Im am attempting to make a real time replay board for gamecube TAS (tool assisted speedruning) This is going to be done on an unmodified wii because i might need the 2 usb ports that the wii has. I am currently atending a boarding school where i have some tech restrictions (e.g, not having access to my laptop all the time) so I need help from the TAS community on this. I know duangoAC has replayed a super monkey ball tas on gamecube but my goal is to play back the inputs of a tas real time through the controller input. How i plan on doing this is modifying the base code of a TAS emulator so the output goes to the output pins on a arduino instead of to the emulator. Then the output of the pins goes to the wiis gamecube ports or to a multitap pluged into the wiis usb ports. I know this is very far fetched but with the right tools and the right mindset we might be able to conquer this goal as a community.