Posts for henke37

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I think that the script should timeout when a dialog box is opened, I don't consider it fit when such time wasting is done. But the correct solution if you want to accept it is to introduce another input to let the system know when a dialog box is open.
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There is a button labeled "Play Top". Try that.
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Complicated routes would be possible with a more advanced fitness criteria. The way I see it is that it tries to measure the progression towards the goal. For most levels, that simplifies to how far to the right MarI/O got.
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I did not touch the actual evolution code. I don't like LUA and in fact dislike it even more after my experiences with it today.
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LUA is ok for stuff you need all the time. But for one time peeks at stuff? Too much of a hassle.
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local fitness = rightmost - pool.currentFrame / 2
Nah, it just checks the consumed time.
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I did some tweaks on the code:
  • No support for SMB, only SMW, so all the filename checks are gone.
  • Path for where the files should go.
  • Expose mario's speed and a few more state details as inputs
  • Expose the actual id of the tiles and objects
MOD EDIT: Pastebinned lengthy code segment. -Mothrayas
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Linked list: generic sequence container, commonly used for things like entity lists Struct: Used for everything that needs more than a single number to describe it. Array: Multiple identical items in a streak Pointer to sub object: Item that should be considered a part of the main object, but for some reason isn't stored with it. Array of struct: Multiple identical items in a streak that need more than one number each. The entity list often uses this setup. Tree: Sorted lists, often used for various search indexes. Also used for hierarchical data, like the DOM in html. Pointer to array: Commonly used when the array is variable sized and must be allocated separately. Union: Multiple different variables sharing storage location, only one can be used at any time. Tagged union: A combination of an union and a variable tracking which union field is currently valid. Frequently used to implement variable type variables.
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Can it do every case? No. But a few common ones? That's reasonable. Go for the important parts first. Allow some sort of extensibility to let people cover rarer cases if they feel like.
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Linked lists can be converted into arrays for the purpose of display. Fancy things like iterators and what not can solve that problem. But sometimes the game really is complex. You need trees or even webs to show how pieces are interconnected.
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Please explain the choice to skip to world 2. To me, someone who doesn't play the game, it sounds like randomly jumping ahead in the game.
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Programming languages like LUA* is nice solution for more complicated data. But it shouldn't be needed for situations with just a little complexity. An array of structs is easy to deal with. Linked lists can usually be dealt with nicely too. People shouldn't need to be programmers to deal with just a little complexity. And programming languages doesn't describe the data structures. It's not a format for exchanging data format definitions. *LUA specifically is a horrible language in my opinion. Other languages are better.
Post subject: Ram watch: Replacing square wheels with jetpowered wheels
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Ram watch is an important tool when creating tas movies. But are the tools up to the task? The dominant systems right now only allow individual variables at fixed locations. This was fine ten years ago. But games are more complex than that. Games use arrays of structures. They use fancy things built using points like linked lists and trees. My observation is that the problem has already been solved. We just need to separate the definition of the tool from what we use it for. As far as I can tell, ram watch is the same as using a debugger to inspect memory in a program. And debuggers have data formats that can cope with the complex reality that programs create. We have formats like PDB and DWARF that at least attempt to deal with the complexity. Why aren't we using tools that can handle situations above the patently trivial ones?
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I meant that there is no need to compile it as an executable. Not that it would have a higher compatibility. My bad for horrible wording.
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For those curious, the game got a steam rerelease with a brand new 32 bit executable a couple of days ago. The long delayed sequel and level editor are also available.
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Really, it should work if you can pass the game swf as a command line argument to the standalone player. Or failing that, just stock windows file pickers.
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The only difference between the tics struct and normal key presses is that input mapping has taken place. Now, there is the question: can the input mapping result in all possible tics values? No. Some are blatantly bogus, for example moving faster than the normal maximum speed. In other words, some fields have range limits. So, the implementation has some problems here, it records absolute values, not normalized values. This complicates validation since some of the range limiting is done in the missing input mapping step. But does this make it a format unsuitable for secure speedruns? I do not think so, while there is an additional burden of input validation, it is still possible to ensure that people obey the letter of the rules the game is made of.
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I think the rule was intended to block people doing things like singe course runs for race games.
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jlun2 wrote:
Tangent wrote:
As godawful as this game is, shouldn't it, as mentioned in the WIP thread, really be the entire tournament, not just the last stage?
Well, it let me chose any of the stages, and I can't seem to find any rule that disallows this assuming it doesn't use passwords whatsoever. Hence:
Probably vaultable
Quite a blatant rule violation. I quote:
Movie Rules wrote:
It must beat the game (1-level movies are rejected).
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Are "May contain bugs" and "not deterministic" not big enough flags?
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Accuracy takes precedence over emulation speed for TASes.
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Why is the recompiler used in this movie if there is a label saying "This should not be assumed to be deterministic."?
Post subject: Bounties for tas movies
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I, like many others, have a game that I'd love to see a tas movie for. However, I am prepared to pay to have it made. Specifically, in the form of a bounty. To be specific, I am ready to offer a monetary reward for a completed movie. Sadly I can't offer a large bounty, but I can offer 10 USD for a run of the game Lomax.
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I think the real problem is this line:
This movie is speed run from level 102 to level 129.
Why doesn't it start at level one? Laziness?
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I assume that one could just use a stub dll that dummies all calls. Most games never use more advanced features than achievement reporting.