Posts for donnaken15

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Mothrayas wrote:
I have a testrun of this game from a few years ago, which is about a minute and a half faster than this movie, and plays on the hardest difficulty. It only enters 2 more pipes than your movie (most pipes are not worth the time entering), and that's definitely not where the time difference comes from. The biggest time difference appears to be that you don't collect a fire flower at all in the movie, and only get a mushroom at the part where it's required. This is most obvious in stage 3, where you spend multiple seconds waiting for a Koopa that you can't easily bypass without a mushroom/fire flower. This movie definitely could be improved by a lot of time, even without counting the unnecessary "pipeless" goal.
Because jumping over enemies in a compressed space/height like 3 blocks tall is impossible.
- Wesley
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hopper wrote:
For the record, setting B&W to TRUE has no effect on anything. The Qotile still changes to Swirl on frame 190, and attacks on frame 389.
why would setting the color to black and white do anything?
- Wesley
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The L/R difficulty switches don't seem to do anything. How about I livestream what it looks like and you can guide me on it.
- Wesley
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hopper wrote:
We should discuss your progress in the Yars' Revenge thread I created.
alright then
- Wesley
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hopper wrote:
More good news! First I thought you only got 2 TRONs for each time you touched the Qotile, so I figured that you could only get 2 TRONs every other frame. Then I found out that you get 2 TRONs for each frame you touch the Qotile, so that cuts your Qotile time in half. Well, guess what? You can collect TRONs during the level transition/explosion by touching the "Ghost of Yars", the black vertical line where the Qotile died. You get 2 TRONs every second frame, which is enough time to collect 218 TRONs! So, in fact, you only need to collect 5 TRONs during the first level, and then you can collect all the TRONs you need for an unlimited number of instant kills between levels.
I still don't understand the whole TRON thing and apparently I can't get the cannon easier on Game 6. I'm attempting a Game 6 TAS now, but I can only get the cannon doing the same shield eating type of thing.
- Wesley
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You have the TAS movie, why don't you just cut off the movie where it should because I don't exactly know still when it should finish. I stopped at the brown part Spike told me to, but you keep talking about all this "MEH INCOMPLETE" "GAME 6" "TRON 1982 255" "WHATS 100%" "WHATS ANY%," YOU TELL ME WHAT BRANCH THIS IS BECAUSE IF IT'S NONE OF THOSE, THEN I DON'T KNOW, YOU CHOOSE IT YOURSELF!
- Wesley
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Ford wrote:
This video looks less about beating the game as ASAP as possible and more about pulling off fancy tricks. While I'm down for watching fancy tricks, I have to also wonder what is meant by "100%." It clearly can't mean completing the game as fast as possible, or else those faster tricks would have murdered the qotile faster.
I am trying to beat it as fast as possible. It's just that the cursor keeps getting closer so I have to wrap around the screen to avoid losing.
- Wesley
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hopper wrote:
Yar always has to fly up and eat a piece of the shield before it can fire the cannon.
I had to have keep moving back and forward because the cursor kept getting in the way of me killing it.
- Wesley
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hopper wrote:
It looks like you decided to go to 500,000 points. Why? As far as I know, gameplay stops changing at 230,000 points. Of course, it's easy to edit the TAS to stop after 230,000, so that's not a major concern.
You mentioned the whole brown and yellow thing in the last TAS post.
- Wesley
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is it ok if i end the game with the hsw easter egg (although i never heard of the secret until now) since theres really no other way to end it
- Wesley
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donnaken15 wrote:
i think ive crossed the loop now
and sorry for bad quality, i used BizHawk's internal capture tool and set encoder to be Microsoft Video 1 with 50q to conserve file size
- Wesley
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i think ive crossed the loop now
- Wesley
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i think i completed the tas (pts are now over 230,000. actually its 500k now), when should i stop playing it?
- Wesley
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hopper wrote:
With regard to the cannon, the longplay was playing Game 6 (Ultimate Yars), where you have to touch the left side of the screen in order to launch the cannon.
i remember you could do that (which i almost forgot when i first played) but apparently it doesnt work in the mode im TASing
- Wesley
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Habreno wrote:
donnaken15 wrote:
maybe this could be considered 100% and the farther levels can be any%. i still dont know though
I think you're misinterpreting what those percentages are. If this is not rejected for not reaching a point at which the game stops getting harder (as I believe it will be) this would be Any%, not 100%
rn i'm continuing the tas but under a different file name. because everybody's still complaining about it (other than the entertainment factor), i'll extend it to beat the "farther levels."
- Wesley
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hopper wrote:
@donnaiken: It's true that there only two shield configurations. The solid and rotating shields loop, but the gameplay changes at 70,000, 150,000, and 230,000 points. You can't just loop the input. @GJTASer: Yes, the manual is where I got my information. I didn't claim to have discovered it on my own.
Maybe technically. I looked at the longplay and notice the cannon goes slower and the Swirl moves multiple directions (skipping far into the video). I can probably extend and shorten inputs as it progresses.
- Wesley
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maybe this could be considered 100% and the farther levels can be any%. i still dont know though
- Wesley
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back when i played it on the plug n play, right after the randomized full block shield level, it went back to the first. i dont remember seeing more levels beyond that. if it is the same 2, i can just loop the input in the TAS project.
- Wesley
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FitterSpace wrote:
I used to have a Plug and Play console with this game on it. I remember it being a lot more challenging than you make it look here! Yes vote.
Yeah, I loved the Adventure game on the Jakks Pacific joystick. I've noticed ever since I played it that the sounds play on a different pitch on the PnP comparing to when it's played on a real system or emulator. I remember beating Pong without moving by having the paddle in a certain position resulting in the CPU failing every time XD. I also remember going to the hardest level on Missile Command before the background colors changed to the first level (the hardest is colored yellow, green and red) and failed every time. Volleyball was the most annoying game I've played on there because of how good the CPU was on there.
- Wesley
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EZGames69 wrote:
Is there a category different than this run that's considered the any%?
probably not, it's only two levels in the game. maybe any%, idk the difference between 100 and any
- Wesley
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ok ive redone it
- Wesley
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Mothrayas wrote:
If a new version will be significantly different from the present one - which it will be, because it will have a different goal entirely - you should cancel this submission, and make a new submission once the new version is finished.
- Wesley
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ViGadeomes wrote:
Maybe it will be long so I don't know what is the best advice i can give you...
I know, the second level scrolls all the blocks too. I remember playing this and other games on a Jakks Pacific Plug n Play when I was about 6 or 7.
- Wesley
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ViGadeomes wrote:
You can resubmit it if you can delete the ""first level""
Alright then.
- Wesley
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ViGadeomes wrote:
I think you are a new comer of the site so : Welcome to TASvideo ! This TAS isn't a TAS anymore because a TAS have to finish the game. I can only name it a WIP, ( Work In Preparation ), and this is not suppose to be here. Please use this link to upload it and have some returns about ur community : Please read Movie rules to be sure next TASes you will submit respect ur rules : See 'ya on the site ! :)
Okay, so can I resubmit it if I make a version with it completed or do I have to make a new submission?
- Wesley