Posts for ikuyo

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alexheights1 wrote:
Hmmmmmm. Potential TAS type content... Yes! Tool-assisted board game completions? Where can I find those? I want to see what the best dice roll combo and route is for snakes and ladders! What is a bug in a board game? Are there any examples of this, other than the fact that you can use Magic the Gathering cards as Turing machine? Is this potential TAS type content?
Reminds me I need to test if I can port the Steam version of Wingspan to Linux...
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All I wanted, back in 2021, was to see an Iconoclasts TAS. And then I found out you could make one. And the rest is history. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the support that movie got, Samsara who vouched for that movie and found a way to deal with the unexpected headaches it brought at the time, the many friends that I've met and collaborated with. You as a community put me here, and I'll make sure to help guide the site to be the best it can. I got big shoes to fill in, and I'll do my best. Thank you everyone!
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Hi, what's the current status of this movie? If the movie file is updated, I will claim it for judgement.
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One of the ideas I've been considering for a while is doing some sort of "TAS jam" where for a given time frame folks are tasked to make a TAS of a given theme, such as a game series or a console. The main part I would want to emphasize is that anything done for that doesn't have to be super optimal or anything since the goal is to get new people to try out TASing if they haven't done so before or seasoned TASers to try out games they wouldn't normally consider to broaden their horizons. It'd be nice to try hosting a community event without the inherent pressure of trying to outdo someone in a game.
I really like this idea tbh. I imagine grabbing some NES or SNES homebrew game, BizHawk, and a stream! Show people the whole process to encode it and encourage them to upload it or even send them to our userfiles. Show people the process, guide them thru some basic techniques, and such. It would be a very cool idea to do in an event or something. Regarding the rest of the options here, I think a monthly writeup/news roundup of notable TAS work (such as first submissions for a specific game, first publications from new users, etc) would help a lot. I've seen smilar things been done in communities such as Super Mario Kart to celebrate new runners! Feeling welcome and appreciated is what makes you more likely to come back with an improved run. EDIT: Got inspired by this enough to try and do this myself! Keep in mind this is a proof-of-concept:
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Do you know how I can access older versions of ScummVM? Their official downloads page does not have downloads for Linux older than 2.8.1.
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What were the settings used for running the movie file? I cannot get it to sync and no annotations were provided (libTAS 1.4.5 and ScummVM 2.9.0 cannot sync it).
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I look away for like two days and you beat me to the punch for this one! Nice work. Glad to see CS3D get the love it deserves!
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Yes, this is a provocative statement. In this statement I am strictly speaking as myself and not in my position as TASVideos Staff. THis statement is a collection of my own beliefs and observations after about 3 years being involved with TASVideos and its community at large.
As emulators entered the mainstream, save states slowly became a commonplace feature. They were convenient! We can save those long games of Sonic the Hedgehog, or forget about passwords for Metroid. Similarly, movie files showed up as a cute feature to record a sequence of inputs and show them play out in the game. DOOM Demo files were a big deal, and the ease of distribution for Demos was a huge boon for the speedrunning community that was born around the game. And what about pausing? Well, some games don't even pause! I just gotta go check the door, let me pause my game of Street Fighter. What we didn't know at the time was what all of these features would allow when used together. As the story goes, in November of 2003, bisqwit stumbled upon an interesting "time attack video" of "super mario bross 3". The video, created by Marimoto with the Famtasia emulator, was intriguing and fun and beautiful. Look at the skill! The long bounces and 1up chains. The daredevil jumps. It was awesome! What was this anyway? Was Morimoto that much better at SMB3 than anyone else? Well, no. This was a Tool-Assisted Speedrun. While TAS work had already existed as early as 1994 in the DOOM demo scene, this SMB3 warp run was revolutionary, and led people (bisqwit included) to discover this craft. bisqwit himself figured that work like this was worth sharing and celebrating, and created NESVideos as a site to share them, and a tool to generate AVI dumps of the movies as played back from their emulators. The stated goal of NESVideos, as shared in the available archive, is simple: they are art. While his views on what that entailed and the specifics on his taste on the movies itself is not something I agree with, he was correct: TAS work is a creative endeavor. A craft worth celebrating, sharing, discussing, and maybe even engaging in. The original goal is noble: NESVideos would curate high quality work for TASing, and provide a place to celebrate their authors and demystify the creative process. Now, as we all know, bisqwit had very specific views on a TAS should be. In the archive of NESVideos, he outlines what he believes a tool assisted movie should be, and it can all be summed up in one word: entertaining. This decision led to him deciding on a very specific, and somewhat narrow, range of expression for what a TAS should even be, and these would get slowly codified into a proper ruleset as the system became formalized in the process of submission and publication. This system allowed him to curate the highest quality work, pushing authors to strive for excellence, and justified the large amount of work that publication would take at the time. However, the world that bisqwit was in when he first found that movie is not the world we currently live in. For starters, as speedrunning becomes a larger part of gaming as a whole, naturally TASing has also become more culturally relevant within speedrunning and speedrun-adjacent communities. The advent of platforms such as YouTube and Twitch and new emulation techniques