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With quaac Corey sent me, and with this build:
G:\Encode\TASEncodingPackage>"./programs/avs2pipemod" -wav encode.avs | "./programs/qaac64" -v 0 --he -q 2 --delay -5187s --threading --no-smart-padding - -o "./temp/audio.mp4"
ERROR: CoreAudioToolbox.dll: Не найден указанный модуль.
avs2pipemod[info]: writing 1455.376 seconds of 44100 Hz, 2 channel audio.
avs2pipemod[info]: finished, wrote 0.023 seconds [0%].
avs2pipemod[info]: total elapsed time is 0.000 sec.
avs2pipemod[error]: only wrote 1012 of 64182103 samples.
qaac is a command line AAC/ALAC encoder frontend based on Apple encoder. Since 1.00, qaac directly uses CoreAudioToolbox.dll. Therefore, QuickTime installation is no more required. However, Apple Application Support is required. AAC-LC, AAC-HE, ALAC encoding are supported.
Can we avoid actually installing this thing and just have an exe or dll portably?
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That's definitely not the entire frame events. You either never scrolled the tracer up, or simply need to log to a file.
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CLChambers00 wrote:
I will advance a frame with the arrow in the TAS Editor
That just loads a state for that frame. Use the actual frame advance hotkey.
CLChambers00 wrote:
I don't know what padding tracer output by the stack size mean.
Also as far as teseditor's concerned, here's the full manual:
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Habreno wrote:
Which is why I re-propose using the fastest version regardless of what version it is or what region it is (once you take into account that which already excludes - title screen, language change, and cutscenes). If the fastest version is not acceptable for some reason, it's on the site to show why that version is not good enough, not on the submitters to show why their version is good enough.
And what is the very reason to switch to that approach? Because Habreno said us to? Here are my reasons not to blindly grab the fastest version:
feos wrote:
If the audience and the judges find the PAL version worth a replacement, it is justified. Replacing regardless of people's opinions just because something is faster is questionable exactly because of that: Why are we even doing it that way if it's not what people prefer?
feos wrote:
I dislike the current ruling and suggest my own, by which NTSC and PAL are conceptually equal and have equal chances. Still, one happens to be the default version, and when you want to switch from it, occasionally or broadly, you have to have solid reasons. I seem to agree with Nach's reasons. The switch should just be legalized. The value NTSC has is the same as left+right trick has. It's traditional. Left+right is impossible on standard controllers for some consoles or arcade machines. And some people would disagree with allowing that trick. But it's traditionally there, so if you want to change that tradition, that's where you need all your arguments, not in an imaginary case where the shift has already happened and we're just observing the outcome.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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CLChambers00 wrote:
I read the link on NLFiles but I did not understand it :(
This is my Ninja Gaiden (U) [!] file for instance:
$0050#temp XposSub#
$0051#temp Xpos#
$0052#temp XposHi#
For every RAM address that I know what does, I have a name, and after the second # I can have a comment, but I never use comments. When your debugger or tracer shows you code, they will put names in place of these RAM addresses, so you will see what variables are concerned. The clarity of that picture will depend on the amount of the addresses you know.
CLChambers00 wrote:
trace logger doesn't seem to collect data with a single frame advance, as far as I can tell
Enable tracing, advance a frame, disable tracing.
CLChambers00 wrote:
What I was not certain how to do was to get the same frame in another state where the increment does not occur
I guess you will have to find some simple input macro that will trigger the glitch, and then remove the macro and make a trace for the frame where the glitch happened just before. If only a small input segment changes, no irrelevant noise should appear when you compare the 2 versions of the same frame. When I compare frames in Notepad++, I go to the line where they are identical and lock the vertical scrolling. Then scroll down checking if they started diverging or not. And if they did, I make sure it's not such irrelevant noise, but something that actually has to do with the glitch. Padding tracer output by the stack size is also a nice feature that shows you where subroutines get entered and left. Have you read the RE page I linked?
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Alyosha wrote:
It's kind of like Mothrayas' "special one time exception." If it's good enough to have, just say it's ok. (And I mean that sincerely, not sarcastically, exceptions are needed every now and then.) In this case it's just slightly more formalized since many PAL ports really aren't worth having. But, some are (like PAL SMB in my opinion), so let's leave an opening for them.
