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fmp wrote:
Draft of possible solution for camera antics:
I'm not sure if we can capture lua dialogs to AVI, most likely not. Can this map be drawn on top of the game screen, with a little shade maybe? Or in extended bizhawk screen, with client.SetClientExtraPadding(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)?
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I checked a few bosses and this movie loses tons of time to the current publication: Link to video This isn't inherent to this movie's goal, is it? Just sloppy play and failing to beat an existing record? Levels are also way longer btw.
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Okay, now about the movie itself. While this run is much better than the previous submission, it still looks like you mostly played it regularly with a few retries, instead of optimizing every action to gain you as much time as possible. The most obvious thing is driving in the middle or in the outer side of a curve instead of trying to cut the overall distance you travel. For every turn, you should aim to move on the innermost side as close to the grass/ground as possible, until you start losing speed (green line). If the turn is too sharp and you can't keep near the innermost side all the time, at least touch it while turning as much as you can (orange line). If you just move in the middle or on the outermost side, you simply travel more distance, losing time (red line). I tried to do this all the time in my test movies, and I clearly see you're not doing it here. Maybe it doesn't matter due to limitations of this game? I might check that. Also when you brake to allow your car to turn more sharply, you're losing speed, so for every turn that you can't clear as orange, you have to find balance between braking and releasing the X button. Then, judging by the rerecord count, you haven't optimized every gear shift to gain you as much speed as possible. Also in some places it looked like you could still bump the main player car with some nitro, but you just kept standing still or driving slowly, wasting nitro on nothing or not using it at all. You mention that sometimes you have to waste the fuel for the race to end, and you don't have time to bump your opponent, but it feels like this hasn't been tested too hard. Overall I like how this movie turned out, and improvement of several minutes tells quite clearly that the strats are way better this time around, but the problems I mentioned still stick out as sub-optimal. The reason I'm suggesting bizhawk is that you have a tool that's incredibly useful for tight optimization, as well as for movies with several players acting independently - TAStudio. It also allows you to edit your past input as much as needed, while not erasing the future events, like usual rerecording does. So if you stick to just old-school "savestates only" approach, and you aren't too good at it, you will always end up with sub-optimal movies that can be beaten easily with just better tools.
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It is more accurate, but you said it's to slow for you.
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While checking for improvements I found these values for position and put them into a script. This game reuses the position addresses for something else within the same frame whenever someone is watching you, and it's not possible to show the real coordinates during that time using the mGBA core, but here's the script just because I have it. Download Barbie.lua
Language: lua

while true do x = memory.read_s16_le(0x7b50, "IWRAM") y = memory.read_s16_le(0x7b52, "IWRAM") gui.text(100, 100, string.format("%d\n%d", x, y)) emu.frameadvance() end
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That script is just for one game, you don't have to use bizhawk for its tases because it's unlikely they would be submittable. For projects you actually plan to submit, lsnes is an option, but please consider bizhawk with snes9x core as well.
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Evil_3D wrote:
Third, it's a shame to see how the work of Archanfel is smearing only for use gens. These nonsense situations make me think on still in this community and simply quit or work off the site.
Archanfel wrote:
So TASVideos is just a good place to share my works with people who also have interest in superhuman playing. If they are no more welcome here, i can simply stop submit them.
We absolutely cannot let TASers quit the site over a note in a movie description. Reaching this point means that we all have had a lot of misconceptions about things, and likely about one another. Evil_3D and Archanfel, please do not quit the site over this argument, it will be resolved in a proper way, I've done it before, I'll do it now. I will edit this post with more insights ASAP, this was just the most important announcement I needed to make.
First of all, we should look back to what actually caused this. Lately, emulation accuracy has become a huge trend, a good one! The very fact that we've seen Arbitrary Code Execution executed on an authentic console has been my dream ever since dwangoAC started considering running his first TASBlock. Then it actually happened, and TASBlocks became a highlight of a GDQ event, and a lot of people were introduced to TASing. Recently, with the help from Alyosha and lots of other amazing people, we took emulator accuracy to even higher levels, and the site has officially acknowledged accuracy to console as one of our goals, this is why we can now host 2 versions of a movie right in the publication module: the one that's been published originally, and the one that resyncs all the events to run on console too. Endless bugs in old and bad emulators, like PCSX, Mupen, all the plugin insanity, taught us: if we want the TAS community to move forward, we eagerly need good emulators. And sometimes it requires to let go of the old and bad ones. That way we banned some really bad ones, in favor of better replacements that are so much easier to work with. And we know sometimes they are slow.
