Posts for iikori

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Allmost the best TAS ever!
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Twelvepack wrote:
I was not aware of such a game existing, can anyone post a link to information about it?'94 Might be hard to find one...
Post subject: Mupen64 corrupts savestates randomly with Paper Mario
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I've got the latest "mupen64-rerecording-v8" and fully working non-corrupt rom image of Paper Mario. It seems that quick savestates (shift + Fn) and saving the state to hd are both acting alike. I'd say 33% of the saved states are working and the rest 66% of savestates are just displaying a blank screen with the music still playing in the background. I've tried to reset the game and the emulator + loading the states again, but no luck.. Just the blank screen and the background music. Any ideas? I'm kind of frustrated as I have to make several savestates in order to be sure that I even might have a change to return to the state I was.
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One of my favourite TAS. The unsuccessfull suicide over the ledge when saving Splinter was hilarious. :)
Post subject: Super Mario Bros Special in PC-8801
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Has anyone in here tried this game? I managed to found the disk-image of the game from the Internet and M88-emulator software, to try it out. The last version of the M88-emulator supported savestates, so I decided trying to beat the game. What happened in the level 4-4 was a bit odd, I wonder is this normal, or is the disk-image corrupted perhaps? In the first picture, I used the pipeless route. But ended up in mess anyway. This was the pipe route, I tried to jump my way out using certain tiles, but the next screen was full of brick wall. :/ There's a rather interesting article in the wikipedia for those who don't know what game I'm talking about.
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Definitely any game of the Bishi Bashi series for PSX, if intoxicated by alcohol. Booze and Street Fighter II on SNES is also very entertaining if played against real player.
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Rags To Riches for Commodore 64 is literally impossible to beat. The game has no ending! However, it is still a pretty addicting and hard game.
Post subject: More video game music!
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Two more tracks to enjoy! Beware The Zapper and The Last Ninja In Space!
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I'm glad that you liked it Cazlab. I'm currently composing a new track that has influences from Castlevania and Zelda. I'll Bump this thread when it's finished. I could also enter to the IRC channel, since you all should like this kind of music quite much. :)
Post subject: Fictional Video Game Music.
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I love all kind of game music, especially music from the console platforms such as Commodore 64 And NES. That's why I started to do the so called "Fictional Video Game Music." A typical song of mine usually contains a saw wave leads and gained guitars. So it's basicly close to Machinae Supremacy, but it's closer to video game music, since there's no vocal parts. Yet. ;) So, if you're still interested here's a URL that will lead you to the place where you can download 2 free songs. (Most of the text in that page is written in finnish, but the download images/links are easy to find.) PS. There's a "hidden" classic inside the song "8 Alas 21."
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The fight against ludwig left me utterly speechless. Even though I've watched all the work you have done this far, I'm sure that I'll still watch the finished version, perhaps several times. :) Good luck with the upcoming challenges.
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I don't care about the "sloppy" pipe entering at 1-1 and the backward jumping, in my opinion, was just hilarious. But what makes me even more satisfied, is that Phil and Genisto are trying to improve this timeattack again! I also hope, that someone will find another new glitch to use it as advantage I'm looking forward it. Hell of a timeattack, Voted for Yes.
Post subject: Faxanadu madness.
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Thank you Walkerboh. Since the day I started visiting nesvideos regulary, I've been hoping to see a "Tool-assisted Superplay movie" of Faxanadu. I also like this hard game very much. I never played it through when I owned the game. Awesome work. Voted for Yes. Now I only have to wait, untill someone decides to try his luck on the worst SNES-game ever: Last Action Hero.
Post subject: Rom Fetcher.
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I've no idea about what kind of Rom-chip does the NES-cartridge carrie. But I've actually made some copies of EPROM ROM-chips. The device I used, could held 8 EPROM's + the one that you copied the data from. The device was plugged to pc by parallel cable. I think that the NES rom copies are made using the similar manner. Perhaps I should seek some information about NES-cartridge roms and copying from google.
Post subject: Haven't stop laughing
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I agree with Dark Mana. I just can't stop watching the clip. And I Really started laughing when the Afroninja kept going. This is the funniest clip I've seen on the Internet so far, hopefully not the last one...
Post subject: Smashing the controller.
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I think that Solomon's key was quite hard to beat. I died and tried, until I reached the last level, which I never completed. So I was quite furious and yet still satisfied when I saw the time attack of it. :) Battletoads was too hard to me as well. Faxanadu was too difficult for me, but I was too young to understand all the hints, that were given through the game. I quit playing NES games at the age of 10. Needed some money for SNES ;) Oh, Wizards and Warriors II wasn't that hard, in my opinion.