The problem with SMB PAL is that neither superiority nor diversity can be formalized for it. "One time exceptions", as moozooh pointed out, should either be legalized or not happen at all. My goal is to make the PAL ruling fully transparent, with no surprises. If we have to make an exception every now and then, the ruling is sloppy.
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Alyosha wrote:
Due to this, PAL versions of ROMs are generally not allowed, unless there are significant technical and/or entertainment merits to using this version, or there is strong audience support.
Audience support alone doesn't prove anything, if it can't be formalized in some statement, that is then put as a reason to accept a PAL submission. And to come up with such statement, we impose factors we want to get evaluated. For vaultable runs (any% and 100%) I impose superiority in order to obsolete such run. For other branches I impose diversity as the main requirement. If these are met, PAL submissions should get published without any pressure. To me the new question is... How many people think we should not change the movie rules, nor clarify them?
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Hi CLChambers00, nice job with this research. I figure your understanding isn't full yet, so here are the steps you need to do to fully debug this. First of all, add all known memory addresses to a name list file, to be used for symbolic debugging. Then record 2 movies in fceux: one that gets the death warp and one that fails, despite of doing basically the same stuff. Then make a trace log on the succeeded movie of just one frame where the respawn location changes. In the failed movie go to the same spot and make a trace log of that frame. Open the 2 trace logs in Notepad++ and select the side-by-side view, to skim over the 2 logs and see where they diverge. That would hopefully be the call to some subroutine that finishes the alignment of death warp conditions. See what makes that call and that is absent from the failed movie. If it's some other variable that's different in the latter, do the same for the frame where that variable changes in the good movie, but not in the failed one. Trace, compare, go back again. In the end you will have all the variables that are required, all the frames that affect them, all the calls that need to happen. And thanks to symbolic debugging, figuring out what is what will be way easier than when it's just a black box. Good luck!
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MrWint wrote:
Reading the rules in context of our discussions so far, I actually don't think it's unreasonable to state a general preference for NTSC ROMs, but this is only on the basis that they are likely to have a better audience response (because of their popularity), and that PAL ROMs tend to be broken because of the compensation for different clock speeds. Disallowing them in general unless special conditions are met is a step too far in my opinion. I think this could be fixed just by rephrasing the section, explaining that PAL ROMs are in fact allowed, but all the caveats apply so the NTSC version is the better choice in most cases. The current wording sends the wrong signals, and it causes rulings based on rules that should be guidelines.
I fully agree with this. At first there was no ruling, some PAL runs just existed. Then it became "generally not preferred". And then "generally not allowed" for whatever reason. Post #457965
MrWint wrote:
logic dictates that when you are left with only flawed answers, it's not the question that is flawed but one of the assumptions you made along the way
No, it's just a sophism.
it was a tool to make my point that having a double standard for NTSC and PAL creates these impossible situations, thus showing the premise itself must be flawed
I dislike the current ruling and suggest my own, by which NTSC and PAL are conceptually equal and have equal chances. Still, one happens to be the default version, and when you want to switch from it, occasionally or broadly, you have to have solid reasons. I seem to agree with Nach's reasons. The switch should just be legalized.
I'm still somewhat interested in an answer to the question actually, in order to get to the bottom of our disagreement
The value NTSC has is the same as left+right trick has. It's traditional. Left+right is impossible on standard controllers for some consoles or arcade machines. And some people would disagree with allowing that trick. But it's traditionally there, so if you want to change that tradition, that's where you need all your arguments, not in an imaginary case where the shift has already happened and we're just observing the outcome. And personally I don't care about what version was released first, neither do judge guidelines.
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Nach wrote:
We've had a few exceptions to this where a poor version was obsoleted by a better one (as was originally done for your Battletoads and Double Dragon).
That happened before tiers. Then the SNES version got unobsoleted. Adventure Island too. Etc.