But it is important to remember, that if the site has not banned some emulator, its use should not be oppressed. The very fact that we still allow it comes from unpleasant reality: there's no real replacement, and it doesn't matter which part of it is so unique and dear to someone. Emulators that are not banned for submissions, are allowed for use. Now, there is of course emulator preference. People who can afford running good emulators with no sacrifices may be called lucky. Others often have to give up on something they are used to. And some others outright can not work in the new emulators productively. This is important. We want TAS authors to be comfortable, because this lets them focus on creativity and hard work rather than on fighting with the workflow all the time. The latter is dangerous, because it may demotivate someone from creating a masterpiece. Of course you can't demotivate a true geek, but on the other hand, why should we be making people's lives harder in the first place? Just let them do the job the way they want, and the way we allow, as long as the result is good and they're happy!
So what do we do with emulator preferences? If we simply yell at people who don't have (or don't provide) bullet-proof reasons for using an older emulator, it really helps no one. Encouraging doesn't work that way. When someone beats up you for writing with the left hand, it doesn't make you really want to switch over. We should keep in mind that there are different situations that should be handled differently. If someone simply doesn't know what to use, better, newer, and more accurate emulators are the default choice. If someone can't really decide, we may try to help them decide, but only by hearing out their needs. If someone can't use a better one, it's still their right not to use that, as long as the old one is still accepted. Finally, if using a newer emu is possible, but not as pleasant, come on, just leave them alone! Disagree with them and still acknowledge this is their right.
So how do we handle this and similar movie descriptions? I'm convinced things like missing music, graphics, cutscenes, other major bugs that stick out, may be mentioned in the description. Minor bugs should not be mentioned, because people may miss them entirely if they're not veterans of the scene, as DrBaldhead put it, and such a note only confuses people and hints them to try to spot those bugs they would otherwise miss, distracting from the TAS qualities of the movie.
As a Starman, I can see everyone's rating, which is reported on the Staff page. I won't be discussing rates people marked as private/hidden, and I encourage people to rate the actual contents of the movie regardless of personal issues behind it, yet at the same time, I disagree with the current rating system altogether, and I really think it should not be taken to seriously. I rated the movie too, the way I feel about it. I also see why using Gens might have upset people in this one case, which probably killed the entertainment factor for them. That still doesn't mean ratings should be used as a revenge really. Officially, we do not mind people giving crazy rating to things. We care about having their input in the first place, so we should be glad we have this data at all. But when we make a decision about tiers and stuff, we judge outlier rates as noise. So please, no worries about rates that look unfair. Community as a whole gives this movie 7.3 for entertainment, and it's still fairly recent. And please don't mind the outliers.
All in all, considering the above notes on emulation glitch borderline that we want to announce, as well as the confusion caused by this note here, I'll remove it. Because the glitch is not as blatant, obvious, and damaging as missing music, visuals, or cutscenes. Opinions?
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I got a new PC, so if anyone is able to backport ffmpeg dumping to this fork, I want to try encoding it. I will likely never find time on backporting it.
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Post the script.
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In bizhawk dev build, the snes9x core should be available for movie recording. Test how it runs for you:
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I lean towareds Axiom Verge personally.
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I went with "best ending" for now. Maybe if someone who has spare time feels like looking deeper into this movie to check what it actually accomplishes, but not me.
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Thank you. Now 1000fps has some actual details defending it. I'll finish watching the movie, replace it, and render the final decision.
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the increased velocity is negligible after around 300 fps
Can you elaborate on this? At which point increasing the framerate stops giving any advantage? Also, are there any TAS differences between aiming for real time compared to aiming for in-game time? An example where it matters is Sonic games where in-game time allows fair competition regardless of how much real time the score tally takes. For this game, I expect it not to matter all that much. Progress report: I'm watching the movie suggested for replacement. At 15fps.
