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I'm not going to spoil anything, I'm just going to say that everyone needs to watch this. Congratulations on a monumental achievement!
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Fortranm wrote:
This was one of my favorite games back then. Glad to see it finally getting a submission. Yes vote. Are you interested in making a 100% run of this game or improving the DKL2 100% run? There was a faster run on Nicovideo back in the same year.
Not going to rule it out, but not particularly interested right now. Have you got a link to that DKL2 run, though? I'd really like to see it!
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Something completely off the wall for the more technically inclined: a friend of mine was doing a S3&K speedrun and... this happened: That link should jump to the relevant part, but the whole run is included for context. Basically, with no emeralds, the runner enters a special stage, is placed in the hidden special stage 8, and then is gifted all seven Chaos Emeralds upon exiting. You'd think after 24 years I'd have a handle on this game, but yet again I am utterly bewildered.
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Very impressive! Clear yes. Nothing makes me quite so angry as seeing Labyrinth 3 done in this category without a shield. :D
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Yes vote for the resilience of the lightbulb in 8-1. What a trooper. Some cool stuff I didn't know about, definitely worth the watch :)
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So, there's a new skip that allows you to fight the Machine boss without any emeralds... A couple of people have been looking into it but can't really consistently replicate it... there appear to be game-long frame rules in play or something like that. Is anyone able to look into this and make sense of when/why it occurs?
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Hey great job man! Definite yes from me. Knew I hadn't optimised it very well back in the day but felt something was better than nothing. Spindashing in the air in EE1 is the obvious screenshot choice!
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Oh I wish I'd seen this before... You've lost a significant amount of time in Flying Battery 2 (probably in the region of 15 seconds) by standing within the arms at the boss - if you move away he doesn't shoot the fire at you at all between moves. I was also skeptical of knocking about the signpost in FB1 and LR1 but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that it was to manipulate object cycles. On the other hand, seeing Death Egg 2's first boss fought vaguely "as intended" was pretty cool for someone who hasn't done it that way in many years!
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Congrats on getting this done! Been following the WIPs and I'm impressed with how it's all come together. Now to do it all again with superjumps! ;)
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Oh, good job me. Watched this and forgot to vote. :( Looks like you didn't need my vote anyway though. Congratulations!
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Oh nice! I had no idea this was being worked on again, and suddenly almost the whole game is done! Very impressive work, all! I will say, though, that I think aesthetically taking the hit on HT2 looks really bad, even if it is a few frames faster. As much as it's a puzzle to avoid the rings themselves, part of the challenge is the fact that no rings means you can't take a hit, too.
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I knew that King Boom Boo method was possible I JUST KNEW IT Been waiting for over a decade for this to finally be made and show just what this game was capable of. Pyramid Cave was ballistic. Easiest yes of 2015. Calling it early!
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Is it bad that I kind of miss when there was a lot more of the actual stages being played? I mean really, even Hidden Palace now? (This from the guy who just finished a real time run of the game... in four minutes more game time than the real time of this movie...) Yes on both, of course. But it's very hard to follow, even for me! I hate to think what someone who'd never seen the game before would think!
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Yeah, it's Sonic 1 that acts like that out of a rolling jump. The only time the speed cap kicks in in Sonic 2 is if you have air control (running or rolling off the edge of a platform, for instance).
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Well, that was awesome. Simplest Yes vote in quite a while. I particularly enjoyed your very comprehensive notes - your knowledge of this game far surpasses mine! I had a couple of questions, I feel like one was for something in Marble Garden but I've now forgotten it, but the other one was for the final boss: is it not slower hitting it from the left like this? It looked like Metal Sonic made four passes across the top instead of three.
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Holy awesome! Always knew ring runs could look great in TAS but this is quite outstanding. Should have kept a count on the amount of times Knuckles clipped into a wall :P
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Forgot to post earlier, really enjoyed this run, yes vote. One slight query though: can't you use the down+B attack to just bounce on the final boss, allowing you to end input much earlier? Or does this affect game time? edit: wow it's in the comments, good job mike
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Espyo wrote:
Some extra entertainment could be used when running from the bombs in AIZ2...
It's faster to just continue to run here, as the speed from the spindash before the bomb section is stored even though you appear to be running much slower. If you slow down you'll only go to the boss area at regular running speed (or you can spindash at the right time, which is still slower than storing it from earlier since rolling causes you to decelerate on flat ground).
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Welp, time to try and get that Lab 3 zip on console... Easy yes, great job!
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Team Blast Glitch works on all bosses in this game - from memory it cuts the Metal Overlord fight roughly in half.
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WST wrote:
Who was the first to discover horizontal underflow? Was it discovered during real-time gameplay, or maybe while tasing, or maybe it was predicted after analysing the game's code and then actually performed? Really curious about the history of such a useful trick.
I think the first use it found in speedruns was in Marble Garden 2, but I couldn't tell you for sure who was the first to actually use it. What I do know, though, is that Upthorn had to ask me what the method was, which means it was discovered by the real time speedrunners first.
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This guide explains the STT signpost possibilities pretty well:
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Great job! I have lots of personal experience with this game and how badly it controls, so it's always great to see it get comprehensively destroyed. :) Big ol' Yes from me.
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What happened in the ending? Did the game print out the entire RAM map or something? I have to say, this is quite unlike anything I have ever seen. Amazing work!
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Making it more complicated is the fact that the Red run (ZZAZZ) was proven not to work on an actual cart...
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