made both TAS creation and sharing available to just about anyone. Communities become more specialized as they push forward, with better tools and more advanced knowledge, creating extensive decompilations, trainers, replay devices and so on. As the artform developed and expanded, the goals, tools and views that different authors and communities desired shifted away from what the site was first made for. And at the time, TASVideos failed to recognize this shift. Furthermore, the site culture cultivated by its original vision made it uniquely hostile to this adaptation, and it took a long time to shake it off. We're still dealing with years, decades of bad decisions that led to many people, rightfully in my opinion, writing TASVideos off. I admire the work of our current staff and their commitment to make the site the best version of itself it can be. I wouldn't be a staff member if it weren't for those before me and around me that work to make the site better. The love for the craft they show and their desire to make the site live up to its goals is noble indeed. But their work has now exposed a different, more fundamental problem: The current framework of TASVideos is fundamentally unsustainable. As the site breaks off the binds it was born with, it finds itself more and more accepting of work. After all, that is what we want. But as we expand the rulesets and make our best effort to engage with more and more work, we find the simple truth that creativity is not to be bound. Longer and longer, as a judge, the rules feel less like what we work with and more what we work around, or, in increasingly more often cases, what we have to fight against. As the artform evolves, specializes and expands, our rulesets and guidelines feel ever less useful, ever more constraining, ever more obsolete. And we know this. Judges have never had to discuss more rulesets and changes than now. And as you would expect, different staff members have different views on what those guidelines should be, which is completely ok but also means arriving at consensus can take very long. Furthermore, thanks to the work we have already done, we have naturally been rewarded with exactly what we wanted: more and more submissions. 2023 was the single largest year in TASVideos history measured by number of submissions. 2024 so far is on pace to surpass it. The higher load on work, even if it wasn't work that particularly challenges the boundaries of our rules, has been welcome by a relatively small staff of volunteers, all of us just doing our best to help while dealing with jobs and lives and other interests. Absences are felt, burnout can be very real. We tried to enforce systems to keep us on track and contributing actively and it only made things _worse_. While not all submissions take as long, the whole process has become significantly harder. Complicating matters, the publications that precisely push against us tend to be those that we most want to have, or at least have someone vouching for them. If we didn't want them, rejecting would be the much easier way to go. But we do, and then the process extends to the point where by the time some of these get published, the authors already shared them elsewhere. Steering the tsunami of creativity is foolish, and has led to burnout and exhaustion. Or worse: it leads to people not bothering to submit in the first place. After all, in a world where a commentated TAS that doesn't abide by our rules can gain millions of views on Youtube, why? We cannot live like this. TASVideos will die. ... But it doesn't have to be this way. It never did. The way the site was originally set was a response to specific cultural and technological circumstances, filtered by the creative vision of the site founders. But we don't live in those times anymore. The world of TASing does not work like it did when bisqwit stumbled upon that movie. His views, his circumstances, are not for us to follow. As such, this is my statement: * I believe Tool Assisted Superplays, Tool Assisted Speedruns, Tool Assisted Demonstrations and other related forms to be creative work of different kinds with unique and different goals. They turn the interactivity element of video games as a medium and build a new medium on top. * I believe TAS work is worthy of celebration, archival, preservation, curation, and discussion. * I believe TASVideos as a community should strive to archive TAS work and celebrate its history, development and the communities' accomplishments. * I believe TASVideos should offer an introduction to TASing as a whole, as well as resources for those interested to both gain insight on what the craft is and how it is performed. I believe this to be fundamental for the future of the craft. * I believe TASVideos can and should connect different TASing communities together. * And most important to this discussion, I believe all of these goals, most of them concordant with the site's original mission, can be best accomplished without the submission and publication system currently in place. As such, I believe TASVideos should no longer have its submission or publication process. Now, if you ask me "What should TASVideos look like if it were to abandon its submission pipeline and rules" the answer is... I don't know. I have some ideas, for sure. I think archival of movie files and knowledge bases for both the general TASing process and specific games would definitely be part of that, and these elements already exist in the currently standing TASVideos site. But I can't say for certain, and even if I did, I don't think figuring such a thing out should be my work alone. More than ever, we need people, and people are there. We ought to listen to you, to what you think the best way to achieve the site's goals is, and how we can work towards that goal. Morimoto didn't need to go around each airship autoscroller by jumping constantly and bouncing on everything. But they did it because it was fun, and it communicated the superhuman nature of the run. In short, it was a creative decision. And it was a decision that worked so well that it made someone want to make a whole website to celebrate work like this. This small decision has rippled all the way into tool assisted work today, where autoscrollers, a part that commonly is derided in real time speedruns, can be some of the most fun a TASer could possibly have. They found a way to make autoscrollers fun. TASVideos as it currently exists, shackled to its rules and guidelines, slowly inches forward, doing its best to escape the pit it dug itself into, with good intentions, but slowly consuming itself in the process. And in the meantime, creators jump around us, gliding, collecting 1ups. - ikuyo, TASVideos Judge.