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I looked at the ratings and it's not that most people rate it as crappy, it's just a few ratings around 6, and then a single "no, it's crap" rating. We still acknowledge this as important, but right there it looks more like an exception, while overall the movie is mildly entertaining.
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It's not yt shifting the subtitles too much downwards, it's my 4 year old script. And my 4 year old self failing to check things. Then, I doubt anyone who looks for an old video to reencode is going to scan all submission threads checking for possible error reports. So this report quite clearly belongs here. Though I admit I never shared all the videos from my channel that yt corrupted. Ninja Gaiden 3 RoboCop Genesis BattleToads GB Contra 4 Hutsons Adventure Island 4 SM P2 SMB warped BM Return of the Joker American Gladiators Jungle Book Duck Tales 2 Gunstar Heros Super Castlevania IV SMB2 Shatterhand SMB walkathon Chip 'n Dale Vectorman Contra Gimmick! Wolverine Asterix Super Turrican Lion King Genesis Rockin' Kats Mitsume ga Tooru Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster Busts Loose Tiny Toon Adventures Duck Tales Metal Storm Mega Turrican EDIT: Removed those that aren't used in publications anymore.
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Mzscla, please check your private messages.
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That's right, the one level I remembered diverging paths in was then played by your movie the same way as in the other one, so everything is contained in "all levels".
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You're linking the wrong edit. The question is, are there any unavoidably different in-level routes between these movies?
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It was my intention, and I see that some people actually feel that there should just be one term that covers all cases relevant to us (like this "RR environment" idea which I definitely saw before). I just think that everyone is so used to "emulators" and "emus" that "environment" won't help to make it clearer and simpler.
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Also, "environment" is what emulators are as well, so it doesn't help to answer the main question: If X is not an emulator, than what is it? And I mentioned Wine for a reason: it's an API translation layer just like libTAS, but it's not a rerecording environment.
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The game and the movie look not bad at all! It was a bit too long to keep me entertained, but it still looks like a Moon. Since this game has no credits, only the cutscene with the queen, and then the usual congrats screen with a password which goes after every level, I think it can be encoded without the last Start press, so there is some feel of completion and the music track can play fully. This was done an a Russian translation judging by the bk2 header, but syncs on the USA ROM, because all the text is skipped right away.
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SmashManiac, did you know that the main point of TASing is superhuman play? Superhuman play only has value when it happens within main gameplay contents of a given game. You can't call something a TAS if it does absolutely perfect menuing in a platform game, but plays the actual platform content sloppily. Of course menuing should be reasonably optimized, but the main point of a platform game TAS is superplay applied to platform contents of the game. The goal of this movie is imposing limitations that make TAS contents of this movie highly entertaining. Superplay is being applied exactly where it belongs: primary gameplay content of the game. Then, the ending is reached properly. The game has been beaten. All the challenge this game has to offer has been completed at supehuman level. It happens so that what we do, actions not expected by the developers (which is another critical point of TASing), cause the ending routine we don't have control on to glitch out. Despite of being fully beaten, the ending absolutely can't process further. It tries to process, and has all the needed flags set, but some tiny logical flaw made reaching the very end of the ending fundamentally impossible without hacking. You say we should declare this movie not entertaining, not having superplay, not reaching the intended gameplay end, not triggering the ending routine? The rules demand that the movie is completed:
Your movie should begin from the console power-on and end when the last decisive action has been delivered. There are no specific rules for an exact endpoint but it must adhere to the following rules:
  • It must beat the game.
    • Single-level movies that don't finish the game are rejected.
    • Where applicable, the movie must reach an ending screen that positively signifies a game is finished successfully. Reaching a game-over screen is not considered beating the game. If a game shows the same ending screen regardless of success or failure, reaching it is not considered successful completion.
    • Reaching an easter egg that by itself ends the game is not considered beating the game.
  • It must be able to reach the credits or end screen without requiring any further interaction; all input must come solely from the input file (e.g. configuring the emulator to autofire after the end of playback is not allowed). An exception has been allowed for Rygar.
Please read those closely if you're unsure of TASVideos goals regarding game completion. If you disagree with some of the above rules or if you think they haven't been met, speak up.
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That's a sane option as well. It's just rare to have caps in Linux files.
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