Posts for feitclub

Post subject: You Are All Deranged (apparently)
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Hi folks, just thought I'd let know that. Have a nice day! ...oh wait, perhaps I should explain? I'm in Japan now, working in small-town elementary schools. While I have high-speed access at my home, I do find that using the Internet at work is a great way to kill time in-between classes. However, being that I work at elementary schools, there is an ever-present "i-Filter" in place which blocks access to a variety of sites. It's always courteous enough to give a reason though. For example, any sites that are likely time wasters (e-mail, blog, and streaming media) are blocked. Likewise, "adult sites" are out, for obvious reasons. But there are oddities. For example, I can freely access Wikipedia in any language, but some articles are off-limits. It seems something about the Sylvester Stallone entry triggers the "adult site" warning (my only guess is that the article does address his early porno work). Also, most forums that I can think of are unrestricted, which brings me to this site and the reason for this post. Recently I tried to visit TASVideos on a whim only to learn it was blocked. The reason?
i-Filter wrote:
For those of you who don't read Japanese, it says "Illegal software / Anti-social activities." Surely emulators are not illegal software, so it seems this community must be responsible for some egregious, malevolent behavior. Shape up, you hippies!
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
Post subject: You Are All Deranged (apparently)
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Hi folks, just thought I'd let know that. Have a nice day! ...oh wait, perhaps I should explain? I'm in Japan now, working in small-town elementary schools. While I have high-speed access at my home, I do find that using the Internet at work is a great way to kill time in-between classes. However, being that I work at elementary schools, there is an ever-present "i-Filter" in place which blocks access to a variety of sites. It's always courteous enough to give a reason though. For example, any sites that are likely time wasters (e-mail, blog, and streaming media) are blocked. Likewise, "adult sites" are out, for obvious reasons. But there are oddities. For example, I can freely access Wikipedia in any language, but some articles are off-limits. It seems something about the Sylvester Stallone entry triggers the "adult site" warning (my only guess is that the article does address his early porno work). Also, most forums that I can think of are unrestricted, which brings me to this site and the reason for this post. Recently I tried to visit TASVideos on a whim only to learn it was blocked. The reason?
i-Filter wrote:
For those of you who don't read Japanese, it says "Illegal software / Anti-social activities." Surely emulators are not illegal software, so it seems this community must be responsible for some egregious, malevolent behavior. Shape up, you hippies!
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Asked and answered, in style. So this topic is finished.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
Post subject: The Family Topic
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We've had age topics (I think I'm still on top) and boyfriend/girlfriend topics, but I was wondering if there are any married couples out there in the TAS community. Or for that matter, anybody with kids. I became more curious about this because I recently "got married" here in Japan, a process which is entirely decided via paperwork at city hall. There's going to be a ceremony but not until the end of November. No kids yet but it's definitely on our minds for the future.
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You know you've been in Japan too long when you stop mentally converting all the prices to dollars.
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Is this a good time to mention that here in Japan, the United States of America is, in most situations, referred to as simply Amerika, and I am described as an Amerikajin? I think it's more appropriate than the formal term, Beikoku (米国, aka "rice country").
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My favorite team is the Giants and they look like crap this year. Plus, it's real hard to follow football in Japan so I'm gonna be pretty out of it this season.
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Is this a good time to praise the recent Grand Theft Auto installments which offered players plenty of opportunities to explore the environments? While the "missions" were relatively linear (you had to complete one mission to start the next), there were a variety of bosses to work for and working for one would sometimes prematurely end a relationship with another.
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October 4 1997 - the day Gunpei Yokoi died?
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While I never agreed with you about 2001, I agree very much with you and Mr Sobcyn-whatever, I'm not gonna spell that name right. While he claims to be too old to have been smitten by The Transformers in all their glory, I was right in their prime demographic when they hit the US. I went to see that original animated movie in theaters and it was a profound experience. Obviously I'm a hell of a lot older now and even that original movie has so many flaws, both in narrative and artistic presentation, that I have trouble enjoying it much these days. But even as I tried my best to enjoy this new Transformers movie as some kind of pure spectacle (I knew the story would be awful) I was repulsed by it, as were the two friends I went to see it with.
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As one of the few board members old enough to remember when Street Fighter II was a new arcade game, I have to admit that at first, none of us knew how to do any moves. This was during the dark ages of arcade information, where there were no FAQs unless someone wrote an article in a magazine. And something like that wouldn't show up for months after the game came out! Given that restriction, I always chose Dhalsim because his stretchy limbs would get the better of most beginners. Also, his close Fierce Punch was a 2-hit headbutt which did major damage and often dizzied the opponent. Once we all learned how to do special moves, Dhalsim was less appealing and I switched to Ryu/Ken, whomever was available. Remember, in the original SFII, there were no palate swaps or mirror matches. As soon as Championship Edition rolled around, I was all about M. Bison. I tend to enjoy playing as the bad guy. Hence, Akuma was also a favorite when he became a regular.
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REPOST And you misspelled SPORTS
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Baxter wrote:
Easiest Super Mario World hack ever?
Both of these videos are featured in the above post entitled "DON'T MOVE"
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Not on YouTube but definitely worth watching: "No Reaction" Cream Pie Hell Basically, he has to endure the cream pies without reacting to them. Link goes to blog where I first saw it.
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Bisqwit wrote:
feitclub wrote:
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 20:08:15 -0500 From: Tensai <...> I don't have Famtasia! Where can I find it? All I can find is something called "famtasia tester version" which doesn't mention movies. Any ideas? Feit (dan) "Without losers, where would the winners be?" -Casey Stengel
Don't know where you found the site either. After you got Famtasia, the next time you contacted (day after that) was to inform that the Rygar TAS works only on the European version. And the next day after that, you submitted Bionic Commando (it was your fourth attempt already). I commented that it doesn't look very optimal, but published it nevertheless.
Four-year old e-mail...that is hot. Thanks for that, Bisqwit. And in hindsight, my movie was definitely far from optimal. But hey, back then we needed all the movies we could make.
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Jesus, this is a hard question. I know it started with the Morimoto SMB3 movie, but how exactly I went from seeing that clip to finding this site, I couldn't say. I suspect it was from a random link on a message board or perhaps an old video game news-type site. Whatever it was, it's been over three years now...
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Agreed, Dromiceius. We all need to stop freaking out like this guy.
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I'm seeing this too for the first time today. What changed?
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Is anyone else having trouble downloading this video?
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I need more virt in my life. Sounds like this is a must buy.
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Thank you, zggzdydp and klmz (two unpronouncable names, yikes) for explaining Juste's floating powers. I had forgotten water even existed in this game.
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"If it bleeds, we can kill it" -Another Predator goodie.
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Hey, has anyone else seen this? It lists the same author only it claims to be encoded by "" and alleges to be a few seconds faster.
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Nitrodon wrote:
If I'm not mistaken, there is some water that you need to drain before fighting Death in a normal playthrough. It's possible to try to go through the water before draining it. (but you lose health, and you can't open the door to the boss fight anyway)
Good point, but how does Juste float as if underwater in other parts of the castle?
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Admiral_Sif wrote:
If the floating your talking about is what I'm thinking, its probably something to do with the water physics still being in effect, or something like that, feel free to correct me, but I think it was mentioned near the start of the thread, you are talking about the slow jumping right?
Yeah, someone described it as "underwater physics" but there's no underwater stages in this game. How was that achieved?
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