but I don't know if It's better to kill enemies 1 and 2 or going to area 3.
EDIT: we are Assuming that enemies give the same XP.
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Equipping does take 133 frames (two items) between the frame you press start and the frame when the game gives you again the control of the character.
also buying takes a long time (I don't know how much) I rather to rely more on enemy drops (maybe chests) than buying equipment.
I am improving some things in Ch 1 (things like attacking two enemies at the same time) so It'll be tedious.
BTW I think that 1 ton boots/armbands are useful in terms of lvling up.