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I've confirmed sync with the latest movie! At least up to frame 6510. From what I've read here, it appears that the movie should just close there, but the movie you've sent is over twice as long. Should it be trimmed to just final input, and if so, how? I can replace the file if you let me know where I should cut.
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Have you been able to make any progress regarding the sync issues?
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Should I delay on account of the improvements?
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Actually, could you provide a file that does the epilogue stuff as well? Since the game doesn't have a credits sequence (outside of the one in the menu), we deem the endpoint of the run to be the return to the Main Menu, which this movie does not get to. Don't worry, this won't be accounted in terms of optimization as it is mostly non-gameplay.
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Nah, this is perfectly fine reasoning! Thank you for the update.
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Hi Merl_, I got a question: which version of the game are you using? And what drove this decision? Visiting the game's page, it appears the only officially available version of the game at this moment is v2.02, but the patch notes suggests other versions exist. I bring this up because according to the patch notes for v2.01, there is a glitch that allows you to skip the Level 1 intro cutscene in v2.00, which would save time. Our rules state that game and version choice are up to the authors provided there is good reasoning behind the choice. So, as long as you can tell me which version you used and why, I think we should be good in terms of judgement. Nice run btw, the game is pretty cute and I enjoyed the musical cues :P
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So, first of all, I want to apologize for the long time it's taken me to get to this judgement. I'll confess I was not too keen on touching this game, but that's exactly why I need to talk to you all about it, and what this means, or could mean, for TASVideos. In case you haven't played the game before or aren't aware of it otherwise, the game is, very directly, the story of a fictional school shooting. Your character very directly commits one as they go around, and as the author points out, there's also some rather puerile graphics shown. In most cases, I would just object to all this and reject outright, but Pico's school is, as the author points out in the submission, a significant game in the history of Flash as a medium and of Newgrounds as a platform. Heck, they put Pico in Friday Night Funkin' for that very reason. TASVideos does not punish the authors of movies for questionable content included within the movies, and we've published movies with rapid flashing lights in the past, for example. But I cannot, in good conscience, let this movie be published without a system that allows us to warn viewers of what the game is about. As such, my proposal on how to handle this movie is delaying until such a system exists. A content warning system would require some significant retooling on the publication side of things, and I cannot guarantee it will be implemented anytime soon, but I think this is the best way to allow this movie to be published, and also a significant improvement to the site overall. Are you, as the author, ok with a delay on this? What do our users think of this as a feature?
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Hi! I'm having issues finding the game. I got to the official website,, but it appears the domain that was hosting the swf is not up anymore and it redirects to a domain name provider.
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Confirming as well
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Tested sync on ruffle 2023-08-10 as provided, but the movie desyncs and never gets the door at the final frame. Additionally, a popup from newgrounds shows up that interferes with the encode. I thought this was the cause for the desync, but after spoofing it went away yet the movie still fails to sync for me.
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Thanks to input from KeithPlayzStuff, I've discovered some significant time saves and I've already saved over 30 frames in levels up to 9. I'd like to request a delay while I work on the improvement file.
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Pause Ahead is a platforming game by Askiisoft Games, released in 2013. The game describes itself as a "jumping-and-pausing action game", and pausing is a fundamental game mechanic! It finally works well enough with Ruffle to make a proper TAS. Here's the WIP Link to video
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darkshoxx wrote:
@ikuyo I'm not sure what the protocol is here, but I'm in no rush.
Yup, no rush! Take the time you need to fix the sync issues. In the meantime, I'll mark the submission as Delayed, which states the submission cannot currently be accepted until that issue is fixed, and indicates we're waiting for it to be fixed. Once you have your syncing movie, you may post it on this thread, I'll replace the original with the fix, and resume judging. You can also delay it yourself. Is that alright?
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Given the reported sync issues, I think delaying this submission for some time while they get sorted out might be the way to go. How do you feel? I'll delay it myself if you agree with this.
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My apologies, I accidentally submitted a WIP instead of the finished movie. I've uploaded the correct one as an userfile here: User movie #638252595495009262
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Yup, as suspected, foreground_sleep_ms is causing trouble as usual!Apparently the default changed between releases, and it causes some problems when set to 5 for some movies (as personal examples, Star Anise and PICOHOT). This change should be enough to make it sync, thanks!