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MrWint wrote:
I agree that a submission should not focus only on speed if it is to be considered for higher tiers, but that's not the point I'm trying to make. My point is that PAL runs shouldn't be under any higher pressure to deliver that NTSC runs, independent of the tier. Just because the new sumbission happens to be on the PAL version, it shouldn't be held to higher standards or have something expectional in it, a simple improvement (considering all aspects) is good enough. Again, all the usual caveats apply, they should be good versions and provide similar experiences.
Using the case-by-case based approach doesn't add any extra pressure. If the audience and the judges find the PAL version worth a replacement, it is justified. Replacing regardless of people's opinions just because something is faster is questionable exactly because of that: Why are we even doing it that way if it's not what people prefer?
MrWint wrote:
Maybe think of it the other way. If there is an already published PAL version, and someone tried to obsolete it with an NTSC version (and the NTSC version happened to be released first), would you expect the same level of strict superiority and strictly better media, gameplay, difficulty, challenge, glitches, routes, etc?
Whenever the question is "Should we switch to another region version instead of having both?", the answer should be "Yes, if the version to switch to is in some aspects better". Otherwise we won't be improving our overall content.
MrWint wrote:
If you wouldn't expect that, it points to the bias for NTSC and original versions that I'm arguing should be dropped. If you would expect it, then you're creating an environment where whatever version got published first has a large advantage, where it's easy to publish improvements on that version but not any different one, regardless of any other factors. This seems arbitrary to me.
You're asking me a Yes or No question and telling me that both answers are flawed? I'd say the question is flawed :P
andypanther wrote:
Let me bring up a game that hasn't been TASed yet because of technical limitations: Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus was released for PS2 and later got an HD port for PS3 as part of the Sly Trilogy. The PS2 version has all the glitches and is very entertaining to watch as a speedrun, especially since many of the non-gameplay parts can be skipped in some way. The PS3 port removes the biggest and most spectacular skips and also forces you to watch all those cutscenes that you could skip in the original. From a technical perspective, the run is significantly different between the two releases: The original is fast paced and can skip 90% of two of the games chapters, while the port has to play every single level and is mostly reduced to use skips within the regular gameplay. Would a TAS of the PS3 version get rejected for having less entertainment value than the original, despite being a very different game? Or would it still get a vault publication because it's different enough?
We don't obsolete games between different consoles unless: - the consoles are very close to each other (like GG and SMS), the games are close to each other, and the audience agrees with obsoletion - game versions are intentionally made (almost) identical, like it uses to happen with modern game versions for consoles of the same generation
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Habreno wrote:
The tables as copied from the judgement text did not come out correctly and I need to fix this, yes. What other parts of the post aside from that were unreadable?
Where did I even mention the tables?
feos wrote:
It is completely unreadable, with all sorts of tag quotes, manual quotes, huge quotes, tiny quotes, parentheses, double parentheses (seriously?), and when it all gets twisted together and overlaps in a single freaking paragraph
For citations we have a tag, not a hundred ways to put quotation marks to perform nested citations that no one is able to trace and understand the source using intuition and black magic.
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One of the major points to keep in mind is that TASVideos has never been all about speed records. Quite the opposite, before 2012 we didn't have the tier system, and insanely optimized runs that fail to entertain were rejected. Boring speed records going to Vault is just a bonus, for those who are still entertained by such games and/or by the fact that they got beaten in a TAS way. So in every discussion about changing judging traditions we should consider the tier system. Because for Moons people would prefer a version that's superior over one that's faster, if we're talking about obsoletions. And if we are talking new branches, diversity is our main criterion. So nobody is objecting the suggestion to base publishing PAL as a new branch if it increases diversity. As pointed out by Radiant, it makes sense to have a PAL branch that highlights some special goal not present in other branches. So by using PAL for side branches (the unvaultable ones) we can make a branch even more different than it usually has to be to co-exist. This is good, this happened a bunch of times before: Rygar, Blaster Master, Mario Bros. A similar ruling should apply to using the Japanese release. Side branches only exist in Moons, so Vault is out of the question here. When we switch to PAL where no branch diversity is involved, which means a vaultable branch like any% or 100%, I insist on the superiority requirement, reflecting some or several parts of the PAL release that are better: media, gameplay, difficulty, challenge, glitches, routes, etc. As long as the run goes to Moons despite of being a vaultable branch, these factors should outweigh speed, because we want it to be as impressive as it can be. The above seems to already work for quite some time, and all the reasons look clear to me. The hard part is deciding whether we should allow switching to PAL for pure Vault runs. Speed is supposed to be the main factor here. But if speed is achieved by some reduced difficulty that notably reduces the challenge (and the impressiveness), people still use to prefer the harder version it seems. I suggest to leave Vault runs to the case-by-case basis when it comes to PAL. The decision should be a consensus between the judge and the audience (and probably the author?)
