Interesting, even if you use a levitation code in Thieves' Cave, you will trigger the cutscene. However, if you use the JANA-BERD 2xspeed Game Genie code, then you wont trigger the scene. Enjoy :)
Hmm... Well, it might be useful on any% since Nigel's attack power is so weak at that point. However, I'm not sure he would be able to absorb all of that damage in order to "ride" the lizard over to the other side--BUT, also using an Eke Eke might allow you to pull it off.
Also I was wondering whether it might be relevant to ride enemies other places in the game. For instance in Verla mine, is it possible to fall down on a giant right below the entrance, and then skip the door on the opposite side of the room? In Destel mine, is it possible to ride skeletons and jump over the gate doors rather than having to kill them first? To what extent is it possible to jump from enemies to enemies in general?
ars4326 wrote:
Also, I just took a look at your channel and, WOW! I had no idea you had most of these skip tricks figured out already! That trick with the two Taurus Golem statues in the final dungeon, especially, blew me away. There were at least three others on there, as well, that will save significant time in the final two dungeons (and I'll credit you for every one used in the TAS).
I guess the designers wanted us to solve the puzzle this way, otherwise the two statues would not be jumping :)
ars4326 wrote:
How does that "hidden button" trick work in Destel Cave? Did the programmers place a hidden switch somewhere on the edge of a platform?
Yes a hidden button I guess. Ratfunk found one in the final dungeon, where lizards normally awaken when you walk up the stairs after slaying the two knights. Invisible switches are found several places in the game, some of them right after the entrance of a room, such that you cannot avoid walking on them (e.g. the cave in which the mayor is imprisoned in Thieves' Hideout)
Looking forward to watching the final TAS :)
Ok, thank you for checking!
Yes, that's the same maanitou :) Ratfunk, Vayarda, and I certainly did a great job last year inspiring each other to find new skips and strats :) It's always a pleasure to see new tricks being discovered!
Great video :)
I have one question. At Lady Yard's in Mercator. If you only have 1 HP when Friday punishes you, she'll only hit you once and you save frames? I don't remember.
Looking forward the next video!