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I started reading Habreno's megapost to give it due consideration and reply where needed, but after a few paragraphs I officially refuse. It is completely unreadable, with all sorts of tag quotes, manual quotes, huge quotes, tiny quotes, parentheses, double parentheses (seriously?), and when it all gets twisted together and overlaps in a single freaking paragraph, I protest against this post despite of all the things that it might have gotten right or wrong (I'll never know).
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The resolution of the encode is 2880x2160.
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The idea to verify the glitched run in the back was perfect, it came in a a usual TASBot mindblower that while you guys are enjoying this "skill ceiling" TASBot has already beaten the whole game. The shock the commentators (that are absolute batlletoads masters FYI) expressed was the best part of the show to me. Awesome job!
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I finally got a note from MrWint resolving my main question: Does SMB PAL even have that unique supposedly noticeable glitch that's not present in NTSC and saves most of the time. For the entire thread I was sure that it was true, but I apparently confused 2 things: floor clip (that's actually unique and saves some frames) and flagpole glitch difference, that seems to save most of the time, as the submission notes indicate. And the third thing that saves time is the nature of gameplay. Floor clip does what Nach described: it gets past the same wall as NTSC, just a bit differently. Flagpole difference simplifies the setup, so the only visual difference in the main timesaver is the lack of bullets. I looked at my comparisons again: PAL x NTSC and HappyLee x MrWint, and failed to see the clear breaking difference that makes this run entirely unique. It's basically not the unique glitches that provide conceptually new content, it's the difference in the existing tricks that does conceptually similar thing a bit differently. So my original impression about this "clear to everyone" difference in this submission appears to have been false from the start. And if we abstract from the time-saver tricks and just take gameplay alone that's faster, that's where we need to clarify our rules. The reason to pick a PAL ROM version over NTSC should be superiority only IMO. Even if the two versions are similar in their quality, switching to PAL whenever it's faster feels like it reduces the challenge that has been traditional there and gives cheap time advantages. A similar thing happened to startup RAM state: we don't want to give this cheap method to everyone until we have a solid reason to. The solid reason being certain console possibility. Similarly, we should only switch to PAL if it's justified, makes sense, and in my earlier post I suggested these to check superiority: better media, gameplay, difficulty, challenge, glitches, routes. Some of these, or just one, but hugely superior. The decision to switch over should be a consensus between the viewers and the judges (and the author I guess?). Superiority here hasn't been proven, the PAL version is just shorter by its nature, and not the biggest part of the crowd wants obsoletion, and the judges disagree with it, so there is no consensus here. And for separate branches, I suggest what Radiant mentioned: when a new region version highlights unique gameplay aspects with relation to some goal or some branch, it might become part of that branch for the sake of diversity. Or it might become a new branch with no goal change if the difference is huge enough. I'll post these in the rules suggestion thread when I formulate it better.
I virtually judged this submission myself because of how much I disagreed with the decision. The biggest complaints were that it wasn't figured out what to do with all the support and how to properly counter it, as well as coming up with a new ruling based on full research. I've achieved my goals, so my mission here has been completed.
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The link died before I had time to check it :/
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HappyLee x MrWint comparison. Downloadable SD: Link to video
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The main question for me atm is, is the PAL run shorter due to a new skip impossible in NTSC, or is it just shorter due to the nature of the engine?
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I have to add that this should be brought to everyone's attention in the submission thread.
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I like #5 the most.
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What is getting where? How would interim builds of bizhawk help with all this?
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